SOAP our new study, Set Apart, with us today!

If I’ve learned anything in my forty years of life it’s that we can honestly and truly experience the joy of the Lord, even in the midst of great suffering. Joy is not reserved for the good days and the sweet seasons. Joy is a gift from the Lord, which is a strength no matter what we face in our day-to-day lives. 

In this passage, Paul invites us to choose a different way of living and thinking. Instead of choosing fear and anxiety, he encourages us to pray and trust. Not only does God hear our prayers, but He is in control. He is sovereign and good. When we pray, peace guards our hearts. Just as it’s impossible to worship and worry at the same time, I have yet to spend time in prayer and not feeling comforted.  

Paul’s encouragement to us to pray is one that we all need. However, it is more frequently overlooked when life gets tough. How often are we more likely to pick up the phone as soon as a hard moment or season occurs, to call or text a friend before we remember to quiet our hearts and minds, bowing before the Creator who knows us, sees us, and ordains our every step? Friends are wonderful and a provision from God, but they cannot provide true and lasting joy. 

Real joy can only be found in Christ. It cannot be bought or borrowed. 

Although the last five years of my life were some of the hardest and most devastating days that I have ever walked through, I did not lose my joy. I was defamed. I was falsely accused. I was betrayed. I was deceived. It was a season of long-suffering. Through it all, the Lord was faithful. He met me each and every morning that I carved out time to spend with Him. Some days consisted of fifteen minutes of prayer and Bible reading, while others were over an hour! As I committed to meeting with Him, my desire for Him grew greater. As I spent more time with Him, His voice was easier to hear and recognize. 

The world would tell me that I have every right to be bitter and angry about how my life has played out thus far. The last ten years have been a roller coaster, from the loss of both of my parents and younger sister, to betrayal in marriage and friendships, which lead to divorce and the severing of many relationships. However, instead of bitter, I have chosen better. It’s a daily decision and one I have yet to regret. 

Peace and joy are evident to the world around us. 

The Lord’s peace is our guard, especially as we remain committed to exuding gentleness, kindness, and love in the face of loss and betrayal. When we choose to live a life set apart, a life committed to prayer and loving God greatly, we get to experience the fruit of His promise, which is peace and joy. It is not a fleeting joy, but a joy that endures and sustains us when life wears us down. 

The world, sadly, does not understand the comfort of lasting joy. Our joy in the midst of hardship will shine brightly against the darkness. Through our joy, we will have the privilege to show them something better and point them to the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our relationship with God through Jesus Christ is critical, though. Prayer is the weapon we use to abide with Jesus and fight against bitterness and hopelessness. Prayer is an invitation to know Him and be known by Him.

We will wrestle with opposition threatened by our adoration and loyalty to the Lord all the days of our lives.

Through prayer, we…

…fight the good fight.
…safeguard our mind and heart.
…receive the gift of enduring joy and unexplainable peace.
…live our lives set apart from all this world tries to offer us. 


Join us as we study God’s Word using the Set Apart study!

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Shop our new Bible study for women, Set Apart: Living a Life for God's Glory!

Kelli Trontel

Kelli Trontel

Entrepreneur, photographer, writer, worship leader and single mother of two Kelli Trontel has proven that while life can bring grief upon grief, difficult days did not take her out. Her passion is to share how the Lord has been faithful even when life and others aren’t, how worship is our weapon and that the Lord truly fights our battles.

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