We have covered a lot over the last four weeks. As we wrap our Advent study up this week, let’s focus on the good news of Luke 2:10-12.
To not fear and, instead, remember the joy the gospel brings to all people is easier said than done. However, it is crucial to live by these words as we continue to seek to be faithful and not lose hope in the increasingly hostile world around us.
In today’s verses, we are given a few specific and amazing truths applicable for our everyday lives. Let’s look at them together:
1. Do Not Be Afraid!
How often do you worry? When fear threatens to overwhelm you, what is your strategy to combat it? Do you tend to give in to fear and anxiety?
We live in a world where becoming crippled by fear does not take much. For some of us, it only takes turning the TV on and hearing the news headlines. We don’t have to go far to see how evil seems to be winning over good.
But God!
He sent His angel to the shepherds in the fields, and his first words were, “Do not be afraid!”
How can we live without fear? The answer is both simple and complicated: By remembering what comes next. The angel didn’t stop there, and God doesn’t either. Whatever you are facing in life right now, and whatever fears are trying to steal your peace, know there is more to come. The best is always yet to come.
2. Good News of Great Joy
The angel continued to explain to the shepherds the real reason why they didn’t have to fear. He was bringing them good news of great joy!
The “good news” here in the original Greek is euangelizomai, which is the verbal form of the word “gospel.” The good news is the gospel! It is that Jesus came down as a baby to live a life we could never live and die the death we deserve, so you and I can be reconciled to God and find salvation through His death and resurrection.
This good news takes care of the problem of our souls, destined without Jesus to die a death with no hope of eternity with God but, instead, to face eternal suffering.
All of this should, and does, cause us great joy! Our souls, created for eternity, have received life and hope through the life and death of Jesus Christ.
Let’s follow the heavenly army joining the angel in verse 13 and praise God saying, “Glory to God in the highest!”
3. To All the People
Lastly, this good news of great joy, which causes fear to flee is not for us to keep to ourselves. It is for all the people, in all the nations of the world.
As God’s people, His children, holy and dearly loved, we ought to live our lives in such a way where those around us can see the difference. And not merely see us, but see clearly, albeit without understanding until we tell them, the high calling on our lives to live as children of the Light.
As the world becomes darker around us, we will shine brighter – showing the difference God makes in our lives and the reason for our hope.
Let’s make sure this Christmas season that those closest to us know the reason for the hope we have. Let’s share the good news of great joy!
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Begin the new year with us by diving into God’s Word using our new Bible study, Set Apart!
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