“And the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susa was thrown into confusion.” Esther 3:15

I don’t know about you, but I am really quick to condemn this king, King Xerxes, for his brash attitude and unfeeling heart at what he has just done. He goes off to drink with Haman, unconcerned about how his decision will affect others. He is content to eat, drink, and be merry, because it doesn’t affect him {or it affects him positively}.

But that is my sinful heart, looking to point the finger to avoid looking at myself. How close is the comparison between this selfish king and myself? Ugh.

When I turn that pointing finger around and face the facts, I am really not so different from this king I am shocked by. Let’s take an honest look at ourselves before we throw stones.

Here are some thoughts on the subject from the Esther Commentary by Iain Duguid. Read carefully these words.

“If we look at our personal lives, we may find that we are really no different. What drives us to do the things we do? Do we think carefully before we act? Are we driven by gospel-directed logic in all of our decision making? Or have we handed over the signet ring of our lives to the enemy of our souls, who has deceived us through his shallow logic, making us the slave of our appetites? Many of us have sold our integrity for far less that Xerxes. ….We are often proud of ourselves because we have not committed any great sins, yet does not the very smallness of our sins sometimes condemn us? How little we have received in return for our integrity! How cheaply we have allowed ourselves to be bought.”

That is heavy, huh? And when I just look at myself and my sin, I am tempted toward “the depths of despair.” And this is important because without realizing just how bad it is, we can’t understand how GREAT is the hope that we have!

Because of the Cross, I have hope!

Because of the Cross, I am redeemed!

Because of the Cross, my signet ring is handed over to the Lord of Lords!

Because of the Cross, tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it!

And this good news breaks us free from slavery and turns our hearts in worship to the Almighty King, who always acts with our good in mind. If we are in Christ, Our Signet Ring belongs to Him. We are no longer slaves to our appetites, as King Xerxes was, but we are slaves of righteousness!

But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:17-18

Rejoice in this good news today, sisters!

All for Jesus,

Week 3 Challenge: What passion, desire or logic drives your life? Is there anything in your life that you are a “slave” to? If so, confess that today to God and allow Him to break the chains and set you free!

Memory Verse

Reading Plan


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Joy Forney

Joy Forney

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