SOAP verse for The Promised Messiah Bible study for women!

Praise the Lord that we have a Redeemer who lives and who will one day stand upon the Earth! Jesus, our Redeemer, is alive. I think about Luke 24:1-10 when Luke describes how the women went to the tomb at early dawn where they found the tomb empty. Verse two says, “they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.” 

I try to put myself in their position. I think I would experience a range of emotions: confusion, sadness, fear, etc. The Bible records that “they were perplexed” (Luke 24:4). I would be, too. The angels reminded them of Jesus’ words of how He told them He was going to rise again. I love the angel’s simple yet profound words to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has been raised!”  

Redeemed and Forgiven

Jesus being alive changes everything. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they brought sin and death into the world. We all have a sin problem. The Bible is very clear in Romans 3:23, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” There is no person on earth (other than Jesus) who has been free of the presence and power of sin. 

Our sin puts us in debt to a holy God. Now we, or someone else, has to pay for that debt. We need redemption. Romans 3 goes on to say in verse 24 that “they are justified freely through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Jesus redeems us from our debt of sin. 

He is our Redeemer. He took on the punishment for our sin in His body on the cross. He died for your sin and my sin. Forgiveness and victory is found in Him. 

Raised Victoriously

The story of redemption doesn’t end at His death. He was buried in a tomb, and then three days later He rose again. In 1 Corinthians 15:17 it says, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is useless; you are still in your sins.” It goes on in verse 19 to say, “For if only in this life we have hope in Christ, we should be pitied more than anyone.” 

Christ’s resurrection is central to our faith. If Christ did not rise, then He does not have the power over death. If He does not have power over sin and death, then our faith is pointless. But praise be to God that this is not the case!

We know that He did rise. Therefore, He has defeated death. We know that death is not the end for us. We have a resurrected life with Jesus to look forward to! First Corinthians 15:26 reminds us that, “the last enemy to be eliminated is death.” Jesus accomplished this victory over death through His death and resurrection. What incredible news!

One day, we, too, will rise again and be with God in heaven. We will worship forever before the throne of God. This truth was accomplished for us by Jesus through His death and His resurrection. One day, Jesus will return and stand upon the earth. For those who have trusted in Him, they will be with Jesus forever.

Praise the Lord that we have a redeemer who lives and who conquered sin and death on our behalf. 


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Mary Leslie Racine

Mary Leslie Racine

Mary Leslie loves a good book, a nap, going for a walk, and, most importantly, God and His Word. She is a mom to three kids and has been married to her husband, Heath, for 13 years. She is passionate about encouraging women to be in God’s Word and to build their life on His truth. She loves spending time with her friends and enjoys a good day out on the lake.

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