Get excited girls… the start of our Names of God study is just ONE WEEK AWAY!! We want you to know that we’ve been planning, preparing, and praying for YOU!
In today’s fast-paced technology driven world, it would be easy to study God’s Word in an isolated environment that lacks encouragement or support, but that isn’t the intention here at Love God Greatly. God created us to live in community with Him and with those around us.
We need each other, and we live life better together.
Because of this, would you consider reaching out and studying with someone this session?
All of us have women in our lives who need friendship, accountability, and have the desire to dive into God’s Word on a deeper level. Rest assured we’ll be studying right alongside you – learning with you, cheering for you, enjoying sweet fellowship, and smiling from ear to ear as we watch God unite women together – intentionally connecting hearts and minds for His glory.
We want to help you begin this session well! This post is packed with lots of great info on how YOU can get the most out of our Love God Greatly resources this session…
There are several ways to participate with Love God Greatly this study session:
- Follow our LGG Facebook page! We’ll post the study verses of the day, links to our blog posts, and tons of extra encouragement throughout our 6-week study.
- Follow us on Instagram @LoveGodGreatlyOfficial for daily study postings, and plan to share your study images and insights by using the #LoveGodGreatly hashtag.
***We currently have a giveaway going on….7 Names of God journals to 7 winners…one for you and one for a friend! Giveaway ends Monday night…follow us on Instagram and enter the giveaway!
- You’re invited to join in the conversation on our Love God Greatly blog posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout the study session.
- Find our Names of God Bible reading plan and devotional content on the mobile app YouVersion! Visit our Resources page and select YouVersion for the direct link, on November 9th….the day our study begins!
- If you wish to journey through Names of God with a small private group, we encourage you to reach out to your friends and family and participate in the study with them!
- Lastly, you are welcome to study solo. We want you to choose the option that works best for you!
Study in a group:
A Love God Greatly Community Group is a sweet place to receive extra encouragement, fellowship and accountability with other women throughout our study sessions!
Many women form groups from already established personal relationships with friends or family. Once you have gathered your group, simply visit our Become a Facilitator page for the next helpful steps.
Names of God- Study Materials:
Lastly, you spoke and we listened! For your convenience, our Names of God Study Journal is now available for purchase in gorgeous paperback book form via Amazon! We love this option since all of the work is done for you; just make sure to place your order SOON so that you’ll receive your journal before our study begins! And don’t forget, 100% goes towards supporting the Love God Greatly non-profit ministry!
Our study journal is 110 pages and includes memory verses, reflection questions, 6 week Bible reading plan, SOAP journaling pages and MORE!
You can also download our materials by visiting our Bible Studies tab. Select Names of God to download the Study Journal and Reading Plan. If printing the study journal, please make sure you print on BOTH sides to save you on paper!
Subscribing to the LGG Website allows you to access our M-W-F blog posts and FREE resources via email. If you are already subscribed and receiving Love God Greatly emails, no need to do a thing!
1. To subscribe via email: Please visit and enter your email address using the LGG Subscribe button located on the Home page midway down the page.
2. You will receive a popup message from FeedPress that says “Newsletter subscription: Your subscription has been successfully submitted. Thanks!” You will receive an email to validate your subscription in a few minutes. If you don’t receive this email, please check your Spam folder.
3. Confirmation Email – Check your email inbox, spam folder or promotions tab (Gmail) for a verification message from ‘newsletters@FeedPress’. Please click on this link to validate your email address. This confirms your subscription. If the link is not clickable or doesn’t open, copy and paste it in the address bar of your browser.
4. Once confirmed, you will begin receiving emails from LGG when the next blog post is published. Our FREE study materials are available by clicking the links at the very bottom of the emails. The files are large; please download to your computer before printing.
LGG emails are sent out on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, or with each new post. If you activate your subscription on a Monday, you will likely begin receiving emails on Wednesday.
We hope you’ll utilize all that LGG has to offer YOU this session! We’re SO thrilled you’re joining us, and can’t wait to see you back HERE on November 9th when we kick off our Names of God study!
LGG Enrollment Coordinator

really looking forward to this study!
Welcome Suzy! Love hearing that you are excited to get started! 4 days and counting down. YAY!!! Glad your joining us! Sheila LGG Encourager
I am looking forward to this study as well! This will be my first time with Love God Greatly.
Is this the email that we should send to new participants for our groups? Or will there be a different email that we can forward to non-facilitators to Subscribe and join? Thank you!
Hello 🙂
We are not having open enrollment this study. Please feel free to add members to your group and send them to and scroll down the page to LGG Subscribe and have them enter their email address so they can receive the emails for this study. Sheila LGG Encourager
Hi! I am really looking forward to this study! Unfortunately, I don’t have an Instagram account. Can we enter the giveaway any other way?
Thanks for all you do! God bless you!
Hi! I just submitted to become a facilitator and need to create my Facebook group with the name I submitted and invite others. I only see “join a group.” This upcoming study will be my 3rd one. I am ready to study with, and encourage women in my community. We need each other!
Tammy that is wonderful you have your group ready to go!!! Have you heard back about the app for facilitating? Also this study we are not doing open enrollment and posting groups. So feel free to add your family and friends to your group and have them sign up on the Love God Greatly website to receive the emails. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Hello, Martha!
As you may recall, I stepped away as facilitator back in summer due to my husband’s prostate cancer/surgery. God has blessed him with healing and he is now totally cancer-free! We are so happy.
And with that good news, I am so excited and ready to step back into facilitating another group. Especially for this study, The Names of God! It is one I have so wanted to do for quite a while.
So, I have my group and we will be doing a FB page group.
Just checking to see about the password for the Facilitator’s Page ~ can I get that please?
Sheila Miller
Yay Sheila! Glad to have you back. You will need to fill out the facilitators form again. Just follow this link and you will hear from Martha.
Sheila LGG Encourager
Is it possible to get the blog posts/daily scripture reading in the body of an email instead of just the link?