Jehovah Jireh. Yes, He is our provider, but there are times when Christians think this means health, wealth, happiness, ease and comfort.
And this line of thinking leads me to ask the question: What about my neighbor here in Uganda, whose husband skips out when it’s time to pay school fees so her boys hang in trees instead of sit in desks, their feet go shoeless, and when their one banana tree doesn’t produce, their bellies stay hungry?
What does “abundantly more than she asks or thinks” look like then?
And I’m pointing the finger at myself. How many times have I complained over the house I’ve been given, the walls that need painting, groaned at the power going off again, the mismatched tile, the city living, and on and on…while right over the wall, right over the wall, my neighbors go hungry?! I’m ashamed to even write it. My sin and selfishness sickens me.
So let me ask you: when do we look at these verses and God as our Jehovah Jireh, and say yes, He is and He has, and all that He has given is enough? When does that point come? Instead of coming to Him and asking and wanting and wishing and hoping, we come to Him in thankfulness, knowing, yes, it isn’t exactly what I wished for or what I wanted, but He has been faithful and He has provided.
Just to put it in perspective….
If you have a car, you are wealthy.
If you have a warm and dry place to sleep tonight, you are wealthy.
If you know where your next meal is coming from, you are wealthy.
If you have access to some sort of schooling for your children, free of charge, you are wealthy.
So what about taking these verses, these thoughts about how BIG our God is and how well he provides for our needs, and saying instead, “Yes, God, my Jehovah Jireh. You have already provided MORE than I can ask or think. Thank you for providing for me, abundantly. Your power is at work within me. To YOU be the glory in your church. Now show me how I can bring you fame in Christ Jesus throughout the generations. You have blessed me beyond words, now let me go and be a blessing in Your name.”
“What God’s graciously given you is always enough to be abundant grace for someone else.” –Ann Voskamp
So what if we change our mindset? What if instead of coming to look at these verses as a promise of “stuff” we looked at them as a promise of more of Himself? What if you begged Him to make Himself more real, and He blew you away with how He provided Himself for you?
“When your comfort food is comfortable stuff-when do you hunger for the comfort of the Bread of Life?”- Ann Voskamp
*And just to finish the story, a friend and I have made sure that our neighbor boys are able to go to school, their bellies don’t go hungry, and their mama has means to earn a small living.*
What are your thoughts? Share with me in the comments!
With Love From Uganda,
I am very thankful that my car is reliable(now it is), I know where my next meal is coming, I have a roof over my head, my kids are grown now but when they were young they had free education(thru high school) but I haven’t ever considered that being wealthy. I haven’t seen it that way before. In the past, I have been afraid when I have gotten in my car that it would not start to get me to work or stuck somewhere & it wouldn’t start and I had no money to get it fixed. I have never been without food so I don’t understand true hunger/starvation. I am going thru real financial hardships at this present time(its starting to get hard to pay bills) but I need to be more aware that compared to others even in the USA, I am wealthy. I do have it hard, but it’s not as hard as some. I need Him to be more real to me.
Thank you for sharing Barbara! I am also so very humbled today by this blog. And trying to reflect on God largeness in my life and see the blessings instead of complaining of all I don’t yet have or think I need. Oh sweet sister we pray that God begin to pour out all that you have need of in this time and that your eyes be open to see that provision. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Just as the verse says in 21, God works within us, He is working you and your neighbors to help out the boys and momma! God is so loving and good. Way to go!
That is how I try to live each day, seeking God and asking who needs His touch today? Thanks for this study ladies. Such a blessing to me!
Wow! this is conviction for me, as it should be. My oldest daughter had gotten into some trouble about 4 years ago, I have custody of her kids because she gave up her rights to us. I have had them 4 years now and where I do not complain all the time because we adopted them and added 4 more children to give me a total of 7 children and one of grandkids is sick with Cerebral Palsy and lots of doctors.
But I have failed, God has provided a way for me to get a full time job at our school for 2nd grade this year, he has made a way for me to be able to get him to the Dr. He provided clothing, food, a house warmth and so much more that he has provide and my children always get their needs, we are not much on wants but there has been times when they do have a want but we just do not go there a lot of times it might be all these video games and stuff. I need to appreciative that I have 7 there is many parents that have none and will never have any because it is not possible for them to have children forgive me Father for my selfishness.
So appreciate your thoughts on this…I have had to learn that Jesus isn’t always about “happy ever after” in our lives… He does meet our needs, He does take care of us but it may not be as we think… We do have so much to be “thankful for”!!
The portion of today’s scripture that really stuck out to me was, “according to his power that is at work WITHIN US” out of the NIV. (Emphasis mine). We have the power to do His great work to the glory of Christ Jesus inside of us. We just need to use it. My prayer is that we all submit to the power within us and allow Him to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine to glorify His Almighty Name, Jesus.
Oh Jeanine I am just a fellow sojourner but I love your perspective on today’s lesson on this scripture. I am asking the Lord to enable me to access that power more each day that I may be able to show through my life and actions that He is at work in me. The same power that created the Universe is WITHIN US! I am overwhelmed by His love and grace.
Thanks Jenine for pointing out “according to the power that works in us.” I was seeing God do God, but had missed the part that He wants to do Him through me. Thank You Father for showing me that You are able to do much much more through me than I can imagine. I trust You to do it. Amen.
I agree and I am loving these verses today! “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” , the nkjv, and I looked up the word “power” in Strongs and the Greek word used is dynamis – meaning miraculous power, and also “works” -energeo meaning active in me. This really spoke to me and reminded me I am His vessel and need to be ready for Him to use!
Yes, Jeannine, the Holy Sprit resides in each of us.
He whispers, but do we hear?
He stirs, but do we move?
Sadly, we wait until the whisper is a shout and the stirring becomes a harsh blow.
But how beautiful our lives could be if only we recognized His presence within and loved accordingly.
Oh, for the wisdom to discern His voice.
Jeannie, I love this! I so agree. My thoughts today were also that “He works through us” so that means He will use us to bring provision into the lives of others. Oh how wonderful is His word! Love your prayer for us all, “My prayer is that we all submit to the power within us and allow Him to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine to glorify His Almighty Name, Jesus.”
Sheila LGG Encourager
Your post makes me feel selfish and I don’t think I am.
Yes, I have food in the house but I have gone hungry to feed my kids. Yes, I have a good car – through God’s grace. Yes, I have a roof and 4 walls but is it selfish to want a home without a cracked foundation, an broken HVAC and a leaky roof I have no means to repair? My heart hurts for those you mention above and I do what I can, altho I’m certain it’s not enough.
Is it ever going to be enough? I tithe to my church and we support several organizations that feed, house, clothe and educate. I do what I can locally, often using my skills and talents and what I have rather than cash money. I pray God knows my heart and desires to help, even when I can’t help.
Ann, I’m sorry that you are having a hard time right now. I haven’t ever had the exact problems you describe but I feel the pain in your words and want you to know that I am praying for you. I dn’t know God’s plan for you and your family but I pray you will remain faithful to Him. He will work it out.
Oh sweet mama just know God is faithful. I have been in similar situations. My husbands job failed us and I counted pennies at the grocery store so many times. We are in a much better situation now. I’m praying for you and your family. Praying for peace and comfort for you. Just know these hard times refine us to help us help others going through the same when we are in a better situation. I am the perfect example of that. Praying for you.
I have been in that place too of hardly having enough for my own family and children let alone giving much to others. My husband had to sell his plasma for a few years just so we could afford food each month (when we had our first two daughters.) I read something yesterday that spoke to me about this and I hope it encourages you too.
“Sometimes I wonder if good works have been relegated to physically meeting needs outside our homes. there seems to be an unspoken consensus that if our good works are only done in the home — at least for a time– that we aren’t doing enough. That we need to do something bigger for God.
What if my good works are being faithful to my family–loving and supporting my husband, teaching my children about God and the world they live in, take care of my home and being hospitable? What if the daily things such as feeding my children, bathing them, showing them how to properly brush their teeth, helping them learn to read and how to speak kindly to a friend who has hurt them–what if those are my good works? Is that enough for God?
As I crawl out of this season and into a new one, what if the expansion of my good works is keeping an eye out in my neighborhood for needs I can meet?
What if I never serve in a soup kitchen or go on a mission trip to another country? Will God still be pleased with me?
Are my daily meager offerings enough?
Maybe I’m not as selfish as I think. I mean, maybe being faithful where I am is enough, and I shouldn’t feel guilty.
I think the guilt comes when we know we should do something and we don’t do it. When we spend time in God’s Word and with the Spirit, we will be more receptive to what He calls us to do day in and day out, in the various seasons of our lives, because where we are now is not necessarily where we will be in the future. It’s why we follow the Spirit; we don’t know where it comes from or where it is going, but we follow by faith.
I think the same is true for good works. We follow by faith as God leads us to what He wants us to do. If we are open, it means that we are open to whatever He asks of us, whether it is to care for orphans in a third-world country (Are we open to that?), to faithfully raise our children with diligence and intention (Are we open to that?), to adopt a child (Are we open to that?), or a great many other things God may have planned for us. The question is, are we open and willing?
The only thing we aren’t allowed to do is nothing.
God commands us to love and serve and do something. That ‘Something’ looks different for everyone, but Jesus is clear: Go.
Go raise your kids well.
Go feed the hungry.
Go visit prisoners.
Go clothe the poor.
Go love your neighbor practically.
Go share your hope.
Go care for a widow.
Go help an orphan.
Go make disciples.
Go carry your cross.”
End of quote (That was from the book “Longing for Paris”)
A few years ago when we were finally out of the financial hardships of the previous 8 years or so (up and down) we started going to a church that emphasized serving in the community. Not a bad thing to be concerned about at ALL of course, but I felt like God was telling me that I needed to focus on my own children for this season. I don’t believe that God requires or wants us to do it all. Often what he wants us to do is much less that what we think we SHOULD be doing. Focusing on the little things of being faithful and tending our children or loving the people immediately around us and listening to His Spirit in us is the point. Our many good deeds aren’t the point. God doesn’t need us to do something for him. Being faithful in little things is something God wants us to do because it’s good for us and can bring us closer to Him (I want my children to consistently brush their teeth every day, not because it helps me, but because it is good for them.) Ask Him what He wants you to be doing now– be it a “big deal” or a “small deal”– The widow how gave her small coin was not a “small deal” to Jesus. He sees our small and big sacrifices and knows our heart and what he has planned for us. Whatever we can do, whatever little thing he wants us to do is enough. Jesus won’t love us more if we do more for Him. His sacrifice was enough once and for all and now we just need to live in relationship with Him.
Thank you for your words! I think often our human side comes out and compares us to other humans instead of to Jesus. Our example is Him and when we compare ourselves to other humans, we often think higher or less than we are. Looking toward Jesus for our guide and sacrificing what we can as he did is our purpose. I agree with you in saying to listen to God and he will direct you in how you should live according to his will for you in that season.
Thank you Lynn for sharing and giving clarity in such a heart felt way. Your has blessed me today!
Thank you for this reminder of what we have already been blessed with. These verses mean so much more to me today than they did years ago. I am so thankful for what God has graciously given me!! I made a trip to Uganda a few years ago and seeing how people can be happy and loving with so little has changed my whole outlook! I loved this post!
It is a treasure to see you blessed by Joy’s words today Kim. I myself was very humbled at how spoiled we have become. Although God wants us blessed in everyway, He also does not want us more focused on what we “think” we WANT over what we actually NEED. In the business I am in I get to bring large checks to homes and make offers and have watched some turn it down and say they don’t need the money but yet they have very little and I walk away humbled yet again at what I have defined as a need. Hmmm so much to ponder today. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Thank you for this verse and reminder today. My family has recently been having some difficulty following a death in the family. There are parts of our struggle that I have not taken to God. I have a bad habit of trying to fix things on my own and turning to God as a last resort. Today I commit to bring this struggle to my Father and trust his provision in the outcome.
I am so sorry for your loss. You are not alone in your habit of being a “fixer”. It is only after we are weary, tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed that we turn to God. But God is so loving, patient, and gracious that He intervenes and eagerly goes to work in our circumstances. What a mighty and awesome God we serve! We will be praying for you as you surrender your struggles to God. Blessings!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
So thankful for you being transparent. Loved this post. Thankful for so much I don’t even begin to name. Thank you for the reminder to notice the small but big things.
Jennifer….being transparent is something I have learned to love and view as LOVE. Joy very much took a risk and laid her heart before us in great love for us all today. This is just one reason of love this ministry. God is at work through all these ladies <3 And they so appreciate your words of gratitude. Sheila LGG Encourager
Thank you for these verses. I am thankful for all that I have, and thankful for these words. I pray for those who are struggling and strive to help and will strive every day to help more. There are so many types of wealth but wealth with God in my life and putting God first is the most valuable wealth I can have.
I have a notation in my Bible that this is the first time Jehovah-Jireh is mentioned in the Bible! I pondered the thought this morning ~ I wonder if Abraham, due to a release of emotion, cried when he saw the ram caught in the thicket?! The reason I thought about this is I have a friend who’s son wasrecently tested for leukemia, she and her husband waited a few hours for the results. When the doctor came out to let them know “no leukemia” she sobbed…relief came. Relief came Abraham that day too, in God’s provision. Jehovah-Jireh!!
I never thought of it like that before – what a beautiful observation of what it might have been like.
I have posted before. Some of you may remember. I have a 12 year old girl that is very ill with lupus. In fact, after my morning time with God, I will wake her up and we will head to the hospital for her 3rd round of chemo.
This study, especially about Jehovah Jireh, came at the perfect time. We are battling with insurance to cover the cost of the treatment she needs. Every 2 weeks since May she has needed a treatment to keep her alive. This treatment is $3,000-$15,000. Insurance keeps finding away to deny it. You do the math. It’s seems insurmountable. My thoughts that swirl within me. Our home? Food? Transportation to hospital? Christmas, Lord? (So ridiculous, but we have other children and it’s just so hard on everyone.)
We have applied for Medicaid, ssi, financial aid through the hospital, etc. my husband makes too much. We are middle class,
and they don’t look at the medical bills.
Having said all of that…Here is the good part… One day after getting off the phone with a very in compassionate employee with ssi, I dropped to my knees and sobbed out to God. The ugly cry. “What are we going to do. We are fighting so hard for her life. I don’t have it in me to fight this too. We are your followers. We love you. ”
I so clearly heard, “enough. What I have given is enough.” My tears stopped and I was silenced. Stunned. and I switched to praise. Of course it is enough. It always is. He is the God that provides. He knew all this would happen. He knew our income and about the insurance and what He gave is enough. The God that doesn’t let the jar of oil run dry, the God that feeds the multitudes with a few fish and bread. It’s always enough.
And today, I’m reminded that it is MORE than enough. God is answering our prayers. Not in the ways I thought. Not by changing the insurance company’s mind. Or by some government program. But by moving His people on our behalf. Some we know, some are strangers. Through fundraisers, or a few dollars. But God knew we needed more than our finances Answered. We needed people to walk beside us and help bear our load in this journey. What a love testimony to our children. To us. How much more personal and kind to answer our prayers this way. I don’t know how He will continue to provide. But I KNOW He will. He is, after all,Jehovah Jireh.
Joy, I think it is awesome that God provided for your neighbors through you. In such a personal and kind way.
I ,personally, do not think it’s fair to compare our needs to the needs of others. I don’t think God does. A need is a need. The God that provides is also the God that sees. He sees past our wants to our needs.
He is not a genie, but a God of great compassion that loves to give good gifts. I think it is ok to dream and ask. He WILL surprise you…with so much more than we can ask or imagine. It just may be a conviction that what we have is already enough.
your words were an incredible encouragement to me! Thank you for sharing how He *IS* Provider, even in those “even in this” times. Grace flows through what you have written, and your faith is beautiful. Praying this morning for your family, for your daughter especially, and that you will be strengthened and encouraged and held by Him in an unbelievable way through all of this.
Oh Kim what a beautiful testimony. You have me in tears!!! in tears of joy for how God has spoken to your heart through this difficult season of your life. Blessing!!!
Edurne – LGG Leadership Team
Jehovah-Jireh, who provided us with the Holy Spirit to help us in our spiritual walk with Him. The physical things like stuff and health and wealth are all temporary, but our spiritual growth is eternal, and God loves us enough to provide exceedingly abundant help for us there through the Holy Spirit. What a gift! I think the light bulb finally went on for me now!
Terri I too was thinking on this today. I actually started a list of all the ways He has provided and it started out slow with financial things and material things but soon my heart softened and I was writing all the ways He has provided growth and spiritual nourishment. What a gift is right! Sheila, LGG Encourager
It is so hard to remember that Gods provisions aren’t always our wants but Just enough for our needs. My Sweet DH, works hard and he makes just what we need. It pays the bill for now and our cars run. (mine with Gods help through this winter). Our girls and us are having to learn though that it is OK not to have all the great and wonderful electronics that come out or replace the model we have. The hardship comes when our emotions and frustrations take over because the I wants become our Isaac and we forget to praise and focus on what God has given us. I to must remember that this house that we Rent, and those crazy old cars we drive, That the dinosaur of a computer on my desk and our two flip phones are all we need for now. They work and do the job that is needed. Food is in the house each week to provide substance to our bodies and God Continues to bless us will good heath, and all we have. WHAT A BLESSING HE HAS GIVEN!!!
Thank you so much for these powerful reminders!
I am remembering reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and how she spoke of the transformation of becoming the blessing. I want that! I want to live blessed because I am and be the blessing in others’ lives.
Amy I love Ann Voscamp’s book! Actually I just went through it with my group on our study break and ultimately in counting Gods gifts everyday we become that gift. It is such a beautiful transformation. This is my goal too <3 Sheila, LGG Encourager
I have three children, two of which have severe special needs mentally and my remaining child has a physical disability that makes her very dependent. My husband is in the military and it takes him from us and leaves me alone quite a bit. I have suffered anxiety, depression, and sleeplessness in the past. “Why me? Is this the plan you have for my life? For my children? They are trapped in their minds! Dependent on others for everything! How does this give you glory? Heal them, I beg you! You say you give if we ask and you love and care so heal them!”
In a Facebook drawing I won a copy of One Thousand Gifts and bawled my way through it. The first thank yous came so hard. “Thank you, Lord, for that smile.” “Thank you, Lord, that even though everything went wrong today that we are safe” “Thank you Lord for the understanding lady in the grocery store” “Thank you Lord for insurance that will pay for my children’s needs even if I don’t like how much it takes Eric away” Thank you Lord for friends”
I still pray for healing. I still beg and cry and I still don’t understand. I have bad days where my faith falters and I pray that He will help my unbelief and give me faith. He listens. I cling to the knowledge that If He withholds then it’s for our good. I have faith that He has a plan. And that if I this is the road we must walk, if I hang on to Him, then He will go with me. Even to the end of the world. I am just a simple woman with a handful of meal. I know He will provide in His time.
Dear Arly, I just said a prayer for you. I prayed for strenght, I prayed for comfort, I prayed that gratitude can keep flowing through your heart despite your circumnstances. I am a mom of 3 and my husband travels a lot. There are some days that it is just too much. And then I read your comment and I can´t even imagine how strong you have to be to take care of your children while your husband is away. I wish I could give you a big hug right now. I will take you in my prayers.
Edurne – LGG Leadership Team
I keep clinging and I keep digging into scripture… We have thousands of dollars in medical debt that is greatly affecting our life, but honestly the money or physical stuff or lack of stuff stopped being an issue or an obstical for me long ago. What hurts now are the emotions, the reality that I must live missing those we couldn’t save. People I love and miss I can no longer see or talk to or hug, babies we dearly loved who I never got to hold and teenagers that have turned their backs on parents who just want to love them. I believe scripture to be true and infallible. I believe Christ should be all I need. But reconsiling that with the reality of life right now is challenging my faith in ways I never imagined possible.
So, I continue to pray, for now I’m still trying to believe. Clinging to the idea that this mess is enough, Christ is enough
Heather, I can so relate to the emotions- the empty arms concerning rebellious teens, mine now adult, and still I wait on God to turn their hearts to Him, to us. Little by little, you endure, little by little you see God is still at Your side, still in control. It indeed breaks a mother’s heart, but because of God’s provision of Himself, we can go on. Praying for you!
Sometimes we make our God too small. We cannot begin to fathom His power. He envisioned a world and created it! He created every living thing and put His master plan in place, knowing we would still be ungrateful children. He planned the loving sacrifice of His beloved Son for a sinful world that He might bring us to Him! What better example of Jehovah Jireh indeed!
I know that I wont be content until I am thankful for what I have now. So my hearts cry is that I would allow the Lord to shift my perspective from physical to spiritual. That is where God is and that is where the blessings flow. I will nt fear what can be done to me physically, but trust that the Lord will provide me with just what I need.
Miranda if this is what you desire get the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp. It is such a journey she takes you on. How to live fully in the moment aware of His goodness even in the darkest of nights in our life there are still many things to be thankful for. Praying for you that God adjust your lens and help you to see Him and be thankful in a way that releases abundance. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Reading this post I realized how selfish and self-centered I can be. God has provided a loving husband, a beautiful daughter, two awesome grandchildren, a roof over my head and food on my table, yet I still complain and look for more. Thank you God for being my Provider and showing me your mercy.
What stuck out for me today was the definition of the word power-dynamis. It is a power in action, able to carry something into effect, which is supernatural both physically and morally. THAT power resides in us, in me! The bible tells us in James 4:2 that we do not have because we do not ask God. Over and over in the bible God tells us to ask according to his will and we will receive. Our scripture today tells us not only will we receive, but we will receive immeasurably more than not only what we ask, but also what we can imagine. My prayer is that we will lay down anything that keeps us from receiving the immeasurably more he wants to do in our lives. That we will realize the power that resides within us and the we will be spurred by his great love for us to have that power activated in our lives to accomplish his will for us and those around us.
Joy, thank you so much for helping us to see that many times our thankfulness to God is centered around selfishness instead of selflessness! May we always be mindful that God blesses us to bless others, and to give generously to others as God gives generously to us. May our thankfulness to God be evident in our humility and compassion, and result in others’ thanksgiving!
After reading today’s blog, I feel so ashame for all the complaining that I do. Thank you, Jehovag Jirah, my provider that all of my family are as well as they are and that the simple things in life that I take for granted are really my wealth and riches.
This is the first time I’ve taken part in a LGG online study and am blown away in the spiritual growth I’ve experienced already, after only 2 days! I am more aware of God’s presence in my everyday life and am filled with gratitude for the many blessings He has provided to me and my family. He truly is Jehovah Jireh!
Praise God! Isn’t it amazing how when you slow down and meditate on the Word, God shows up big!?! He provides intimate knowledge of who He is and how much He loves you as He washes you with the water of the Word! We will be praying for you as you continue to read, study, grow, and share all you have learned from this study. Blessings!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
In writing down on paper how God is my Provider, in tangible and intangible ways, it helped me be thankful for all He has and does give to me. I am still struggling with the fact that God does provide, but sometimes it isn’t quite enough. For example, He has provided some income through my husbands work, but not enough so that we don’t have to rely on my income as well. In order for me and us to continue to work in ministry, He has to provide more through my husband, so that I don’t have to give up ministry and pursue full-time work elsewhere with benefits. I find myself saying to God, Lord, all I want to do is please you and love and minister to others as you have called me, so why are you making it harder on us to do your good work? Instead of providing so abundantly that I am for sure free to continue marriage ministry. Is it because He wants us to give this up? We have not heard that from Hod though and see how doing this would be detrimental to the church. We went from my husband having a great job with benefits to one with much less income and benefits. I think the same thing with our children, we are incredibly grateful for the miracle of our two children, but why did God choose to give us only the two and not more, we had 6 miscarriages after our second one. I struggle with feeling punished by God, instead of just wanting to soak in His love and grace. From today’s Scripture, I learned I need to take it all to Him in prayer, I know He does love me greatly in my mind, but I want to experience this in my heart, to truly believe it. I know He can do more than we ever imagine. I pray God will reveal to us why sometimes even though He can do, He chooses not too.
Oh Kim I so wish we could understand everything!! Things look so unfair sometimes. We have had the same struggles regarding ministry – why do we have to work so hard and to live with so little if we are serving You??!! But everytime this thought came to my mind, I thought about Paul and how he had to make tents when fellow Chistians didn´t support him financially.
I can´t even imagine your pain for the loss of your children…all I can say is that He knows, He is in control and He has a plan.
I pray you can feel His love everyday.
Edurne – LGG Leadership Team
Rudeness, thank you for your encouraging and helpful words.
Wish I could edit my comment, sorry about that. I put in your name and it autocorrected on me, totally not intended. Thank you again for your encouragement.
No worries Kim!! It happens to me all the time 🙂 Blessings!!
Thank you for today’s lesson….. I too am ashamed for my selfish ways of complaining to my husband of what we don’t have and forgetting what Our Father has already provided for us. Yes things have been tight, but He has provide for us on a daily bias. It’s been a day by day struggle, but my the Grace of God we are still standing. My prayer is be a blessing to others, and let go of “things” so He can guide me to do HIS will. Thank you Lord for being our provider.
I have been to Haiti; Port au Prince, to be specific. These are brothers and sisters in Christ as well. In that deep poverty, their “needs” are met and they are full of thanksgiving, worshiping God enthusiatically. So, when I got home and saw how He meets my “needs”, such a stark contrast, it’s humbling. Now we support a little girl so that she can get an elementary education at no cost to her ( education is not free for these poverty stricken people). God blesses us so we can bless others.
Interestingly, my memory verses for this week are I Tim. 6:6-7 “But Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it.” (These are pre-assigned, and this was the assignment for this week, way back in Jan. 2015)
For the longest time, when I read these verses, I thought in terms of material provision–food, clothing, a roof over my head, etc. Now I see God’s provision in a different light–healing, grace, mercy, etc. How many times has God been there for me in a way that only He could do. We are blessed to be daughters of the King most high.
When I think of God as our provider I am struck by our memory verse – 2 Peter that HIS divine power has granted us things that pertain to LIFE and GODLINESS so where does that come from through the KNOWLEDGE of HIM. Father God Let us know more of you and your ways.
Amen!!! Our household is traditional in that I stay at home with our 9 month old son and he works. We rarely have any money left at the end of the week BUT we have a home, we have food, we have 2 vehicles, a comfortable bed, our family is healthy. We are blessed. If there IS one thing I want more than any other, it more of God. Next to that I want my husband to become a Christian. Sometimes I see things I would like to have but it isn’t like I am coveting. If I get it fine, if not that’s fine too.
I am overwhelmed how ungrateful I can be about all the blessings I have in Christ Jesus. But also overwhelmed by His Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness he has granted me because of the Cross. Devine Power
2 Peter 1:2-4 speaks to me?
When I was looking through this and reading it this passage in whole did seem to be focusing in on the spiritual blessings that could be had here -even though it says we have a God who is fully able and we know that He loves us, it never states that He will -just that He can.
In my humanness, I want the material things and don’t necessarily have a desire for the spiritual blessings. But it is in the challenges of life and the reminders of all of those who “don’t have” that remind me how important and central the spiritual issues are to who I am. And how much I am in need of God. God please help me to truly desire you and the spiritual blessings that you have.
i came to the same conclusion:
Geneva Bible: And Abraham called the name of that place [j]Jehovah Jireh: as it is said this day, In the mount will the Lord [k]be seen.
Geneva Bible puts the emphasis on seeing God – not on His provision.
God has provided more than I could have asked for. At one point in my life, I was that child with no shoes and an empty belly. I am thankful he has provided me and my husband with the means to provide my children with all of their needs and provide us the ability to build our home and be debt free. It is amazing 🙂 We do not make a lot of money, but we have all that we need. I am truly blessed!
Since Monday, I have been considering the idea that our greatest need has already been met through God’s provision of salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He is what I need most! And with today’s verses in Matt. 6, this comes full circle. When we seek God, seek His Kingdom and His righteousness, then He sees to our necessities like food and raiment. I praise God for being my Provider!
I am encouraged by all of your comments. Praying for those of you going through tough hardships. While I have my own struggles, I know God has granted many blessings:)
Thank you for your convicting words. We, including myself take the small things that we have for granted. We always want bigger, faster, better. If we are able to inhale and exhale, have our physical strength, and sound mind we are doing better than a lot of people. Jesus talked more about money and things more than anything else because he knew we are greedy and selfish by nature. God is our provider all of the time. Everything I have is because he provided the job, the schooling, & the opportunity. Great word.
Loved this post. It really resonated with me. I may not be living the life I want, but I am living the life God has given me to live. I may not have everything I wonat, but I certainly have everything I need. God has said that in Him He is our everything, whether we are materially rich or materially poor. It is about His provision and being spiritually rich.
Grateful australian
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