Jehovah Jireh. Yes, He is our provider, but there are times when Christians think this means health, wealth, happiness, ease and comfort.

And this line of thinking leads me to ask the question: What about my neighbor here in Uganda, whose husband skips out when it’s time to pay school fees so her boys hang in trees instead of sit in desks, their feet go shoeless, and when their one banana tree doesn’t produce, their bellies stay hungry?

What does “abundantly more than she asks or thinks” look like then?

And I’m pointing the finger at myself. How many times have I complained over the house I’ve been given, the walls that need painting, groaned at the power going off again, the mismatched tile, the city living, and on and on…while right over the wall, right over the wall, my neighbors go hungry?! I’m ashamed to even write it. My sin and selfishness sickens me.

So let me ask you: when do we look at these verses and God as our Jehovah Jireh, and say yes, He is and He has, and all that He has given is enough? When does that point come? Instead of coming to Him and asking and wanting and wishing and hoping, we come to Him in thankfulness, knowing, yes, it isn’t exactly what I wished for or what I wanted, but He has been faithful and He has provided.

Just to put it in perspective….
If you have a car, you are wealthy.
If you have a warm and dry place to sleep tonight, you are wealthy.
If you know where your next meal is coming from, you are wealthy.
If you have access to some sort of schooling for your children, free of charge, you are wealthy.

So what about taking these verses, these thoughts about how BIG our God is and how well he provides for our needs, and saying instead, “Yes, God, my Jehovah Jireh. You have already provided MORE than I can ask or think. Thank you for providing for me, abundantly. Your power is at work within me. To YOU be the glory in your church. Now show me how I can bring you fame in Christ Jesus throughout the generations. You have blessed me beyond words, now let me go and be a blessing in Your name.

What God’s graciously given you is always enough to be abundant grace for someone else.” –Ann Voskamp

So what if we change our mindset? What if instead of coming to look at these verses as a promise of “stuff” we looked at them as a promise of more of Himself? What if you begged Him to make Himself more real, and He blew you away with how He provided Himself for you?

When your comfort food is comfortable stuff-when do you hunger for the comfort of the Bread of Life?”- Ann Voskamp

*And just to finish the story, a friend and I have made sure that our neighbor boys are able to go to school, their bellies don’t go hungry, and their mama has means to earn a small living.*

What are your thoughts? Share with me in the comments!

With Love From Uganda,

Joy Forney

Joy Forney

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