(Thanks @hellomrspaz)

In six short weeks, God revealed and healed deep fears women fought for years and calmed anxieties some didn’t realize they needed to fight. The anxieties that try to confine us nowadays are no surprise to God. He knew we would face them and He knew the tools we need are found in His Word and reinforced in community. Through our last study of Fear and Anxiety, God knit women from all over the world together into a tightly woven blanket of truth. And He freed them from their fears! No matter where they were, Brazil, Czech Republic, or here in the US, they learned to meditate on His Word and trust Him even more.

(Thanks @helenpacificoquadros)

Here are a few of their testimonies…

“I entered the study thinking ‘this doesn’t really apply to me’, but God showed me how I been lacking in my trust of Him.”

(Thanks @s_kinard_)

“This study came at just the right time for me as God has been working on my heart to be more surrendered to His will for our family and I’ve realized a lot of the not surrendering was because I was not trusting God to work out my concerns.”

(Thanks @petrastoneman)

“So many verses were familiar, yet their impact was exponentially increased when taken together and applied to the subject of overcoming fear and anxiety. So powerful!”

(Thanks @skela2)


“Yes, most of the verses were very familiar, but I was reminded each day of God’s amazing love for us, and that we truly never have to be afraid because He really does have our lives already planned out, and He always has our best interest at heart.”

(Thanks @helengullett) &  
(Thanks @lggindonesia)

“I went into this study thinking “this would be great for so and so.” Little did I know that I would have just as much use for it. Every week, the scriptures spoke to exactly what I was going through and challenged me to grow! Almost my whole group has asked to repeat this one in the future!”

(Thanks @churchgirl918)

“I have never experienced so much stress, fear, and anxiety in my life until a year ago after my fourth child was born. I have been reminded again that God loves me so much. I am precious to him, and he is with me always. I don’t need to fear because he is with me in every circumstance. I don’t need to fear the future, I just need to trust God. This is one of the best studies if not the best I have done.”

(Thanks )

(Thanks @amaadiosgrandemente)

Walking in His victory is a joyous experience these women now know for themselves! He can take a short window of time in a busy coffee shop, a crowded conference, or a quiet jungle and turn it into a lifetime of freedoms. We cannot wait to see what He does in our next study on 1 + 2 Thessalonians which starts Monday!!

Join us for another life-changing study as we dig into 1st & 2nd Thessalonians!!!


Amanda Cunningham

Amanda Cunningham

Grab a journal, build a community,
change women's lives.

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