There’s a new house going up at the end of my street. New houses are built all the time in this evolving college town, but this particular lot of land tells quite the story…

I’ll never forget the night when neighbors lined the streets, literally offering the shoes off of their feet for a couple who had just lost everything. Lightning crashed and in an instant, their house went up in flames. Every last bit of it. Years of investment and priceless memories gone… just like that.

The tragedy rattled our family and sweet little neighborhood. Things we’d spent years acquiring took on a more temporary meaning, and relationships grew out of a greater appreciation for life and what really matters.

An empty lot rebuilds the same week the stock market takes a significant plunge, and I’m reminded once again that all of this stuff of earth is so very, very temporary. Jesus in his wisdom and goodness has a better way…

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” ~ Matthew 6:19-21

Investing in what really matters

Here at Love God Greatly, investing in what really matters has always been the driving force of what we do. But this September, we’re taking it to the next level.

Twenty crazy passionate women are stepping out in faith, hopping on airplanes all across the globe and we’re making our way to Angela’s home in Dallas for a week-long international training intensive.

We’ll eat, sleep, and share bathrooms together. It might even get downright cozy. Heh. But we’re not traveling from eleven different nations just because it’s the cool thing to do.

We’re women on a mission to reach the world.

We’ve been doing this ministry gig for a while now, and here’s what we know: Women are hungry for God’s Word, and they’re hungry for relationship.

They want real community that lasts even when stuff doesn’t.

They’re crying out for more – these women who are tired of the shallow and meaningless rat race of life.

They crave solid truth and hope they can hang their hats on in a world that is downward spiraling right before our very eyes.

Many of these women are from nations who don’t readily have access to Bible study resources in their own languages, so we’re gathering with our international translators for a time of intentional training. We’re keeping the main thing the main thing, and will spend time sharpening each other with the purpose of reaching even MORE women with the truth of God’s Word.


What we’ll do

Our week will be filled with encouragement, laughter, worship, and prayer. And my guess is we’ll even shed a few tears together. These women love Jesus, ya’ll. More than stuff. More than comfort. More than their name in lights. Time together with these sacrificial leaders will be such a gift! 

Sally Clarkson will challenge us with Biblical principals from her recent book Own Your Life, plus she’ll share life-giving wisdom grown from her years of ministry experience.

Some training will be practical as we purpose to grow in things like international reach and technology skills. Some training will be inspirational – challenging each other to boldness and obedience in our calling to fulfill the Great Commission right where we live and beyond.

We’ll brainstorm and vision cast together as we strategize about the future, and we’ll get back on our knees multiple times throughout the week, begging God to lead us into a greater emptying of ourselves so that his name might be lifted higher.

We’ll worship with many of YOU at our Girls’ Night Out with Love God Greatly: a Praise & Prayer Concert! Seriously, I can’t think of a better way to spend a Friday night, so pull out all the stops and come hug our necks if you can!

And you guys, this is just scratching the surface of what we are believing God to do.

We’re investing in what really matters – not because it’s always easy, but because we’re living for more than just today.

By the grace of God, we’ll focus on building up people instead of buildings and stuff.

We’ll beg God to advance the gospel and not ourselves.

Because this world is just so, so temporary, and because Jesus is worth it.

We covet your prayers for this once-in-a-lifetime event.

At His feet,

*LET’S TALK: How is God challenging YOU lately to invest in what really matters?


Love God Greatly

Want to get involved on a practical level? Purchase our brand NEW Galatians Study Journal in expanded format! We’ve done all of the work for you, and all proceeds support our International Training Intensive!

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