What’s In a Name?
In different cultures and in different times the naming of a baby is no small matter. Names were seriously considered, and then carefully chosen for a number of different reasons.
Some named their children after their ancestors as a way of preserving a family’s heritage.
Others gave their children names that had special religious meaning.
Some gave their children names with a meaning they hoped would come to characterize the child in his or her adulthood.
For example, one of my daughters is named Madeline Ember. Madeline comes from the name Mary Magdalene, the first person Jesus showed himself to after his resurrection. Ember is a small spark of fire. Through her name we wanted our Madeline to know that God values girls just as much as boys and we hope that in her heart her name would be a spark of faith that would grow to be a roaring fire of love for Christ.
Throughout Scripture we see parents give their children names that have some kind of meaning. Sometimes this meaning stems from something good (Hannah named her baby Samuel “… because I have asked him of the Lord.” ~ 1 Sam. 1:20). Sometimes it is not so good (like when Eli’s daughter-in-law found out that Eli and her husband had died and that the Ark of the Covenant had been captured, she named her baby Ichabod saying, “The glory has departed from Israel.” ~ 1 Sam. 4).
Now when it comes to the names of God, it is important to recognize that we do not name God. He names himself.
This is important because it shows that there is something specific he wants to reveal about himself in his names, which means we need to pay close attention.
He transcends time and space. We are told in Isaiah 55:8 that his thoughts and his ways are not like ours. He is exalted above all things and is incomprehensible. And yet he has condescended to make himself known to us in ways that we can understand. He has given himself names to help us see his character. God’s many beautiful names reveal something about who he is and why he functions the way he does.
This is theology–the study of God.
“Disregard the study of God, and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life blindfolded, as it were, with no sense of direction and no understanding of what surrounds you. This way you can waste your life and lose your soul.” – J.I. Packer
O Lord, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory above the heavens.
~ Psalm 8:1
Looking to Jesus,
Our {Names of God} study begins November 9th!! Visit this blog post to find out how YOU can make the most of all Love God Greatly has to offer this session!
Looking forward to learning more about the Names that God has given himself for us to better understand who he is.
Thank you so much for this study.
Looking forward to being a part of it.
We are so honored to have you join us for this study! So excited to hear about the impact of the study on your life!
Thank you to all the LGG staff who make these studies possible! And thank you for making this study book affordable for me. I look forward to studying with all of my Christian sisters again.
Yessss! The study journal has been an added blessing along with the LGG studies. One of the missions of LGG is to bring women closer to God through the study of His Word, so it is great to hear that you are already in fellowship with women. Thank you for joining us!
Looking forward to this new studt!
Oh Bethany, me too! I am waiting in joyful expectation of the many ways in which we will grow closer to the Lord by gaining a deeper understanding of who He is! Feeling both excited and grateful this morning! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
This is such a unique study, an idea I’ve never came across before. I am so eager to take part in it and see what God has to say to me. Thank you for putting this together…I’m sure it’s going to bless all of us!
Hi Audra! Your excitement touches my heart! I am just as excited as you, and already praying that the Spirit do a mighty work in each of us as we dive into God’s Word and grow in our knowledge of Him! Thanks for stopping by! Grateful for your presence here in our community! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Beautiful study of the Lord God’s names for a beautiful time in celebration of Thanksgiving and Christmas! Perfect! I am looking forward to knowing all God’s names and his magnificent character!
Joining in with your excitement Debbie! Counting down the days ’til the start of our Study! I couldn’t agree with you more! The timing of our Study with the upcoming holidays is such a blessing! Life is busy, and my prayer for each of us is that we be intentional about taking time to spend with the Lord in the days ahead! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Looking forward to this study. 🙂
Me, too Melissa! Thanks for joining us! Grateful for our ability to gather together here in community and worship the Lord! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
I was unable to find the embedded form to sign up for a Group for the Names of God study. Please help. Thank you
Hi Sandra. We are not officially adding members to groups for this Study but you can email Martha at [email protected] and I am sure she will try to find you a group that you can join! Praying this helps, and looking forward to journeying through this Study with you! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Today I got my “Names of God”-Study Journal. I am prepared and looking forward to November 9th.
May the peace of our Lord be with you!
Awesome Marina! We are looking forward to this study and so glad your joining us! God bless! Sheila LGG Encourager
I was unable to find the embedded form as well. Myself and some family members all over the country are going to do this study together. Do we also need to sign up for a group?? Thanks
Here is the link to the form. Follow it and you will be contacted.
Sheila LGG Encourager
Please add me to the FEAST Newsletter email list.
The [email protected] will not work for me?
Thank you,
Please fill out this form by following this link and you will be contacted.
Thanks Sheila LGG Encourager
This will be my first online study with y’all. I’m really looking forward to it! I have shared the site and format with the two ladies Bible study groups I am part of. I think several of them may join us, as well. Great subject matter for the approaching Advent season!
Love, love, love that this is your first study with us <3 You will enjoy it so much that I know you will keep coming back study after study. Its wonderful to hear you have ladies joining you. Welcome to Love God Greatly! Sheila, LGG Encourager
Cant wait to start. Looking forward to this study.
Thanks for joining us for this next study! Only 4 more days til we kick off. How exciting! 🙂 Sheila, LGG Encourager
I have received my journal in and am looking forward to starting this new study on Monday. Thank you for all the time and effort that went into making this study possible. May God bless this study and the time spent in His Word.
Carla thank you for the kind words! There are some amazing ladies that put their whole hearts in to preparing for these studies. We appreciate them for all they do. They are all so blessed seeing you all connect with one another and grow in relationship with the Lord. Oh and the journal….. Isn’t having the journal wonderful? I love it! Glad your here! Sheila LGG Encourager
Looking forward to the Bible study.
So glad to hear you are excited Carla! I love popping in here and seeing the excitement of all of you wonderful ladies joining in on this study. 🙂 Thank you for being a part of it! Sheila LGG Encourager
But theology does not end with us simply knowing more facts about God. Theology starts with
truth, but this truth takes root in our hearts and then influences our actions. Thanks for these statements…my heart thrilled to the excitement of starting this study!
Looking forward to what God has for me in this Bible study!
These topics are so cosuinfng but this helped me get the job done.
I have a desire to do the Study of God’s name but I am looking for any blogs on this since this was back in 2015 Not sure if I can locate the info.