I was reminded how out of shape I am as I literally ran into the sanctuary with no time to spare. I’m pretty sure I was the last one to sit down in a room full of hundreds. Seriously – the very last one.
I really didn’t have time for this.
The women of my church were gathering for a Christmas celebration. While festive music played, beautiful decor sparkled on the tables, and women enjoyed conversation, I sat there with a million things on my mind. I had just left a house full of children with homework still left to do, my Christmas decorations were still in the attic, and my December to-do list was growing by the minute. During the busiest month of the year, I was just five minutes in and already fidgety in my seat.
I looked around the crowded room and saw women of all varieties and ages. Eventually their combined voices and laughter made for quite a bit of commotion, until this:
Holy Holy I will bow before
My Lord and King
Hallelujah You have come to us
You make all things new
The room quickly came to a hush as the soloist began to tenderly sing, and my heart was convicted on the spot.
You have come to us.
That sums this whole season up right there. But in the midst of a too-full schedule and completely wrong expectations, I was missing it big time.
The music continued, and I couldn’t help but notice that the woman seated directly across from me was quietly weeping. I don’t know her story, but without saying a word her demeanor communicated that her tears came from a place of pain…
So amazing, You have named the stars
Of the deepest night
Still You love me
You have called my name
I will follow You
Every season has some kind of tension – this I have learned in my forty-two years. Lights can be twinkling and our hearts full of joy one moment, and the next minute can be filled with deep suffering. No matter where you and I find ourselves on that spectrum today an underlying current remains, reminding us that until Jesus returns we will all be a bit unsettled here.
The disciples had been on the rollercoaster of their lives.
They were walking and talking with Jesus, watching him perform miracles and enjoying intimate fellowship with the One who had called them out of the crowd and placed them in a front row seat to His glory. But just when the joy of experiencing the God-man was at its fullest, the tidal waves crashed in.
Soldiers beat him and crucified him. The world rejected him, and the light dimmed.
But give it a few days – three to be exact – and another wave of emotions rushed in as they came upon the empty tomb. Some believed in an instant while others needed proof, but joy emerged as the realization of death defeated sunk in.
Holy Holy God Almighty
There is none like You
Holy Holy God Almighty
There is none like You
Fellowship, miracles, and joy returned for a season. But don’t get too comfortable. After forty days passed, the next wave came.
You rose from the dead, only to leave us again?
Some worshipped and some doubted on the mountain that day, and then Jesus issued a tall order – one that might have sounded downright impossible to these men who were most likely weary from all of the twists, turns, highs, and lows of recent days and years.
You know the world that just rejected me? Go reach them in my name.
I can just imagine the heart of Jesus that day as he looked into the eyes of the men who would go into all the world. He knew what they were feeling – each one – and so he ended his final earthly address with the comfort they needed to hear in this new season:
“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:20

So beautifully written- He came for us, His presence will remain to the end of the age. To be able to sit in HIS presence, knowing He is with us always…the lump in my throat as I write this. Thank you!
Anne so beautifully said! My heart turned this morning from one of lists and to do’s to the wonder of it all…..He came as a gift to us so that we could be with Him forever. Sheila, LGG Encourger
So overwhelmed mid move from house to small apartment. It sounded like a good idea. The house sale means we are debt free and no house means we can have nothing holding us back from the move we felt was right but now doubt. How do I get to the point of feeling g settled.
I found a letter in my daughters backpack. A project due this week. How will I find the time for this? Where is the craft stuff… probably buried deep in a closet or pile waiting to be unpacked. Stressed. I don’t want my stress on her but how in the world can I help her do this right now.
Christmas. My kids asked why their elf hasn’t come yet and why we don’t have a tree? Teacher gifts to still be bought, school parties to plan for. Vacation seems so far away and yet way to close.
I’m just overwhelmed and stressed and as I sit here trying to rest with the Lord my heart is pounding in anxiety. What if I fail?
Good Morning, your blog moved me to tears. Too many days I clearly had asked myself what do I need to do for myself today vs what do I need to do for God. Too many days I allow myself be overcome with self pity vs joy knowing the celebration of our savior’s birth is at hand. My husband’s church split, half the board clearly had a personal agenda-to get their old pastor back at any cost needed to the current pastor. With terrible gossip successfully created amongst a small town, the half of the board that supported my husband could no longer be witnesses to such selfish evil so they resigned. Needless to say we too had to resign as well as this was perfectly timed when his contract was up to be renewed. We were left with less than half of the income we had suddenly, myself still dealing with brain injury/fibromyalgia diagnosis(therefore unable to work, the unsupportive half of the board actually had secret meetings while I was in the hospital for 3wks), mounting medical bills, and three kids. So this Christmas I’m fighting being consumed by worry with mounting debt, not making my house payment, and of course an empty tree. I continue to tithe and i know things will work out, its just those days I seem to forget He is with me that are the hardest. Please pray for me to remember God is with me, to find peace beyond my earthly circumstance, and that I will be an example of faith to my children despite this storm. thank you and God bless !
Kim. I am a ministers wife as well. We have suffered some financial set backs this year as well. I will be praying for you my friend.
Thank you for your prayers, I apologize if I sounded negative and I am sorry to complain. There are so many others with much more on their plate. I just found myself purging the information. Thank God He is always with us, that he cares so much that we have the priceless gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Heavenly Father for your love letter, your word!
I am praying for you Kim. I am sorry you are dealing with these difficult situations. Remember that Jesus knows you’re pain deeply and intimately. Look to the Psalms dear sister. Jesus goes with us. He is right beside you now.
thank you for your prayers. I honestly did not think my last name would be published. I am not sure how to delete that. I just need to slow down and rest in His peace.
I am lifting you in prayer right now. Praying that God to continue to reveal Himself to you, your husband and your family as you walk through your current situation. That His Word continue to speak to you – right where you are at – letting you know that He is not only there and with you, but that you CAN rest in Him. He is our God – who is with us! He is our God, who is faithful to who He is … our Provider and our Redeemer. He is no stranger to the hurt afflicted by this world, but He is more powerful than anything that this world can throw at us. He is able to draw good out of anything & everything that happens, in His Timing. Praying that He calm your heart and take away any anxiety, that you keep your eyes fixed upon Him and not the storm, and that you trust in Him with your whole heart. Our God has an amazing way of drawing us closer to Him through the heartache and the struggle, and revealing Himself to those around us as we rest in Him. Praying that He speak to you in ways that only He can, letting you know that He IS at work and that you CAN rest in His provision and faithfulness.
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
My heart goes out to you today as I read this. I am praying for you and your family as you go through this difficult season!
I have been in that same seat – “So much to do and not enough time, Why am I here when I need to be there?” This is a timely reminder that I, as well as all of us, need to take time to breathe Him in, to allow Him to refresh and revive me from the inside out. The enemy is never busier than when we join together to worship our Lord. He uses distractions and need-to-do’s to take our thoughts off God. Thank you for reminding me where all my thoughts need to be.
Amen! May we all be refreshed by our time in God’s Word and the sharing of our hearts in community with one another. May our perspective always be one of looking Up, rather than around. You are so right … distractions abound and the enemy would like nothing more than for us to take our eyes off of God and place them on our circumstances, where we run the risk of being consumed by fear, worry and stress. My prayer is that we not let the “noise” of this world keep us from hearing God’s voice and seeing His Hand at work. Our God is always with us and always, always at work! Thank you for being part of our community here at Love God Greatly!
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Ann- Amen, Amen! What you have said is so true. Satan has been getting me this week with my need-to-do lists and my materialistic thinking. But, I have been so blessed by the readings so far this week. God has been speaking to me- telling me that He is with me and that is all that matters!
Thank you!
Ann, you put it in the best words I could ever think of–uses distractions and need-to-do’s to take our thoughts off God. Wow, that hits it right on the head for me. I constantly fill my time/days with these type of lists; I need to do, I need to do….when in fact I should be thinking God needs me to do, God needs me to do. Or maybe He just wants me to be still. Honestly this was amazing eye opener for me to put it in that perspective. I have passed up doing things or getting involved in things at church because my calendar is already full or busy with something else (me or family related). I think I need to stop filling up my calendar with myself and instead fill it with God. Our world sure makes it easy for me to get caught up in the rush, spending, production of ‘commercial’ holiday season. I have been reading a biblical advent with my son this year and continuing a “random acts of kindness” calendar but I still have much work to do on myself. Less of me, more of Him. God bless.
Oh Amanda,
I don’t think any of us are strangers to endless “To Do Lists” … and the lure of this world into keeping us in a constant state of busyness and motion. Your comment spoke to my heart. The Lord has asked me to be still, and know that He is God. I have been resting in Psalm 46 recently. As believers, we are called to be still … to let go, to surrender … to trust that God is in control. We are called to be still – to stop planning our own steps and orchestrating our own days … so that we may experience God’s provision and sufficiency. We are called to be still … so that we may experience our only true hope and peace … which is in Him. My prayer is that we both be still, and know that He is our God – and that He is at work in amazing ways! My prayer is that we posture our hearts – always – in gratitude to Him, for who He is … our God who is with us! May you rest in Him, and know that His work in each one of us is never done … May your time in His Word draw you closer to Him and a walk of faith, and away from worldly ways of distraction and chaos. Keeping you in prayer my dear sister as our Study continues and the celebration of His birth draws nearer.
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
We are celebrating our first Christmas without my grandmother or my father in law. We are encountering some financial hardships this year as well. And it seems the whole world has gone crazy. I get so anxious and worried. Thank you for the reminder that He is with us always. Even to the end of this crazy world.
Lacey, be still and know that He is God. I struggle with anxiety as well when I think of the evil in the world. This isn’t new though and it isn’t a surprise. The enemy wants us to be afraid because he knows who lives in us. Remember today that your life is in God’s hands, remember that He loves you passionately, and He will supply you with EVERYTHING you need!
I am sorry for the loss of your grandmother and father-in-law. Praying that your memories of them fill your heart this holiday season … and that your faith comfort you. I’m also praying that God’s Word continue to speak to you, and that You find comfort in your quiet time with Him. God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in times of trouble. Praying that your heart find comfort in who He is, and His promises.
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
God is so near to me. This is the second devotional this morning about being still before Him. Please pray I can do this to be still enough to bask in his glory and presence and to be able to hear from him concerning the things I have on my plate right now. Thank you!!
Lifting you in prayer right now my dear sister. Yes – God is near you, and all things are possible through Him! Praying that His call to be still and know who He is speak to you in the deepest parts of your heart. And that your quiet time resting in Him, His Word, and in prayer allow you to experience His sufficiency all the more. The more time you spend with Him and in His Word, the less the distractions of this world will affect you. Know who He is, and that He is with you – always!
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Working on slowing down! I tend to go, go and go some more! Learning to slow down not only to spend more time with Jesus but with my family, esp my husband. We all need time to connect and it’s too easy to let the fast pace of life steal that.
A great way we’ve been trying to focus more on Jesus is reading together each night these passages John 1:1-14, Philippians 2:5-11, and Luke 2:1-20. It’s been pretty special.
Thank you for sharing those verses! Yes, this world will try to keep us busy and “doing” … but God has called us to be … He created us as “beings” … to be still, and be with Him. Praying that your time in His Word draws you closer to His heart, and allows you to experience His love in your marriage and your family. Time is precious!
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
In the last three months I have been dealing with my father’s very rapid decline. He appeared to be healthy in June, then rapidly went from a hospital visit to coding to being diagnosed with emphysema, to now being completely bedridden in hospice care. It has been very hard to rest in God’s presence. My prayer is that I can get past my emotions…like the apostles, and find rest in Jesus!
Oh Joyce,
I am sorry to hear about your father and his rapid decline. I totally understand where you are – I am no stranger to getting caught up in emotions and heartache, and backing myself into a spot where it’s almost as if I erect a “Do Not Disturb” sign to God. I have learned over the years that this is not where I want to be though, and it’s certainly not where God calls us to be. Nowadays, I am more sensitive to when I’m about to get “stuck,” and the Spirit leads my heart back to God … the only place where my heart can find rest, hope and peace. I will keep you in prayer Joyce, as well as your Dad. That even during this difficult and heart breaking time, that you are able to draw close to God – for He is with you. I find comfort in resting in the truth that nothing that happens is a surprise to God. He holds our hearts in His Hands, counts our tears in a bottle, and promises us the day when there will be no more pain and no more tears. My prayer is that you not let your circumstances define God, but that you rest in His Word, His promises, and His faithfulness. God is who He says He is – and He is always with us! May your heart seek Him, and spend time with Him as you walk through your days.
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Let me be honest, I don’t read these everyday. I wake up at 5am, quickly pray, bathe, gather myself and hustle getting children and my family ready for the day. This morning, there was no hustle, no energy, no more strength… Just tired, all hustled out me. I’m on my dimmed cellphone next to my snoring husband and cradling my sick daughter. I check the email to stop the little light from flashing. Right now, I’m in the roughest season of my life. Between multiple attacks in my body, spirit, and mind our household is suffering. It’s at a point where I said, “God, what have I done! Why am I still here to only have pain” I felt so abandoned in this season, so alone suffering through depression. Today, in the dark with only the dim light from this cellphone…I was reminded that God has never left me. He is here and has always been here. Even in this season of my life, He is here. I really needed to read this. As I weep this morning, for the first time in a long time, it’s not tears of pain. Thank you!!
Thank you Weeping in the Dark for sharing your heart! Its a freeing thing when we bring things to the light. God allows us at times to go to those deep places of pain. Sometimes we go their ourselves. But God never lets us stay there. He uses everything for our good. I know He will use what you are going through for your good. My prayer for you is that you will experience more fully His deep love and affection for you. He is in love with you and will never leave your side. Listen to Jesus Culture and their song, You Wont Relent. Gods affections are great! Be blessed and remember what Jesus has done!
Thank you for sharing from your heart! Giving praise to God for using Whitney and her words to speak to your heart! Keeping you in prayer! I trust that the light this morning was not just from your cell phone, but from God. May that little spark of light continue to grow in your heart as you rest in who He is, and spend time with Him in prayer and in His Word. Our God is with you. May you continue to turn to and rest in Him.
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
What is it about us ladies at this time of year! I tell myself every year that I will NOT allow the bysiness of the season get in the way of my experiencing Emmanuel and all that He offers. But instead, I am consumed with “everything” that must be done!
I will choose to bask in His glory and presence today. He is worthy! He is with us! Emmanuel!
Amen! Praying for us both! That we live less of a “driven life” and more of a “called life.” That we live by faith, and not frenzy … and that our days include a special time between us and God – to adore Him, rest in Him, and give thanks!
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
That was so awesome to read! I decided to NOT celebrate Christmas this year. No gifts. No decorations. No dinners. No joy. No peace. Let me explain. In May, I found out after 25 years of marriage that my husband was having an affair. So much has been destroyed. Thanksgiving without him was tremendously hard. So I decided I wouldn’t celebrate Christmas. Wherever I go I see families laughing, playing together, moms shopping for her children. I’m jealous. I don’t miss the complete chaos, but I miss the wonder, the sparkle.
After reading your story, I realized that I’ve been looking at this wrong. The joy of Christmas isn’t found in my husband or my family, but in Jesus.
I ask that as your team prays that you would specifically pray for my husband. He is away from God. At one time he had a zeal to preach God’s word. I know that Emmanuel is with him. And that He is working behind the scenes and won’t stop until His work is complete.
Marie, I, too, have been in your situation. After 25 good years and 5 lonesome years of marriage, I learned of my husband’s infidelity. It’s a very self-incriminating place to be. “Why wasn’t I enough? What could I have done better?” It took 3 long years of Bible study and prayer to arrive at the point where I realized God was enough; and my faith grew exponentially! This world is not about what I need, but what Gid needs from me. Be happy. Be at peace. And know God’s got your back! He can use the broken pieces of our lives to create a beautiful mosaic!
I cried as I read your words. When I lost my Mom suddenly and tragically 15 years ago – days before Mother’s Day – I made lots of “decisions,” too. As I shopped for a dress to bury her in, I was surrounded by mothers and daughters celebrating a holiday, Mother’s Day. A holiday that was simply not mine to celebrate anymore. My heart was broken, in a million pieces … and I hear the hurt and heartache in your words. Please know that you can count on me for prayer. I will pray that the Lord use this season in your life to speak to you in mighty ways, and to grow you in your faith! I will pray that the Lord reveal Himself to your husband, that He surround your husband with people that know Him and point to Him. I will pray that your heart find rest in your faith, grounded upon who God is and all that He is ABLE to do! Our God is ALWAYS at work – sometimes the most during our seasons of trials and heartaches for He uses these times to draw us ever closer to Him, and His Truths. Our joy … our hope … our peace – is not in or of this world. It is solely in and from Him! I am so grateful that Whitney’s words today spoke to you! Praying that a joy and peace that only God can provide be yours this blessed holiday season.
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Thank you Lord for Your Word and these ladies. They are a blessing to me. Your word this morning has lifted my spirit. May God continue to bless these women and this study.
I myself relate to each of you. It seems so crazy that in this huge world of people we are so much alike. Even ‘the disciples had been on a rollercoaster of their lives’. We must be reminded on a daily bases that He is with us and He loved us enough to send His only Son to die for us (me).
“I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20
Thank YOU for stopping by and being a part of our community here at Love God Greatly! Giving thanks to God for allowing His Word to speak to your heart. Our God, with us always … to the end of the age. Eternally grateful!
~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
I am in need of prayer for my children. They are not on the right course of life. Failing grades, poor hygiene, lazy attitudes, and just not focused and I fear for their futures. I ask for collective and fervent prayer for these children. I need Our Heavenly Father to intervene in their lives and make a mighty move to restore dignity, respect, ambition and most of all the yearn to want to be and learn all about God and His amazing grace!! I thank each and everyone of you for your prayers. Happy holidays.
I believe strongly in the power of a mama’s prayers. Praying with you today for your children to come to know God and be fully surrendered to Him. May they love God with all their heart, soul, and strength.
Lyli, LGG Encourager
I’m soaking up this study like a sponge. Four weeks ago I discovered my husband’s secret porn addiction. My life fell apart. God remains faithful in my despair. Prayers that true repentance will come from hubs, & that he will have an incredible heart change are needed. He has repented, but I can’t believe his change is true, not just out of fear of losing our family. God knows his heart, though, & he will prove his change through his future actions, I guess. Thank you for your prayers for us.
I am so glad to hear that this study is encouraging you as much as it is encouraging me. God’s Word really gives us a firm place to stand when the world around us seems to be shaken to the core.
Praying for you and your man today — that God would bring healing and restore every aspect of your marriage as you both walk together toward Jesus with surrendered hearts.
Heavenly Father, I lift up each of these women who have voiced their concerns and pain with us. I pray in the precious name of Jesus that You will intervene in everyone of their situations. Prove Yourself faithful and true to them. Be real in their lives. Give them Your peace and remind them that their strength is in their weakness because now all they can do is lean on You. Help them to truly be still and know that You are God. Provide every need according to Your riches in glory and bless them so abundantly that they will be able to bless others. Amen.
Ohhh Narva!
Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to pray over all our women. Thank you so much for serving us in this way!
I really enjoy the
Bible studies. I’m learning to really study God’s Word. As I think about Christmas, my family is not getting along. Please pray for peace and reconciliation that we can be together in love for Christmas. Thank you.
Please pray for my family as my husband lost his job right before Thanksgiving.
We don’t have any savings so we are caught up in worry about bills, rent, car payment, etc.
I want to feel His presence as I go about my day, but my insides are twisted with worry.
Thank you
I am so sorry to hear that your family is struggling right now. Praying this morning for God to open up doors for your husband to use His gifts to provide for your family. A passage that always encourages me when I am filled with worry is in Matthew 6 where Jesus tells us not to worry about our food and clothing or pretty much anything. He takes care of feeding the birds and sustaining all of creation, and He will make sure that we have what we need as we seek His kingdom.
I can’t wait to hear about how God shows up for your family. May God strengthen you and encourage you as you wait and pray.
Thanks so much for your time and words of encouragement, LGG ladies!! Please pray that I can sit still and hear God, as I make choices on how to spend my time. I also have a lot of broken relationships in my family. Please pray that they will be healed. Thanks!
Praying for you this morning. One of my favorite verses is Psalms 147:3 where it says “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” I’ve held on to that verse and prayed it through some difficult family circumstances, and I am beginning to see some healing in relationships after much prayer. I believe that our prayers can impact and bring redemption to our families and broken relationships. May God bring restoration to all the broken places as you lift them up to Him.
Lyli, LGG Encourager
I can completely relate! I know He hears our prayers and His heart is always for our good. Hugs from me to you!
Struggling for prayers that are still the same. I want to hear His voice, and no longer carry the anxiety my walk brings.
Wow Sarah! I can completely 100% relate to your words! I feel like ice been in that place for the past seven years with the same struggles and unanswered prayers. Hugs to you sister. Know that you are not alone in this and although it’s easier for me to remind others of this truth than it is for me to believe it for myself-I know His love for us runs deeper than we can even think or imagine. Stay close! Xo
I absolutely have the hardest one accepting that God wants to be near to me. I try to rest in Him and grasp his willingness- His desire to be in relationship with me and yet I can not get past the feeling that He remains distant and far away when I feel unworthy. I long for intimacy with Him and it just seems to evade me just when I need it most.
Ohhh Nicolette!
I wanted to reach out to you tonight and let you know that I’m praying over you! Ohhh friend, none of us are worthy of His love, His grace….His forgiveness. It’s all a gift that He gives….because He loves you so!
Because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions- it is by grace you have been saved.- Ephesians 2:4-5
Ohhh friend, we can never earn God’s love…release yourself from that burden. He loved you first….before you loved Him….and He still does. 🙂
I know God loves my children even more than I do…but honestly, it’s hard for my mind to even comprehend that is possible. I LOVE my girls and yes, they disobey at times….but my love for them NEVER changes. Their actions or their choices don’t determine if I love them or not….now I might be a little upset or frustrated with them….but that’s a different matter!;) But my love, no that doesn’t change. It’s the same way with God….just even better!
I recommend looking up all the verses in the Bible that deal with God’s love for you, writing them out and praying through them. God speaks to us through His Word…let Him tell you Himself how dearly loved you are!!!!
Thank you for this blog post ? I needed to read this today. I am living in a new place with my three children and have been fighting against living up to others expectations versus looking to God only for where I should be, who I am, what I should be doing. If you could pray for me to look to God alone and that I may no longer look around me for acceptance or for a measure of where I am. Thank you so much for all that you all do here at LGG!! Your studies have helped me grow in my walk with God during a very difficult time. Thank you!
With love,
Ohhh taking time to stop and pray right now, Ashley! Keep looking to Jesus, sweet friend! He so loves and values you….and He loves you just the way He made you!:) You are beautiful in His eyes!:)
I am thankful to hear that you have grown in these studies! I am lifting you up in prayer right now, that you will look to God only and know that you are so loved by Him! You are the daughter of the King, and He loves and accepts you just as you are when you come to Him. Keep your eyes, mind and heart turned to Him and He will fill you with peace.
Stacy, LGG Encourager
That I too may know when to sit still, listen, appreciate, take in the overwhelming meaning of it all and hold on to that nail scarred hand…never letting go.
Merry Christmas, Christ is King
Amen, sweet Tara!
And Merry Christmas!!!! 🙂
I suffer from disassociation disorder. Sometimes, certain situations cause me to disassociate from my body, and then I feel fragmented. I don’t know how else to explain it. I just don’t feel like a whole person, and it feels very unsettling. Yesterday, one of those situations occurred, and today, all day long, has been complete unrest for me. Reading today’s verses were so comforting, but it always takes me awhile to feel “normal” again…sometimes it takes longer than others. Though, it is such a comfort to me that God knows…He knows exactly what I’m feeling and why, and He understands. He is patient and He is faithful. I know I may not be truly “whole” in this world, but I know my God will make me whole again, in the next. That is what I cling to on days like today.
I am amazed at how God moves. I can’t tell you exactly what part of the study yesterday evoked such emotion but I know that God was speaking to me. I don’t live in the same city as most of my family so the beautiful reminder that God is always with me really touched my heart.
Thank you Whitney, that was beautifully written and so true to my heart!! I promised myself that I would slow down this Christmas season but somehow I’ve been busier than ever. This morning reading this devotional was just what I needed. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. I look forward to Mon,Wed,&Fri when you each share. You all have blessed me more than you will ever know!
I’m SO grateful for this study, it grounds me solidly on God’s word and on God’s character. When all is falling apart in this world and chaos, fear and hatred reign my tendency is to get incredibly anxious about the future. No surprise that God’s word settles my heart and my spirit- his promises and his character bring peace and trust in Him. I looked up the definition of the original world surely (or always depending on translation) in Matthew 28:20 and it relates to something that is unexpected but certain, seemingly impossible yet it happens. This is God’s presence, unexpected and seemingly impossible but absolutely certain!
Father, I lift up all the women here and each struggle, heartache and hope they have expressed. May you give your gracious wisdom over each situation and your comfort and peace to all. Thank you for their courage to share what is on their hearts and we trust that you will against all odds be there with them providing for each and every need.
“…reminding us that until Jesus returns we will all be a bit unsettled here.”
There it is. Loved this reminder.
Yes I struggle with resting in Gods presence. No matter what i cant seem to trust Gods promises apply to me. I hold NO guilt or shame so i dont now what is holding me back. I just feel i am never ending struggling and broken dreams. my life is purposeless no matter what I try.