We see angels ever present during Jesus’ Advent. These creations of God have the privilege of seeing God face to face in Heaven. Angels are seen throughout the Bible rebuking, informing, encouraging, guiding, protecting, advising, but primarily we read of them worshipping.

 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” – Luke 2:13-14

As angels announce the coming of the newborn King, the multitude of the heavenly host praise God. They are witnessing God’s plan for eternity… God becoming flesh.

The immortal touching the mortal.

The holy embracing the unholy.

The infinite grasping the finite.

Spirit becoming flesh.

I imagine the angels must have been astonished and amazed to look down towards Earth and see the Lord God Almighty cloaked in flesh limited with the vulnerability and dependency of a baby. Then, years later as the angels watch God the Son rejected, betrayed, bloodied, beaten, and crucified, I imagine they were astounded and confused. What was this all for? Was the plan faulty? Where did things go wrong?

However, I imagine when the angels took their eyes off the horrors on Earth, they saw in Heaven, God the Father, still on the throne, in all His transcendence, high and lifted up, with great and awesome power, overarching authority, perfect holiness and justice, full of mercy and love. His presence caused the angels to do what they were created to do… fall down before Him in praise and adoration.

From the view of angels, God is still in control. God’s plans are perfect. The messages and encouragement they delivered to God’s people weren’t wasted or insignificant. The angels were able to worship and trust God, whether He lay as a baby in a shabby stable surrounded by animals or whether He was seated in all His majesty and magnificence on His throne in Heaven.

Have we, like the angels, adopted a God’s-eye view, or are we experiencing life through a worldly view centered around our five senses? 

A God’s-eye view first begins with worship.

Worship elevates us from the seduction and pull of this self-focused world uniting us with God’s holy presence. Once we meet with God, our heart becomes so full of Heaven that we can’t help but reflect Him. As we read, study, and most importantly apply His Word, we develop His heart and His perspective in our circumstances.

Neither we nor the angels have the mind or the understanding of God, but we can still strive daily to keep God rooted as the center of our lives. The angels in Heaven spend time with God bowing at His feet. Although they may not have understood the divine concept of “God in flesh,” they never ceased to worship Him.

Can we, like the angels, continue to worship God even when we don’t understand His plan, don’t desire His plan, or outright disagree with His plan?    

Christmas, for many, is a wonderful time of celebration of the coming of Christ our King. But for others, Christmas brings feelings of anxiety and sadness. The painful battle of familial strife. The burden of financial strain. Struggles with health issues. Sad memories of lost loved ones.

It is difficult to worship when your heart is full of the burdens and heaviness of this world. Yet, we must cling to the true meaning of this season, because only in Jesus will our hope and joy be found.

When faced with the harsh realities of loss, heartache, frustration and disappointments, how can we shift our perspective? Shhhh… quiet your heart and mind. Listen closely. The song of angels is being sung in Heaven every day of our lives. If we discipline our hearts to hear praises falling from Heaven, we too can celebrate the presence of Jesus in all of our circumstances.

In what situation might God be urging you to change your perspective and develop a God’s-eye view? In what circumstance are you struggling to worship Jesus this Christmas? How can we pray for you?

Peace and grace to you,




Terria serves on the LGG encourager and social media teams. She lives in Virginia with her husband.   She is a proud mother of two beautiful girls in college. Her passionate goal is to ignite and empower a generation of millennial women to grab hold of God’s truth and cling to it.  She can be tracked down hard at work in busy hospitals listening to patients’ stories, while sharing the lessons and love that God has poured out in her life. Despite the sometimes chaotic circumstances of Terria’s life, God always shows Himself strong and loving.



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