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Here at Love God Greatly, investing in what really matters has always been the driving force of what we do. We’ve had the privilege of inspiring, encouraging, and equipping women all over the world for a while now, and here’s what we find to be universally true among the nations: women are hungry for God’s Word, and they’re hungry for relationship.

They want real community that lasts even when stuff doesn’t.

They’re crying out for more – these women who are tired of the shallow and meaningless rat race of life.

They crave solid truth and a hope that won’t fade in a world that is downward spiraling right before our very eyes.

Many of these women are from nations who don’t readily have access to Bible study resources in their own languages, and Love God Greatly is committed to reaching women in these places.



afterlight 3

Each study it’s SUCH a privilege to share our online resources with women in over SEVENTY nations worldwide. But recently, we’ve also taken these resources “on the road,” traveling to inspire women and distribute our translated study materials IN PERSON – right where they live.

In the days to come, you’ll hear more about Angela’s recent trip to Hungary, where she was privileged to participate in LGG Hungarys Leadership Training Intensive (with women from Hungary PLUS Romania, Ukraine, Slovenia, and England!). And this year through our partnership with the Global Advance Esther Initiative, teams have traveled to Nicaragua, South Sudan, China, Honduras, and Nigeria with LGG translated resources in tow! How incredible is that?! If only you could lean in and see for yourself the deep gratitude in these women’s eyes as they receive these Bible study resources – some for the very first time in their lives. It’s the sweetest experience that never gets old. 


LGG Spanish

We’re humbled and in awe of what God has done (only God!), and… we’re blessed beyond measure by a GROWING group of incredible women who are helping to make this reach possible through their translations of our Bible study materials.

We come before you with so.much.excitement today to announce that our YOU ARE FORGIVEN study resources will be offered in the following SIXTEEN additional languages:

You spoke, and we listened! Our *translated* Study Materials can now be purchased on Amazon!!! Simply click on each of the languages below to access this convenient, new option.




Czech. *coming soon*














Wow, it’s almost too much to take in!! When we think about women literally all.over.the.world. coming together as sisters in Christ, passionately seeking to know God more through His Word, it feels like a little glimpse of heaven. A huge THANK YOU to the incredible women who have made these translations possible.  MUCH prayer, time, effort and sacrifice has gone into their labors of love, so that even MORE women are reached, inspired and encouraged by the LGG community, and most importantly, by studying the truth of God’s Word together!

Can you – or someone you know – benefit from the resources for our YOU ARE FORGIVEN study in one of the languages listed above? Simply click on the Amazon links above, or download the YOU ARE FORGIVEN Study Materials for the SIXTEEN translations offered this session here:


Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

~ 1 Chronicles 16:23-24


Oh God, may Your glory fill the whole earth!


To help connect women interested in our international branches, we’ve asked our translators to list their LGG groups, Facebook pages, and blogs in the comment section of today’s post. We’d love nothing more than for you to dive in and be inspired, encouraged, and equipped alongside these incredible communities of women as they journey through our YOU ARE FORGIVEN study these next eight weeks!! 

Interested in translating or helping us reach women in other countries in their native language? Comment today and share what language you are interested in helping! We are always needing more translators and women who are gifted in graphics, technology, mentoring…and the list goes on. We would love to work with you and reach more women with God’s Word and Bible study materials in their language!





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