You Are Forgiven

We’re excited to release our six-week You Are Forgiven Journal!  You’ll receive our easy to follow reading plan, weekly reflection questions, prayer & praise section, as well as plenty of room to journal your daily, personal SOAP reflections as you dive deeper into God’s Word! These beautiful, journals even include a recipe for you to try with your friends from one of the many countries Love God Greatly serves!

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We are so incredibly excited about our brand NEW book / study journal combo to accompany our eight-week You Are Forgiven study!!  For less than $13, you receive eight full chapters of amazing content (including personal testimonies at the end of each chapter!), our easy to follow reading plan, plenty of room to write your daily SOAP, and our popular memory verse coloring pages! And best of all — every book sold supports the ministry efforts of Love God Greatly!

In this broken world we are all touched by shame, guilt, and difficult relationships. But God has a better way. Whether you are in need of the forgiveness and new life that Jesus extends to each of us, or you are longing for relationships that are free from blame and strife, this book is for you. Through the lens of God’s Word plus real-life stories, You Are Forgiven poignantly reminds readers that what Jesus did on the cross is the only thing that frees us from the prison of unforgiveness.

In Love God Greatly’s 8-week You are Forgiven Online Bible study, you’ll learn about how Jesus obtained for us the forgiveness of sins and what that means in our everyday lives. We’ll examine many of the different facets of forgiveness, including: Why do we need it? How do we get it? What is the extent of our forgiveness, and how should it change us?


You Are Forgiven Bible Study Journal for KIDS

Love God Greatly is dedicated to making God’s Word available to our beautiful community of women…and now, women have the incredible opportunity to share God’s Word with children through this study uniquely crafted for young hearts. You Are Forgiven for Kids offers God’s Word to the next generation of believers in practical and interactive ways that are sure to engage children in a deeper understanding of who God is and His story for their lives. Following a simple 8-week Bible reading plan, Scripture will come alive to your child with the help of spacious journaling pages, fun memory verse coloring pages, and space to draw and record items of personal prayer and praise. You Are Forgiven for Kids is the perfect companion for children to use alongside the Love God Greatly You Are Forgiven women’s study journal.

Click here to purchase on Amazon!

You Are Forgiven Bible Study Journal

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Choosing Forgiveness Over Bitterness

Choosing Forgiveness Over Bitterness

During my life, I have faced many trials. Each challenge has formed who I am today. Some would say that I have every right to be bitter, but carrying that anger with me has kept a focus on the past and hindered me from the path God has laid before me. The Love God...

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Power of God’s Word

Power of God’s Word

This has been the most amazing study. To find out how much God loves me and how deep His forgiveness for me goes is overwhelming. Daily I was blown away from the Scriptures that we read.  I realized through this study, the intensity of love my Heavenly Father has for...

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How can you KNOW that you are forgiven?

How can you KNOW that you are forgiven?

How Can You Know That You Are Forgiven? These last eight weeks have flown by, and I pray that we're ending this study a little wrecked, a lot changed, and in complete awe of our great God and His mind-blowing gift of forgiveness. Many nights were spent praying and...

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Beautiful Feet Bring Good News

Beautiful Feet Bring Good News

They called her Moses. An unlikely heroine, Harriet Tubman was five-feet tall and suffered a brain injury at age 15 when a heavy iron weight was hurled in her direction. In the years that followed, she was plagued by sleeping spells and migraine headaches. Born a...

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Week 8 – Now Is Your Time…GO!

Week 8 – Now Is Your Time…GO!

For seven weeks now we've been reading, sharing, and diving into what it means to be forgiven. Slowly, day by day, we've taken this life-changing truth from God's Word and have applied it to our hearts. I know some mornings you've worked to embrace truth that feels...

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The Joy Of Our Salvation

The Joy Of Our Salvation

THE JOY OF OUR SALVATION William Tyndale was a scholar who translated the Bible into an early form of modern English. He was very outspoken about his views and especially passionate about the good news of the gospel. Tyndale said, “Evangelion (that we call the gospel)...

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Called to love…

Called to love…

CALLED TO LOVE... "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” - John 13:34-35 Jesus loves everyone....

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Week 7 – The Fruit of Forgiveness: Love and Joy

Week 7 – The Fruit of Forgiveness: Love and Joy

It was a brisk Fall Monday morning a couple of weeks ago, and like a fish out of water this suburban mama was headed into the big city of Chicago for the day. I had recently applied for an international Visa, and the backed-up-more-than-usual consulate suggested that...

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Give Thanks Always And For EVERYTHING…

Give Thanks Always And For EVERYTHING…

  Give Thanks Always And For EVERYTHING... “Fleas!” I cried. “Betsie, the place is swarming with them!” We scrambled across the intervening platforms, heads low to avoid another bump, dropped down to the aisle, and edged our way to a patch of light. “Here! And...

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Marked by Gratitude…

Marked by Gratitude…

MARKED BY GRATITUDE... Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on...

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Free to Forgive: A Story of Healing from Abuse

Free to Forgive: A Story of Healing from Abuse

It’s been forty-one years since those bully boys stole my body, mind, and bits and pieces of my shattered soul. They posed as interested neighbors, ready to help my ancient babysitter. They’d take me off her hands, lessen her load. Which is strange if you knew me back...

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The Forgiven, Forgive…

The Forgiven, Forgive…

THE FORGIVEN, FORGIVE... The verses for today are taken from the Lord’s Prayer. We are so familiar with it that if we're honest, we would admit that it really doesn't mean all that much to us when we read or say it. I know I have felt that way. But the Lord’s Prayer...

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Week 5 – The Call of Forgiveness

Week 5 – The Call of Forgiveness

THE CALL OF FORGIVENESS Hi Ladies! I am so glad to be here with you for another week of our You Are Forgiven study. I hope that you are changing and growing during this pruning of our hearts, minds, and beliefs throughout this study. It is the beginning of Fall time...

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Overcoming Faith…

Overcoming Faith…

OVERCOMING FAITH Years ago, I came across a prayer that captured my need for Christ perfectly. I printed out its words and tacked it to the bulletin board beside my bunk bed in my college dorm room. “Dear Lord, So far I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, haven't...

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Week 4 – The Result of Forgiveness

Week 4 – The Result of Forgiveness

THE RESULT OF FORGIVENESS Oh friends, I am overjoyed to be here with you today. God is working in and amongst us through this study, isn't He? Can you feel it? There is a new thing coming... and it is called the result of forgiveness! So far along this journey we've...

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God’s Unlimited Forgiveness

God’s Unlimited Forgiveness

To what depths would you go for your spouse, your children, or your family members? Would you risk your life for them?  How much would you sacrifice for their happiness or their safety?  The answers for most people would be positive.  But what if you were asked the...

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The Depth Of God’s Forgiveness

The Depth Of God’s Forgiveness

  The Depth of God's Forgiveness   Good morning and welcome to Week 3 of our You Are Forgiven study! These last two weeks have been intense and this week won’t be any different. We’ve already spent a good amount of time talking about true repentance and...

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If My People…If My Daughters…

If My People…If My Daughters…

Friends, Reading 2 Chronicles 7:14 reminds me of how amazing our God is! Just like a loving Father, He always makes a way to forgiveness. I love how He starts out…He reminds us of who we are. We are His. We are called by His name. There is no mistake to whom we...

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Some Questions And Some Answers About Repentance

Some Questions And Some Answers About Repentance

A little while ago I wrote a post on repentance. I don’t want to repeat myself so I encourage you to read that post if you want a clearer understanding of what repentance is and the different parts to it. Today I want to do a little Q&A regarding repentance. So...

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Week 2 – The Way of Forgiveness

Week 2 – The Way of Forgiveness

Week 2 - The Way of Forgiveness   Heeeyyyyy there! Can we start off Week 2 by being completely real with each other? Pull up a chair and grab your favorite latte, because it's time to engage in the rare talk that goes deeper than the surface conversations we...

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From Rejection to Healing… A Story of Forgiveness

From Rejection to Healing… A Story of Forgiveness

At 19, I had an unplanned pregnancy. I was filled with so much shame and guilt and had convinced myself that abortion was the only way. While sitting on the cold table hearing about the details of the procedure, I ended up having an anxiety attack and fainted just...

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So You Did It Again…

So You Did It Again…

So you did it again… that thing that you’ve been doing that you desperately want to stop doing. Yep, you slipped again. You allowed your anger to get the best of you. You overspent even though you promised. You got jealous, prideful, and judgmental. You really, REALLY...

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A Heart That Can Be Trusted…

A Heart That Can Be Trusted…

There it hung in all of its whimsical glory, with its pastel colors and carefree rainbows tempting the likes of my eight year-old free-spirited girl. It was back-to-school time, and I had promised her a fun day out - just the two of us - plus a new outfit to wear on...

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Sin – The Reason We Need Forgiveness

Sin – The Reason We Need Forgiveness

Welcome to our You Are Forgiven study! I hope you are just as excited and ready to learn as we are. This study is going to take us on a wild ride. We will examine the heavy chains of sin and depravity, as well as the heights of forgiveness, acceptance, and freedom....

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You Are Forgiven Introduction

You Are Forgiven Introduction

Do you own a cross necklace or have a decorative cross hanging somewhere in your home? I do. Many of us wear crosses around our necks, in our ears, or as rings on our fingers. Maybe you have a cross tattoo. I have a set of candles with crosses on them. The cross has...

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JOIN A GROUP for our |You Are Forgiven| study!

JOIN A GROUP for our |You Are Forgiven| study!

If you've been around Love God Greatly for long, you know that we're really passionate about a couple of things: inspiring women get into God's Word, and encouraging them that they don't have to do it alone!  In today’s fast-paced technology driven world, it is easy...

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|You Are Forgiven|  Materials Now Available!

|You Are Forgiven| Materials Now Available!

We begin our Fall study ONE WEEK from TODAY and we couldn't be more excited! Now is a great time to reach out to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and invite them to do our You Are Forgiven study with you for these next 8 weeks! Our online Bible study format...

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And The Winners Are…

And The Winners Are…

Wow! What an amazing response to our You Are Forgiven giveaway last week! Thank YOU, thank YOU, THANK YOU to all of you for sharing, posting, tweeting, and pinning our images!! YOU helped us reach more women with this powerful book by telling your friends about it! We...

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(Whitney, Jen, Joy and Angela) In this broken world we are all touched by shame, guilt, and difficult relationships. But God has a better way. Whether you are in need of the forgiveness and new life that Jesus extends to each of us, or you are longing for...

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