“For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received – that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”
We arrive at the end of our Lent study today and also the end of this amazing, deeply nourishing season in the church calendar. Easter is here with this weekend marking the peak of this particular season. As Advent is the waiting season to celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas morning, so Lent is the preparation season to be reminded of the work Christ finished on the cross for us.
And what an amazing reminder it is of the wonderful, deeply undeserved work of Christ this weekend.
As we go through our SOAP verse today, let me highlight a few of the incredible truths there:
Christ Died
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul is reminding the church in Corinth of the gospel, which he preached to them and which they had accepted. Paul found some of the Corinthians – even the ones claiming to be Christian! – to be denying the resurrection of Christ, claiming there is no raising from the dead (verse 12). Hence the reminder of all Christ did for us – and it starts with Him dying on the cross. Why? Because of our sins.
Christ had to die, carrying the sin of the world on His shoulders, in order for us to be able to be born again by faith in Him.
Christ was Buried
After Christ died, He was buried in a tomb. His earthly body was laid down and the tomb closed by a big, heavy stone. There He lay for three days, descending to the pits of hell. However, this is not where the story ends. Praise God we celebrate this weekend because…
Christ was Raised
…He was raised!
Christ was raised from the dead on the third day. Death could not hold Him or win over Him. God proved to mankind that His plan was safe, solid, and sure from the very beginning. All the promises of Scripture are “yes” and “amen” in Jesus.
…with Accordance to Scripture
This is where it all comes together. Paul emphasizes that all of this, each step of the way, happened according to Scripture. God had already told His people, Israel, all about the Messiah, and in quite some detail! Passages like Psalm 27 and Isaiah 53 among many others show us the trustworthiness of our God. He prepared the way. By humility and obedience, Jesus died on the cross for us.
What victory!
So, at the end of this Lent season, as we prepare to celebrate this weekend with our church families and communities wherever we are at, how can you live these truths? If you’ve been a Christian for many years, and Easter doesn’t seem to hold as much significance for you anymore as it’s become familiar, I challenge and encourage you this weekend to read the words of Paul from 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 every morning and meditate on them day and night. Allow the Spirit of God to transform your heart and make them come alive in you once again.
And, if you are ready and full of joy as you read today’s passage, praise God! I challenge and encourage you to share that joy with those around you, specifically your loved ones who do not know Christ personally yet. How can you do that this weekend?
Have a wonderful Easter, friends. He is risen. He is risen indeed!
PS: Here is the first verse of one of my favorite hymns, “My Heart is Filled with Thankfulness.” I would love to know your favorite (Easter) hymn! Comment below!
My heart is filled with thankfulness
To Him who bore my pain;
Who plumbed the depths of my disgrace
And gave me life again;
Who crushed my curse of sinfulness
And clothed me in His light
And wrote His law of righteousness
With pow’r upon my heart.
Have you heard about our NEW Bible study!?!?
Join us as we dive into God’s Word using our newest study, Triumph Over Trials: 1 & 2 Peter.
We begin 15th April – order your journal today and join us!!!