Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

“For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received – that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to...
Good Friday

Good Friday

“It is finished.” These are some of the most chilling and simultaneously hope-filled words in the Bible. At this point in the story, it is hard not to burst into tears. How could Jesus die? What does He mean “it is finished”? In John 13:1 (ESV), it says, “When Jesus...
Pause and Reflect

Pause and Reflect

I cannot imagine what this scene must have been like to witness it in person. Here you have the very Son of God riding on a donkey. I love the response of the people. First, they put a cloak on the donkey, and then they place their cloaks on the road. This does not...
Faithful Track Record

Faithful Track Record

Marco! Polo! If you’ve ever played the children’s game of Marco Polo, you know the excitement or anticipation of trying not to be caught while yelling “Polo.” For the person who is “it,” who is Marco, it can be a wearisome task. You have to rely on your senses apart...


It is good to remember God. He dwells in heaven, almighty and all-powerful. He created the world by His voice. He created mankind as a special and set-apart creation in His image for a relationship with Himself. Even though we have all sinned and rebelled against the...

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