Lamentations 3:22

I’m a sucker for second chances.

I guess that’s because I’ve needed them so many times in my own life. From forgetting a dear friend’s birthday to not watching my words and tone when “discussing” an issue with my husband, or not having the patience I needed with one of my girls, I’m incredibly thankful for Lamentations 3:21-23.

I mess up literally every day!

Even last night I was at one of my daughter’s volleyball games, hoping to encourage the girl getting ready to serve. I yelled out, “You can do it ‘so and so'”, only to immediately realize I had just yelled out the wrong name of the girl getting ready to serve! Actually, the girl whose name I yelled was sitting on the bench! Oh, how I wanted a second chance in that moment, a redo if you will and NOT be THAT mom….you know the one who yells out the wrong names of the kids playing and embarrasses her daughter in the process, not to mention the poor girl on the bench.

I needed a second chance and so did Jonah.

Thankfully, God in His goodness and love gave Jonah a second chance and He does the same for us.

This time Jonah wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. When faced with the choice, again, to either obey God or disobey Him, Jonah choose to head in the right direction… this time toward Nineveh.

Amazing what a storm and a three-day timeout in the belly of a great fish can do to change your perspective.

Like Jonah, maybe you are in dire need of a second chance. Maybe God has called you to a different “land” and a different “people” and your first reaction was to run in the opposite direction.

Or maybe you are caught right now in a storm, crying out to God to forgive you and save you from the destruction your choices have caused.

It doesn’t matter how you’ve arrived in your storm, what matters is what you do next. Learn from Jonah and cry out to God. All is not lost. There are some valuable lessons you can learn through the process as you turn back to God. Cry out to Him in your need and desperation and remember, He is the only one who can calm the storm and still the water.

It’s not important where you were heading, what is important is Whom you are heading toward.

Turn back to Jesus.

Don’t let past poor decisions keep you from making new good ones. Regardless of your past, Jesus can make all things new (Isaiah 43:19).

That is the heartbeat of the Gospel. Jesus came for sinners like us.

He came for you and for me. Imperfect people in need of a perfect God.

What are you waiting for?

Love God Greatly!

Week 3 Challenge: Who in your life do you need to give a second chance? Maybe it is you. Maybe an old friend. Maybe it’s even God. Life is messy. We all make mistakes, don’t let your past dictate your future. Like Jonah, cry out to God and let Him give you a second chance.

Week 3 Memory Verse:

Week 3 Reading Plan


Friends, we would love your prayers and support! Love God Greatly is going to Germany! We are putting on a one-day women’s conference in Frankfurt, Germany open to ALL women in Europe as well as a two-day training intensive for our LGG European leaders and translators THIS SATURDAY. ?

One of our European translators said, “The training, as well as the community, is especially important because the “job” of a translator is very isolated and can be lonely and under attack. Through the training, we can share each other’s stories, see each other face to face and not only screen to screen. The training has to fit the country, meaning: Europe is very different than the US, has different challenges and cultural backgrounds.” ⁣

Please share the information below and tell your friends in Europe about our upcoming conference! We would love to meet them on SATURDAY!?

Click here to find out more about our upcoming women’s conference!


Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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