A few weeks back, I went into the backyard with a bucket and picked up a bunch of rocks. I carried the heavy pail inside and poured its contents onto the kitchen counter. Then I grabbed a black marker and wrote down the current year on one rock. Underneath the date, I scribbled a short phrase to describe a recently answered prayer. My husband grabbed his own stone and did the same.

Our collection of rocks marks God’s faithfulness to our family, and we keep them openly displayed in a basket in our family room. On days when I am flagging in faith, I will sit on the floor and start pulling out those stones to remind myself how the Lord responded to our cries for help. He always keeps His promises and provides everything we need. 

The prophet Jeremiah experienced great loss, but he encouraged his soul by rehearsing God’s character and remembering that the Lord’s love is steadfast and sure. He aligned his life to the bedrock truth of who God is rather than the slippery slope of changing circumstances. During our own seasons of lament, we can keep hope alive in our hearts by firmly fixing our thoughts on our heavenly Father’s unchanging attributes.

“But this I call to mind; therefore I have hope: The Lord’s loyal kindness never ceases; his compassions never end. They are fresh every morning; your faithfulness is abundant!” —Lamentations 3:21-23

His love is limitless. God’s covenant love for His people is not determined by our choices. Our Father continues to persevere in love even in the midst of the most undesirable circumstances. Even if we falter, His unchanging love holds fast and never lets go.

His compassion is unending. The Lord shoulders our burdens and supplies a fresh batch of mercy every morning. When we surrender our broken lives, He lavishes us with His comfort. We can trust our Father will always open His arms to receive us and restore us if we seek Him with repentant hearts.

His faithfulness is inexhaustible. Our Father continually follows through and fulfills what He has promised. The enemy may bring temporary frustration, but he cannot frustrate God’s purpose for our lives if we place our full hope in the Lord. Our lives may be in constant flux, but our unchanging God has not forgotten us. 

You may face external tribulation today, but you do not need to give way to fear. You can console your troubled soul by choosing to continually call to mind God’s character. Calamity cannot consume you if you place your total confidence in the Rock of your salvation. 

This content is originally published in the Love God Greatly Bible. Click the image below to order yours today!


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Let’s start the New Year right by focusing on prayer! As we set new goals and routines, let’s commit to filling our time with prayer first! The Importance of Prayer will walk through how we pray with boldness and confidence and how we grow in our faith as we connect with God through prayer. We would love for you to join us!


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Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar

Lyli Dunbar enjoys singing silly karaoke in the car with her husband, digging into Bible study with the girls, and reading 12 books at a time. A writer, speaker, and Biblical Life Coach, her mission is to encourage the weary hearted with fuel for a wildfire faith. Stop by lylidunbar.com to grab faith fuel for your day or connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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