Today I flipped back to the first page of my 2017 journal – the page where I poured out my honest, wrecked heart as I began my journey with the Lord this year.

I had been frustrated.

Frustrated with too much noise and not enough stillness.

Frustrated with too much stuff and not enough substance.

Frustrated with too much deception and not enough truth.

Frustrated with too much distraction and not enough focus.

Frustrated with too much temporary and not enough eternal.

Frustrated with too much of me and not enough of Jesus.

Sure, I read my Bible. But I wanted this year to be different. In my wrestling, God was calling me to more.

I wanted the words on those thin pages to be more than just a duty. I wanted more than just a hurried repeat of the same familiar verses. I wanted relationship instead of rules; sweet fellowship over busyness. Instead of information I wanted transformation. I was ready for new depth and change and purpose. More than anything, I longed for a wisdom that’s not of this world. 

I knew it was going to take sincere desire and commitment. I’d have to prioritize my schedule, shift my perspective, and shut off the noise. It wasn’t going to be easy, and I was fully aware that I couldn’t do it on my own strength. And so in the quiet of my kitchen on an early January morning, on page one I asked for it:

“Father, I’m asking You – by Your great power – to reveal Your written words to me in full clarity and truth, for as much as you would enlighten me in Your supernatural ways as I walk this earth. Your ways are higher than mine, yet I long to know You and desire to walk in the fullness of who You are in the here and now. More than stuff or approval or empty worldly pursuits that will never satisfy, I desire wisdom straight from You, God. As I open these pages, give me fresh eyes and a humble, open heart to receive all that You have for me. Lord, I want to KNOW YOU; to never tire or quit in the pursuit of knowing You more. Jesus, remove all barriers and distractions and open my eyes to see all that You have for me through Your Word and through Your Spirit living in me. With my whole heart I long to intimately, obediently, faithfully walk in Your ways. Give me more. Give me Jesus.

By wisdom a house is built,
    and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
    with rare and beautiful treasures.

Proverbs 24:3-4

Build: to develop according to a systematic plan.

Establish: to make firm; to cause to grow and multiply; to put in a favorable position. 

Fill: to put in as much as can be held.

Father, hear my cry, let me never tire, and fill me to the brim with Your wisdom so that I might speak, shine, and stand for You…

Let’s Talk: What’s ONE thing that has stood out/encouraged/challenged/changed YOU as a result of our time in Proverbs together? We can’t wait to celebrate with you in the comments!

At His feet,





Our next study, Broken & Redeemed, begins on March 6th!

Throughout Scripture, we read stories of broken people. But the beauty of God’s Word is that it is not just a story of tragedy. Woven throughout the Bible is also the greatest story of redemption. In this six-week Love God Greatly study, you’re invited to see the goodness of God as He remembers Sarah throughout her years of infertility. Come see Him care for Naomi as she deals with loss and loneliness. Behold our great God who gave Moses courage, Paul true zeal, and the adulterous woman forgiveness and the chance of a new life. All of the people we will study – and us included – have hearts and souls that need rescuing. Ultimately we will find that the answer to all of our brokenness – no matter who we are or what we’ve done – is Christ himself. So grab your friends, crack open your Bible, and together let’s rejoice with the broken and redeemed of God!

Grab our Broken & Redeemed study journal and corresponding kids’ study journal on Amazon today!



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