I feel Proverbs 6:27-35 gives us a little glimpse into the ancient lives of King David, Bathsheba and their son Solomon.
King David and Bathsheba knew first-hand the danger of adultery and how the effects of their choice stayed with them the rest of their lives, hurting them and those who were innocent in the matter. The guilt, pain, and regret never further than a thought way. Like most parents, they wanted better for their son and so warned him of the costly mistakes they had made.
Though Solomon is the author, you can almost hear King David’s voice and see his eyes filling with tears as he leans in closer to share with his son the dangers of adultery. It’s as if he is saying, “Son, don’t play with fire. It’s not worth the excitement. It’s not worth the thrill…you will get burned, and you’ll feel the pain the rest of your life. And the innocent ones…oh son, you won’t be the only one crushed by this sin…it destroys the lives of those who are innocent just as it does the ones committing the sin.”
“Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned?” – Proverbs 6:27
“Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?” – Proverbs 6:28
“So is he who sleeps with another man’s wife; no one who touches her will go unpunished.”- Proverbs 6:29
I wonder if those last words, “no one who touches her will go unpunished” were words that Solomon saw first-hand lived out in his father’s life.
Yes, David repented, and God was gracious to forgive him…but God did not remove the consequences of David and Bathsheba’s sin.
“Then David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.’ Nathan replied, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. But because by doing this you have made the enemies of the Lord show utter contempt, the son born to you will die.”- 2 Samuel 12:13-14
I wonder what that was like knowing your sins cost someone else’s life…someone who was innocent in the matter.
And yet, maybe we should. For our sins have done the same thing. Our sins have also caused someone’s death, someone who was innocent in every way, yet chose to die so that we may live.
That’s the horrible truth about sin…it causes death.
Death of a marriage.
Death of a family.
Death of a friendship
The destruction is not worth the fleeting moments of pleasure, and so Solomon passes this wisdom on to the next generations so that they, too, can learn and not make the same mistakes.
“But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself.” Proverbs 6:32
The same wisdom Solomon learned from his parents’ lives and shares in Proverbs 6 is true for our lives today.
Adultery destroys.
It’s a fire that no one escapes unharmed.
Is there grace, forgiveness, and mercy for those who have committed adultery? Absolutely! No sin is too great for God! But what we see in our verses today, and have witnessed through King David and Bathsheba’s life, is don’t even be tempted by it. The pain, the destruction, and consequences are not worth the fleeting pleasure.
God has better planned for your life. Don’t be tempted with another person’s spouse.
Friend, if this post finds you being tempted in this area, ask God for help to overcome this temptation. Stop thinking about that person, seeing that person and end the relationship immediately. Go to your spouse and tell the truth, seek help and accountability and don’t let the relationship continue or go any further. The damage, heartbreak, and consequences are not worth it.
Love God Greatly,

I am the betrayed in the marriage of 26 years. My husband’s affair has changed everything in my life, his life, our families’ lives, and in the ministry that we used to serve in. The pain seems to be an unending circle. But for the grace of God I don’t know how I would have survived this.
I still believe that God has a great plan for my life. My husband and I are currently separated. Sin, like fire, consumes you and the people, innocent people, in your lives. I believe God will forgive and restore my husband. He isn’t at the point of allowing God to help him. But I still believe.
For me, I’m seeking God for my life. I’m loving each new day that I’m blessed to live. I try not to take for granted the privilege of prayer, and every opportunity given to me..
If you are caught up in the snare that Satan has laid for you, please take it from me; the pain that your family will experience WHEN this is revealed is unbearable. Seek God now and ask Him to forgive you and help you in this matter now. It’s not worth losing everything, everyone that you love. It’s not worth the pain that you will inflict upon them.
Marie, your testimony touched my heart. I know the pain of which you speak. Focusing on God and each new day is so valuable and such a tremendous blessing. Forgiving our husbands, and forgiving ourselves helps to restore our hearts that have been broken. Being caught up in sexual sin isn’t what we have planned but trusting in God who has better things planned is our truth that we can cling to. I am glad to have the priveledge of prayer and it is my honor to pray over you and your family. May you always feel God’s never ending love and grace.
Thank you, i am going thru the exact situation with my husband and yes i am very wounded as our family also. I struggle from day to day with mixed emotions the longer it goes on, 1 yr now and i pray 24/7 for restoration and God to please end it because im tired of suffering.
I’m currently the betrayed in such a relationship. And there has been a child conceived. That news was only known yesterday. While reading this, I’m concerned that this child may not make it. I’m troubled by it, even though my husband made this child with another married woman. God lead me to my husband, and I promised to be his best friend no matter what, even if we were no Longer married. Am I crazy?? Many woman, those much stronger than I, would not have stood for this behavior. He has asked for time (before the conception) to figure out what he wants. I want him to be happy, even if it pains me. I have been a mess since the affair started. But since the conception of the child, I have been oddly at peace… I am so confused.
Ashley, God grants us peace when we rest and seek Him and I’m thankful you feel peace at this time. Use this time of peace to; seek out godly counsel, to go to God with your concerns and cares, and pray over and earnestly for your situation and all those involved. It’s not easy to walk this path , but I would like to share with you that I have walked this road and God has been gracious and lovingly guided me through it all. My relationship with the Lord was strengthen so much more than I could have ever imagined and this blessing has given me such joy that it’s hard to express. May you grow deeper in the Lord, may He continue to guide you and keep you.
I am so sorry you are going through this. We will be praying for you! ?
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Ashley I believe even in our deepest pain we can hear and see God directing us. It sounds as though you really already know what to do.
The day my husband confessed his sin I heard God say “restoration” although many did not understand why I chose to stand by my husband but I did as God said and it’s been a few years now but I love the man he is right now. He fell, learned and together we got back up.
I will be praying for you. Your heart is filled with so much good and so much love. It is love that covers a multitude of sin. ? Hugs to you!
Oh, Ashley. What similar lives you and I are leading right now.
I discovered almost 3 weeks ago, that my husband has been unfaithful, and may or may not have conceived a child with this person. We have been together 17 years, married over 15, of those, and we had been in love with each other for 25 years. Our teenage son was home and heard everything when I found out.
It’s only been not-quite 3 weeks…but I have lost my best friend, my confidante, my lover, and my soul mate. I can tell from what he has said to me that he is just absolutely a lost soul. But he won’t come home and isn’t ready to talk to the pastor at church…not at the this time, he said a couple of nights ago.
My son and I pray for him every night together. He missed his daddy so much.
This is not a pain I would wish on anyone. And even in spite of the betrayal…I want my husband back, and I want him to turn back to God.
In the meantime, I have learned – am learning – to lean on God for everything. To give everything to Jesus. And that even means gradually letting go of all this pain and giving it all to Him. I cry every day; that’s probably going to continue for a while, until I get to where I can release it all to God. And not all my tears are for me and my son. A lot of them are for my husband.
Ashley, I will pray for you and y’all pray for my little family too. God is the only thing getting me through this each day.
I am on the opposite side. I was unfaithful to my husband of 15 years. I am ashamed of what I did…and I have no excuse or rationalization behind my selfish decision. Nor do I expect sympathy or understanding. I was a woman of God…and I hope to someday feel worthy of that title again. To anyone considering having an affair…with all of my heart I say don’t. It will NEVER be worth everything you will lose.
I am a man that committed this action, it destroys me daily. I’ve confessed to my wife because the bible states to confess our sins to one another. If anyone put there considering the thought of it, rebuke it. The pain is terrible. My wife says she forgives me but I believe she doesn’t. I wish I’d never done so. She didn’t find out, she would have never known If I’d never told so. I pray to God for redemption in my marriage. Sin has severe consequences. If you are currently engaged in this action and think they’ll never find out, the bible says your sin will find you out. I encourage y’all if y’all done so, confess it. If your really wanting to live for God, it is a must you do so.We cannot apply what God word says to our lives when suitable for us when we are striving to live for God we have to apply all of God’s words to our lives.I pray to God in Jesus name that this reaches out to someone out there who read this article .And for who ever read this article can you please pray for me for restoration in my marriage redemption in my heart and my marriage and with God .
People committing adultery don’t mind about the consequences they only mind about the pleasure am going through the same but his not bothered at all