Know that the Lord, he is God!
It is he who made us, and we are his;
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
Psalm 100:3
Most of us are very familiar with Psalm 23. It is beautiful poetry showing us that God is like a gentle, kind and protective shepherd to his people. But Psalm 23 isn’t the only time this imagery is used. In Psalm 100:3 the people of God are once again described as sheep – sheep who are safe and provided for in the pasture of God. Sheep gather around their shepherd, and he leads them to pastures where they can eat their fill.
The Lord is our Shepherd! He is the one who cares, provides, and even fights for his own – for YOU!
God may provide us with physical food so that we can grow and be strong and healthy, but more importantly he gives us spiritual food that our souls may be nourished. Physical food is important for this life, but you can spend your entire life growing your own organic food, eating clean and exercising, and it means nothing if you don’t have eternal life.
As sheep we live and move in God’s “pasture.” What is this pasture?
My friends, it is the Word of God!
What are these “green pastures” but the Scriptures of truth—always fresh, always rich, and never exhausted? There is no fear of biting the bare ground where the grass is long enough for the flock to lie down in it. Sweet and full are the doctrines of the gospel; fit food for souls, as tender grass is natural nutriment for sheep.
C.H. Spurgeon
The Bible is sweet and satisfying food for your soul that you should consume daily. Taking it in, chewing and digesting it fills you with truth and strengthens your heart. Such truth, like Christ’s amazing love for us, animates our faith and leads to peace. It enables us to rest, to find contentment, to overflow with joy, and to experience refreshment. It is what allows us to suffer well and to find comfort in the darkest of times.
Have you ever gone awhile without reading your Bible? Did you notice that you begin to feel weak spiritually? Even if you don’t “feel” different, it is likely you are growing weak. By neglecting the “green pastures” of God’s word, you will wander into dangerous terrain, get tangled in foolishness, and fall into a pit of sin while your soul starves to death.
But God is a faithful shepherd. He clothes us, feeds us, befriends us, protects us, and shows us the way to go.
As Frank Hall says, “The Lord Jesus is everything to my needy soul!”
Looking to Jesus,

Thank you for these refreshing words Jen! I am going to print them for a friend who is struggling and to add to our reading around the Thanksgiving table! Just a “shout out” to everyone, a good read… Phillip Keller’s book “Lessons from a Sheep Dog” … A simple parable with great spiritual truth about a Sheep Dog, sheep and a shepherd. Enjoy!
I received that book as gift years ago and it was a blessing. It’s been packed away in storage dur to a move, but I’m ready to go dig it out to read again.
Thank you for reading and sharing! I will check out that book, thanks for the suggestion. We are glad to have you here!
Stacy, LGG Encourager
His book, “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23” is also great. I have used an illustration from it, in a ladies meeting message, at my church, on the Lord restoring our souls. 🙂
Those words are describing exactly what I experienced within the last two weaks. I became weary, more nervous and stressed than usually. By the time I began this bibly study, I felt a change within my heart and my soul. I became calmer and less stressed. How good is the LORD that he provided us with such rich “green pastures”!
I am with you, my stress level definitely rises when I am not spending time with God! We are glad to have you here, and grateful that God is speaking to you through this study.
Stacy, LGG Encourager
Such a great week of bible study, thank you!
I am so blessed by this study! Thank you for writing it and for the blog posts.
Praise you Jesus, for being our ever-loving shepherd. You will never leave us, nor forsake us!
Thank you for the wonderful way you share your faith. I have been learning so much from you lovely ladies. You are one reason that I want to share your posts with my sons but not sure they would have the same connection I get just because they are young men. Do you know of any good website that may appeal to a young man and teach in a similar manner as you? I grew up in a Catholic home and religion was always there though I knew there was something lacking. It wasn’t till recent years that I started reading my Bible because I just didn’t know where to start. I bought “Every Man’s Bible” for my sons but am afraid they won’t know where to start either. I pray they won’t take as long as I did to dig in to their Bibles.
I was going to ask the same question. My husband thinks these studies are fantastic and rich. I would love to see him and other men digging into the Word the same way. If anyone knows of an online study for men or another blog, please let us know. Thank you
My hubby recommends Man In The Mirror.
He Reads Truth (website) might also be helpful
Thank you, Jen. Your words are so inspiring! It makes me feel peaceful to read them.
When we began our online search for our home in Maine. Ps.23:1-2 was placed on our hearts as our formost guide in looking for a home. Our home wasn’t just for us but for those who came to spend time with us would find that green pasture.. that peace for their souls. People who have stayed with us have commented about the peace they experienced. Even our rescue kitties have found peace and a new life . Good reminder to me today . We need that time grazing in the pasture not rushing thru the drive thru for our spiritual enrichment .
Praise God for this study this week. Loving the Names of God, I signed up thinking I’d be dwelling on God’s attributes. Instead, I’ve found Him using this study to change my heart and thinking about Syrian refugees! Thank you gals for being faithful in following His leading about these studies and for providing us with such rich materials. Thank You, Lord, for providing these gals with the know how and spiritual acumen to bring this study to life. I love you, Lord, and though I don’t know these ladies personally, I love them too because of You! Thanks, Gals @ Love God Greatly!
One blog I would recommend for men-or anyone- is by Pastor Phil Ressler called Greater Things Today. His post on 40 things to give up for Lent went viral and I have enjoyed reading his messages ever since. Thank you all for the love, heart, and prayer that you pour into these studies….and to all who share comments. What an amazing community! May our hearts and lives be forever changed day by day by the power of his Word at work within us.
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