There’s no denying the power of truth.

The word truth is spoken five times in the first four verses of 2 John.

The foundation of our faith is completely based on truth, and we see this in John 8:32, which says, “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

As a mother, I can attest to the joy that fills my own heart when my children are living according to the truth. It’s always a joy to see a believer rise up and live according to truth, but there’s something extra sweet about seeing the ones you have personally discipled live according to Gods Word. I believe we see this same sentiment in 2 John 4, as John described his feelings in seeing believers live aligned with God’s commands: he greatly rejoiced.

There’s one particular word that sticks out to me in this passage: some. John says, “I rejoiced greatly because I have found some of your children living according to the truth, just as the Father commanded us” (2 John 4). This implies not all who were presented with the truth were living accordingly. If this doesn’t serve as a wake-up call I don’t know what does. What a frightening reality this is. This is truly something we must be on our knees about, daily.

One thing I know to be true, even through dealing with infidelity, divorce, and single motherhood is I am a more fierce and focused mom today than I was before the break up of my family.

The devastation brought on my family gave me an opportunity to rise up and get serious about the salvation of my children. I could no longer assume anything was safe and off limits to the enemy. Not that I wasn’t serious about it before, but it’s a whole other level when you experience an attack like that on your family. Not only did the devil mess with the wrong mama, but my children are fierce prayer warriors today and they have seen with their own eyes the provision and the goodness of God in our lives as we have risen up of out of the ashes.

What was meant for destruction, the Lord has and continues to use for good and His glory. This is truth.

Truth is all I had to cling to in those dark days, and it’s what I cling to today as I navigate my new life. (It also helps to turn up worship music louder than my thoughts!) The battle for our minds is real, y’all! For every lie that entered my mind, for every temptation that seemed to feel right in the moment, it was truth that would set me free. Disappointment is the playground the enemy loves to play in to trip us up. But it’s in those seasons of loss, grief, and disappointment that we need to grab hold of Gods truth even tighter and live like we believe it. We can’t afford to passively be in agreement with truth or have it tucked away in our minds from childhood. We must believe it and live it, today.

While the house was on the market, the kids and I prayed every single night and declared that although we didn’t know where we would be moving when the house sold, we believed the Lord had a good plan for us. We took the Word of God (Romans 8:28, Galatians 6:9, Jeremiah 29:11) and spoke His promises over us and believed Him at His Word. We could have easily sat in doubt and fear, but we chose to trust God. Satan’s greatest desire is to lead us astray and to get us to question the values and truths we hold dear.

Our house sold at the perfect time, and to this day my kids and I are blown away by what God did for us. In fact, it was my seven-year-old son that said it first: “Mom, when we were waiting for our house to sell, God was building us a house.”

Cue the tears.

I don’t think I’ve experienced a greater moment than when my own son gave credit to God for what He did in that season for us.

If seeing believers abide in truth made John rejoice, can you even imagine how much rejoicing goes on in heaven on our behalf when we live in truth and love and mercy and grace?

Lord, thank You for Your truth. Thank You for being near to the brokenhearted. Thank You for the plans You have for us that keep us out of harm’s way. Your Word is truth and may the truth of Your Word ring in the ears of all who need You and need to be reminded of who You are today.

Kelli Trontel

Kelli Trontel

Entrepreneur, photographer, writer, worship leader and single mother of two Kelli Trontel has proven that while life can bring grief upon grief, difficult days did not take her out. Her passion is to share how the Lord has been faithful even when life and others aren’t, how worship is our weapon and that the Lord truly fights our battles.

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