Lots of people have a “love at first sight” story when it comes to their spouses, but my journey to becoming Tyler’s wife didn’t exactly start out that way.
We laugh about it now because at 18 years and counting, oh how God has blessed our love. But let’s just say that the road to relational clarity was a long and curvy one with a detour or two along the way. Heh. After sharing a close friendship for several years, the biggest detour came when Tyler finally got the courage to tell me that his heart held much more for me than friendship. I proceeded to look that handsome boy squarely in the eyes and inform him that friendship was all I could muster at that time.
Immediately division entered our relationship. Our hearts grew anxious, and our typically peaceful interaction turned into all kinds of confusion.
And we didn’t talk for months.
What I found out later is that Tyler was very intentional during our time apart. Instead of sticking around for a fight or wallowing in worry, he made a conscious effort to step away and take his desires about our relationship to the Lord.
He and I were taking a break, but he and God were talking more than ever.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
~ Philippians 4:6-7
Tyler humbly made these verses his focus as he cried out to God. I can hardly read them today without overwhelming gratitude and emotion, because his step of faith to take his anxious heart to Jesus speaks so beautifully to what he believes about his Savior.
How we act reveals what we think about God…
Strong words? Maybe.
But listen, when you and I continue down the road of anxiousness, we communicate to our hearts and to the world that our God isn’t big enough, trustworthy enough, or wise enough to provide for us in His way and in His time. Alternatively, when we rest in the Lord and turn to Him in thanksgiving and prayer, we preach to ourselves – and to everyone around us – that our trust is rightly secured in the grace, sovereignty, and goodness of a God who sees and provides.
The result from the latter? Sweet, sustaining peace. Those around us will hear it in our words, and they’ll be able to see it all over our faces.
Exchanging anxiousness for peace…
A relationship status may seem trite in comparison to what makes your heart anxious today. On a larger spectrum we have been reminded in recent days that in this world we will have trouble. Many of you are fighting heavy personal battles that have become more than you can bear. Whether we’re watching the news, fumbling in our relationships, or fighting the perpetual thorns in our side, every day presents unique opportunities to turn from anxiousness to peace.
But how do we get there?
In Philippians 4, Paul guides us…
1. Be anxious for nothing. I’m not going to pretend this is easy, but if the Bible says it, with God it is possible! Isaiah 26:3 says, “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts you.” It might not happen overnight, but when we make the choice to read, pray, focus on, and repeat right thinking to ourselves based on who God is and the truth of His Word, over time there is less and less room in our minds for anxious thoughts.
2. … but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. On the pathway to peace we find this crucial step of prayer and thanksgiving. When we humbly go to God with our requests with a thankful heart – one that looks back and remembers who God is and the great things He has done (and will do!) – we are purposely fleeing worry because we are focusing more on the proven trustworthiness of Christ and less on our changing circumstances.
3. “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” God’s peace far exceeds anything the world can give. Why? Because true peace isn’t found in a formula, but in the Person of Jesus Christ. This “unexplainable” peace is one of our greatest open doors to sharing the hope of Christ with those around us. Show me a woman who exudes incomprehensible peace in adversity, and I’ll show you a crowd that’s asking what – Who – makes that possible.
“Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.” ~ Sheila Walsh
Would the people in your life categorize you as an anxious woman or a peaceful woman? That answer might just be a window into your heart, exposing what you really believe about God.
Prince of Peace, rule in and over our anxious hearts…
At His feet,
*LET’S TALK: As we celebrate Thanksgiving in America this week, let’s offer gratitude to our God for who He is. Share your prayer of thanksgiving in the comments below…
Wow! I can’t describe to you what sweet confirmation this was to me this morning. I have been doing Bible study with you all for over a year and it has helped me so much. Especially through rough relationships. (The study of Esther was great last year by the way). And I claimed Isaiah 26:3 as my own. I even posted it on my wall above my study desk. Just yesterday I was feeling anxiety creeping in on me again and knew just what to do. I got down before God and prayed. By the time I got to work I had such a joy and peace. So waking up this morning to this E-mail was confirmation that God is my only true joy and peace and I felt His presence with me so strongly. Thank you Whitney, Angela and all of you girls with ‘Love God Greatly’ that are so willing to be used of God in such a mighty way. God bless you all and His rich blessing and peace upon you and your families this season and forever. Cynthia
We are so happy to have you join us for the studies. I love when God gently confirms His presence with us in subtle yet very tangible ways. Whitney’s email was a beautiful confirmation and declaration of God’s love for us. God is ever present, always in control, and He will guard our hearts and minds with His peace! Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I am so thankful that God has reminded through this study that his peace is protection for my heart and mind and means freedom from fear and anxiety. It is a reminder that I am never alone. Thank you Jesus
May God continue to protect your heart and saturate your life with His peace! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Father, I thank you giving us peace which comes from you. I thank you for this peace which allows me to stand in the midst of troubles. This peace You give guards and protects me and stills my heart and mind. I am so thankful for the power that comes from Your peace. I do not have to worry because You care for me. Amen
Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer with us! <3
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
I am first of all overwhelmed with gratitude because my four year old accepted Jesus into her heart last night! This mamas prayers since her birth have been answered! And when we asked her what she knew about Jesus ‘ Jesus gives strength and peace and joy. And he died for our sins and rose alive !’
So simply said yet she’s exactly right!
Oh that is wonderful! All of heaven rejoices! It always amazes me how children are so receptive to the love and truth of Jesus. They get it! I guess that is why Jesus tells us we are to become like children in Matthew 18. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Father, Peace has not always been very apparent in my life. I so long for Your peace. I ask that You gently remind me when anxiety comes upon me that Your peace will see me through. Amen.
Amen Joyce! I thank You, Lord, for Joyce who has shared her heart. Lord, let peace reign in her heart, in the midst of her family, her workplace, her church, and in all of her encounters with people. Keep Joyce’s heart and mind focused on You whenever fear creeps in. Take captive any thoughts that do not reflect You and remind her quickly that You are God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Thank you so much for this study group and the prior two that I have been involved in. A friend brought me to this group and I am so grateful. God does bring me peace of mind and peace of heart. When I feel the world closing in on me for whatever reason and I start to loose focus, I come to God. No matter where I am, no matter what time of day I can always come to God. Without God nothing else in my life works. Praise be to God! I wish all of you a Happy Thansgiving! We are truly Blessed!
Oh Susan, joining you in your praise to our God – for His constant presence and work in our lives! Thank you for being a part of our community here. Thankful that your friend led you here, and that the Studies are speaking to you. Wishing you a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving, too! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Father God, thank you for continuing to restore us and for Your continued healing for each and everyone of us from the ugly past, for you said in Psalm 147:5 “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds”. Even I made a mistake of turning into a wrong direction or wrong path you have laid down for me, I know that mistake was already forgiven because of what Your Son did for me on the Cross! When Jesus said, “it is finish”, it is finish!…I know I can start again and begin a brand new adventure with You! for You are a God of many chances! You never count my mistake! Your mercies are new every morning and I thank you!
Our family has been going through a lot this past year. The week before this study started I realized I had been so anxious and overwhelmed I had not rested in the peaceful arms of Jesus in quite some time. This study has been very timely for me.
Lacey, praising God for His Timing! Our comfort and our peace come from Him, and His throne of grace. Although our timing is rarely perfect, His timing always is and it never ceases to amaze me! “For a thousand years in [His] sight are but as yesterday when It is past.” {Psalm 90:4} Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
The Lord has blessed me abundantly. I thank Him for all He has provided for myself and my family….all the many provisions that we take for granted — a roof over our heads every night, a warm home, food to sustain us. I pray that I can be a blessing to someone over this holiday sesson and that the homeless will be provided warmth and hot meals in the cold nights that lie ahead of us.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Joining you in prayer, Gloria. Heavenly Father, we come before You this evening with hearts praising You, for who You are and the many ways that You have blessed and provided for us. As we enter this Thanksgiving holiday, please give us ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to feel Your promptings – and where You may desire for us to serve. There is no limit to what You are able to do, and we know that You love to act through each one of us, as we seek You day by day. Show us the darkness where we can shine Your light, show us the need that Your love can meet. We live in a world that needs to see more and more of You, and are humbled as we posture our hearts as Your servants and seek to do Your Will. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
I’m so thankful for this study, that is bringing me much needed discipline in my daily study and prayer time. It is truly a JOY to dig into this study and be blessed by God’s word, it has been a long season where there was not much joy in that so I am celebrating!
My absolute favorite part of today’s study was noticing that God’s peace guards/keeps our hearts and minds. When I looked up the word used for guard or keep it is in reference to protection by a military guard which prevents hostile invasion. So, I loved the visual picture of my heart and mind being surrounded by peace (God’s spiritual army) that hems me in and keeps me protected from thoughts, anxieties, worries that try to invade. It is a STRONG and MIGHTY peace, not some whimpy good feeling.
Just last night I had trouble sleeping – worrying about things…..It makes me mad when this happens because 1) I can’t sleep! and 2) worry is not what I want to do but in my weakened, tired state, I lack the ability sometimes to snap out of it! But one conscious thought I had was that if I am worrying so much about these things, then I must not trust God as much as I think/say I do. Then just now in the blog I read the question: “Are you an anxious or a peaceful woman? The answer just might be a window into your hear, exposing WHAT YOU REALLY BELIEVE about God.” Bingo! So there’s confirmation….this I will work on. Then the verses in Philippians this morning are some of the best ever to speak to this! So I will continue moving forward! It’s so good to receive confirmation and hear from God through this study. Thank you for God-directed steps and obedience in offering it to us for our growth. Happy Thanksgiving, Love God Greatly Team!
Yes, I agree, that realization also came to me and my answer was painful. I too must work on the kind of woman I want to show the world.
Thank you for this timely reminder to pray with thanksgiving. It came at just the right time for me as well as the message regarding anxiety. God is great!
Thank You, Dear Lord, for Your unending mercy, grace, and love. You have given and given and given of Yourself even to the point of leaving the Throne, walking amongst us as a servant, and death…naked, cold, alone…on that terrible cross, to atone for sins that were not Yours.
Yet You gave even more when you conquered the sting of death and allowed us to join You in that victory!
Lord, may I ever be more than grateful. May I be less send less of me, whilst obtaining more and more of thee. I want people to see Your face looking out at them when I’m about my day…about YOUR business.
Lord, may I ever be a Sunday and never grow weary of serving.
Lord, thank You for continuing to give more and more of Yourself to us, Your beloved children.
I love you, Lord.
Amen and AMEN!!
May I ever be a SERVANT! Not a Sunday! Gotta love autocorrect!
Amen, Nikki! We stand in agreement with you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful prayer! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Nikki what a beautiful prayer!
Our Heavenly Father has done more than we can even begin to comprehend, hasn’t He?
Thank you for this today! Today is the 1 year anniversary of my husbands work accident where he was crushed between two train cars. God has done miracle after miracle in our lives and has proven His faithfulness to us. There truly is a peace that can only come from Jesus Christ when we completely surrender. I pray that anyone who has an anxious heart will remember that we have a God that is bigger than anything we can ever face. Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh Autumn, what an amazing testimony of God’s power and peace in your life! I’d love to know how you were able to surrender. Praise God for His presence, His strength, and His love. Thank you so much for sharing! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
~Terria (LGG Encourager)
Nine years ago we lost our second daughter at birth and then two months later my husband was diagnosed with stage 3c colon cancer at the age of 24. We experienced God’s presence so intimately at that time. There were numerous events that some would call coincidences that I knew were the works of God. When you are at your weakest it is when you are truly able to see the Lord at work. So when I got the call from the hospital about my husbands accident last year I went right to prayer and surrendered my husband to the Lord. I prayed that His will be done, no matter what I wanted. I remembered how God took us through our previous storm and could see Him already at work in this new trial. It was comforting to me to know that God was doing it again. From then on I believe that it was God carrying me through. The enemy would love to be able to take control of these types of situations, but when we realize that God has already proven his love for us, we can relax and let Him fight for us.
Man! I really needed this today. I pray that my anxiousness leaves and God enters. I desperately need that peace that only Jesus can give. There are so many things in life that you can’t control and it’s easy to worry, but God! He doesn’t want us to worry and be anxious. And I thank Him every day that He wants to take our heavy burdens and place them on Him. Praise the Lord, for he is truly amazing!
This song says everything for me…
Jehovah-Jireh, how great Thou art! You provide our daily bread, You keep us safe in the battle of daily life, You lead us and guide us if only we are willing to follow. You are ever present and all powerful
How blessed I am to be able to come to You at anytime or place. You hear my heart’s pleas and my joyous praises. You see my tears and feel my heartaches.
Nothing escapes You!
Thank You, Lord, for all thr days of my life and those yet to come. If it be Thy will, may they be long and healthy. For each friend and sister in Christ with whom I have shared time, thank you for their presence and positive gifts in my life. Lead me Lord, in the paths righteousness so that one day I will dwell in Your house forever
I’m grateful for my small family.I am grateful for everyday I get to spend with them.Though I drift away in reading while their into their social life and games.I feel a strong link connected to each.Someone just posted this on a comment in another group.I had a ectopic four months ago .So I confessed.,I lost my faith in disappointment. Now facing the same battle.I am now very grateful for everyday and everything God has done for me.Two weeks ago.I was walking in darkness.Hurt,anger,and bitterness.I am grateful God is forgiving and that I have another chance to change my heart&life!
Oh Joyce, I am so sorry for your loss. I know first hand how hurt, disappointment, anger and bitterness can lead us down roads that distance us from God. Praising Him for His work in your heart, and in your life. Praising Him for His Word speaking to you – right where you are at. And giving thanks … for His mercies are new every morning, and His love and His forgiveness know no end. Lifting you in prayer this evening my dear sister, and wishing you a special and blessed Thanksgiving filled with a sense of wonder and gratitude for who our God is, and how very much He loves us! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Thank you for this powerful message! I believe thanksgiving is the key to having peace in our hearts and minds. Grumbling moves us away from God whereas thanksgiving brings us to the heart and mind of our Prince of Peace. I am learning that I do not trust God very much because when issues arise, I can come unglued very quickly. Learning, though, I can just as quickly turn back to God and know He is asking me, “Do you believe I am who I say I am and I can do what I say I can do and that I will get you through this?”
Amy, thank you for sharing from your heart! Praying that your trust in God grows as you continue to seek Him and spend time with Him, in His Word and in prayer, every day. Our journey of faith is a lifetime one, and our growth holds eternal benefits! You are so right. The world’s way is to fret and to complain, but our grumbling does distance our heart from Him. May God’s Word speak to you in the depths of your heart, and help you posture your heart in gratitude to Him – always. Our God is good and He is faithful. May we be joyful always and in prayer with Him continually, giving thanks to Him in all circumstances, for this is God’s Will for us in Christ Jesus. {1 Thessalonians 5:16-18} Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving! ~ Jean (LGG Encourager)
Thank you!
Circumstances in my life at this time make even breathing an effort. Thank God for His perfect peace. He is ever faithful. Glory to His name!
I am sitting here in Guatemala. I’m so thankful that God brought me all the way over here and showed me his true glory and how he truly makes me smile. I’m so thankful for all that he has done here and all that he will continue to do from this point forward.
Father God,
Thank you for the family of God. We encountered you fully when we gathered there at that little church 4 years ago. The body of Christ is His bride and I want to care for her as you do Lord. Thank you for your love Jesus. Forgive me for when I am anxious and fearful. Let our lives be a shining light in the darkness. Let our thanks be in all circumstances. Thank you God!
Prayer and God’s peace are very helpful in teaching teenagers to drive! Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you God for our many blessings.
Thanks and Glory Be to God! I found LGG in my study with You Version daily. Trusting that all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. May we all be blessed and continually each day to pray constantly for prayer changes things if we only believe. God bless. Amen