“Therefore we must progress beyond the elementary instructions about Christ and move on to maturity, not laying this foundation again: repentance from dead works and faith in God” – Hebrews 6:1

There are some things that are super cute to watch. A toddler trying to eat spaghetti for the first time and it ending up more on their face (or on the floor) than in their mouth. Or listening to a young child recite the alphabet. But if we were watching those same things repeated by an adult, it wouldn’t be quite as cute. In fact, it gets a little awkward.

There was a time in our lives when it was acceptable for us to not know how to do some things. It was understandable and there was a grace for a season to learn new things, to grasp basic life concepts, to wobble a little as we got our bearings.

At some point along the way, there was a maturing that needed to happen, a responsibility to move past the elementary things and take hold of the deeper things that God has for us to learn and discover and grow in.

God wants us to mature and grow as believers in Christ beyond the things we learned when we first became Christians, whether that was when we were five-years-old or fifty-years-old.

God is not concerned that we don’t always get things right the first time. He is patient with us and He delights and rejoices as we learn and grow spiritually. He knows we may learn at a different pace than others, and He has sent the Holy Spirit who will teach and guide us in all things. The Holy Spirit will give us revelation of His Word, and that’s when spiritual maturity builds and grows in us.

There is so much God wants to teach us, so much He wants to partner with us to do, to build His Church, to reach the lost, to grow in deeper relationship with Him. One thing we have to guard against is the temptation to stay comfortable, to not grow beyond the basics.

There is a spiritual discipline we need to engage in that keeps our hearts and spirits alive and receptive to His voice. When we put into practice the basic things He has taught us, it allows Him to begin to reveal weightier things to us – spiritually solid food, instead of just milk – that will cause us to be strengthened from the inside out and equipped to do what He has called us to do.

The truth is, God has so much more for us to do. We are living in days like the earth has never seen before, and it will require a discernment and wisdom that we’ve never had before. God is looking for those who have some spiritual strength who can handle the Word of God with skill and wisdom and love, but it takes practice. It takes maturity.

Let’s become mature in our understanding. Let’s grow up in the things of God and not let our ears become dull of hearing His voice, His truth. The days we’re living in are costly. This is not the time to allow our spiritual strength to wane.

God is looking for strong and healthy believers, like you and me, who, like it says in Colossians 1:10, “so that you may live worthily of the Lord and please him in all respects—bearing fruit in every good deed, growing in the knowledge of God.”

Let’s grow past the elementary stage of our spiritual maturity, and become strong, fruitful believers. Not just for our own personal benefit and growth, but also for the people all around us who are searching for hope and truth, found only in Jesus and in the Word of God.


Andrea Howey

Andrea Howey

Andrea Howey is a hand lettering artist in Dallas, Texas. She started hand lettering Scripture and encouraging words during a season of loss and God began to use it as a means to minister encouragement to people around the world through social media. Today, she continues to create hand lettered words and goods for her business, as well as freelance work for ministries, authors, and other projects, all with the aim of encouraging people in heart, strengthening people in faith, and above all, pointing people to Jesus. You can check out her beautiful designs at andreahowey.com and connect with her on Instagram.

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