The world will tell you that you can ride the fence – one foot in the world and one foot in Kingdom living.

But James points us to the Way, the Truth, and the only path to real living.

It’s an all-in relationship with Jesus that transforms us from the inside-out.

It’s the fullness of Him that replaces frustration and futility with peace and purpose.

It’s a hope that sinks down deep into our souls and can’t help but get the attention of the world around us.

We were created for only one Lord, and James is calling out to us to shut down the compromise and follow God alone with reckless abandon.

May we be confronted with our shortcomings and repent, encouraged by Christ’s abundant grace, and motivated to live godly lives through His power and for His glory. – Jen Thorn (James Introduction)

When we immerse ourselves in the truth of the gospel and exchange our weakness for Christ’s strength, that’s when we’ll find our feet firmly planted in Kingdom soil.

In these last four weeks James has instructed us to:

  • Persevere – Under trial. In gaining wisdom. In developing humility. In sowing peace. In resisting the love of money.
  • Be patientIn suffering. With our words. As we embrace and love others. As we trust God for our futures.
  • Project the Father – To show the world that our faith is genuine through our love, our words, our service… our witness.
  • Pray In times of joy. In times of trouble. Because prayer is powerful. Because it’s effective.
  • Pursue God in full surrender. Abide in Him. Then with truth and in love, pursue those who have wandered.

… and so. much. more.

You who are weary from the compromise, do you hear Him calling?

Come home.

Don’t wait another day to step into all-in, authentic Jesus living. The author and perfecter of our faith has promised to provide His grace and strength for the journey. Take it from James… it’s far better than anything this world can offer.

At His feet,



Let’s talk: Which of the five “P” words above is the most challenging for you? What is one lesson from James that you don’t want to forget? How can we pray for you as you commit to pursuing authentic faith?



Does life seem overwhelming at times? Do you struggle with sleepless nights? Are the “what if” thoughts invading your mind and robbing you of peace? Are you looking for relief from the fear and anxiety that is filling your life and silencing your dreams of a better tomorrow?

Make no mistake; fear is all around us. But that doesn’t mean we have to cower to it any longer. Fear is a bully, and it’s time we put it in its place! Fear is not allowed to have power over our lives any longer.

In this six-week study, we will dig into God’s Word, from the Old Testament to the New, and discover what God says about fear and anxiety. We’ll learn how we can combat it through the power of His Word. No longer will we be slaves to our fears. Though fear and anxiety will always be a part of our lives, we can learn how to take back control and not allow it to cripple us any longer.

Looking to God for help, we will find the freedom our hearts are aching for and the peace our minds need. With God on our side and His Words in our hearts and minds, we will overcome!

So invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers and join us beginning February 26th as we begin our next study: Fear & Anxiety: Learning to Overcome with God’s Truth!

You can grab your copy of this powerful 6-week study on Amazon here and help us equip more women around the world in their language! 



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