Have you ever considered how what you wear represents who you are and what you do?

Our wardrobes include leggings for keeping active, business suits for work and meetings, a favorite old sweater for relaxing days, and pretty dresses for special occasions. You prepare an outfit for the day depending on what your day holds. 

Well, let me ask you this: What would you wear if you were asked to come before a king?

We begin this last week of our study on prayer by focusing on putting prayer into action and praying for our closest relationships—our husbands, children, closest friends, and family. As we dive into how this is reflected in our everyday lives, we look at chapter 3 of the book of Colossians, which is a beautiful call to “put on” or “clothe” ourselves in certain characteristics, just like we would put on clothes each day to love, serve, and protect the closest relationships in our lives.

The metaphor of clothing in the Bible is fascinating. You can dig deeper and find out more interesting things about what clothing in the Bible represents but, simply put, clothing in Scripture often represents a right standing before God or the inner attitude of a believer.

Perhaps this list sounds discouraging and exhausting. You don’t feel like you are any of these things Paul talks about, and it seems like an effort to try and achieve them. So, let’s look together at the beginning of verse 12 which shows us just how this list can be lived out:

“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and dearly loved…”  

You, sister, are elected (or chosen), holy (or set apart), and dearly loved (or beloved). 

This is the position from which God wants you to live, love, serve, and pray. 

When you know you have been chosen, you love freely.

When you know you have been set apart, you live joyfully.

When you know you are dearly loved, you serve generously.

If you have accepted Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior, you already are all of these things—and no one can take them away from you (Romans 8:38–39)! Own your identity and live out the calling and purpose God has placed on your life. 

A woman who daily puts on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness is a woman everyone wants to be around. She lives out of the abundance she receives from the Lord. She loves with a divine sort of love that she lets flow freely through her. She prays out of a secure personal relationship with her Heavenly Father, fully confident that what He says is true. 

She is also a faithful prayer warrior for those God entrusted into her care. She prays salvation over an unsaved spouse, family members, and friends; strength for her close ones going through trials and illnesses; protection from sin and discord in all her relationships. She knows her prayers are heard and answered, and she surrenders her closest loved ones to the Lord who loves them even more than she.

Such a woman is worth knowing because God works and shines through her. Her husband lacks nothing of value because she is in his life (Proverbs 31:10). What a powerful statement about a wife, close friend, or sister! 

Are you this woman to those around you? 

Everything you need is already within you through the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. 

How can you grow in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness this week as you wrap your closest ones in faithful, unwavering prayer?

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”Colossians 3:17

Week 6 Challenge:

This week, we are going to intentionally put our prayers into action! Each day chose someone to pray for and let them know by either texting, calling, or writing them a note.

Week 6 Reading Plan

Week 6 Memory Verse




Have you heard? Our next Bible study is available now!

Join us this spring as we study the Gospel of Luke in our newest Bible study, He Sees, He Knows, He Cares. Together we’ll study who Jesus is and how He loves and cares for His people, no matter where they’re at. Join us as we learn what it means to truly count the cost of discipleship and follow Jesus with our lives!


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Petra Stoneman

Petra Stoneman

Petra lives in Northern Ireland with her husband, Michael, and chocolate lab, Boomer. Originally from the Czech Republic, she serves on the LGG Translators team as one of the Czech Branch translators. Petra is passionate about discipleship and raising up a new generation of believers. She serves in the youth ministry of her local church alongside her husband, who is a full-time youth pastor, and she loves to encourage young women in their relationship with Jesus.

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