When was the last time you were surprised by Jesus?
This thought-provoking question came up recently in our home group Bible study and prompted us to consider that, perhaps, even subconsciously, we have limited God to what we think He can do, how He will work, or how He could answer our prayers.
Imagine if we could travel back in time and ask that same question to Jesus’ disciples in the early days of their call to follow Him. I guess their answer would be, “Today!”
Let’s remind ourselves of the amazing change in their daily lives and the miraculous things they witnessed, as they were called and chosen by Jesus, saw a leper cleansed, the paralyzed man healed and forgiven, the dead raised, a storm stilled, demons cast out, multiple people healed, and an upside-down, counter-cultural kingdom proclaimed and pondered over parables!
These are just some of the happenings we have considered in our study of Luke’s Gospel so far. Have we been surprised by Jesus? Of who He is, what He teaches, how He can do the impossible, how He is the One who sees and knows and cares? Or, have we become so familiar with these passages of Scripture and the miraculous accounts contained within that they lose their wonder?
The apostles had been with Jesus while He said and did many amazing things, but now they themselves had been sent out in His power and authority, as Jesus’ ambassadors, to heal the sick and proclaim the Good News of Christ’s kingdom. They had been instructed on the importance of traveling light, as a reminder of their utter dependence on God and His provision alone for all their needs.
Isn’t this a great lesson for us too, as we serve God and reach out to others? We need to remember that nothing is achieved by our human efforts, in our own strength, or from our resources, but all that is done in His name and of eternal worth is, to quote the apostle Paul, “from Him, and through Him and to Him” (Romans 11:36). Whatever task we face, no matter how overwhelming, or however heavy the burden of ministry may seem at times: Jesus is more than enough.
Luke then tells us the disciples came back from their adventures in ministry and reported everything to Jesus (Luke 9:10). We can imagine their excitement and enthusiasm! It is interesting to note Jesus’ pattern here—He took them with Him to withdraw privately for rest.
How vital this is for each of us too, as we get caught up with our full schedules and all the demands on us; we must choose to make time for that sabbath rest only Jesus can give, and get refilled, restored, and re-energized from time alone with Him. I recall wise words from an old preacher who said we need to “come apart” so we don’t “fall apart!”
The crowds followed Jesus and the disciples, and, rather than getting irritated or annoyed by the interruption, our merciful Savior welcomed them, cured the sick, and spoke into their greatest need as He shared about the kingdom of God.
The account of what happened next is so well known; the “Feeding of the Five Thousand’ is featured in all four of the Gospel accounts and is a story that even the youngest child can recall. Let’s allow ourselves to be surprised by Jesus as we consider the details of this incredible miracle.
They were in a remote place, it was getting late, the people had been hanging on Jesus’ every word all day long, but now they were getting tired and hungry. The disciples weren’t being unkind in asking Jesus to send them all away, rather, they were showing concern in a practical way. But, Jesus shows compassion and proves again how He can do more than anyone could ask or imagine! When Jesus told the disciples to give the people something to eat was reminding them that they have everything they need in Him.
The five loaves and two fish they gathered were an ample picnic for one, definitely not for five thousand! Is anything too hard for the Lord? He is able to do abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine! Jesus took the bread and fish, gave thanks to His Father, broke them, and gave it all to the disciples to feed that great crowd. How amazing to read that everyone ate until they were satisfied and there were even twelve baskets of leftovers! There was more than enough!
This is our God.
He takes impossible situations and works for our good and His glory.
He showcases His divine power in our desperate and difficult circumstances.
He multiplies our limited resources to fulfill His purposes.
Let us not limit Him by second guessing how He will work or what He can or cannot do. Whatever circumstances you find yourself in, whatever challenges you are facing, He is more than enough for it all.
Dear friend, I pray you are surprised by Jesus today.
Have you heard? Our next Bible study is available to order!
Join us this spring as we study the Gospel of Luke in our newest Bible study, He Sees, He Knows, He Cares. Together we’ll study who Jesus is and how He loves and cares for His people, no matter where they’re at. Join us as we learn what it means to truly count the cost of discipleship and follow Jesus with our lives!
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