A thread has been woven from Genesis to Revelation that has perfectly placed Jesus in the position to let the world know who He truly is: the Messiah. We know of Jesus’ miraculous birth. We have seen John the Baptizer prepare the way. We have witnessed His miracles and ministry. We have seen prophecy fulfilled and promises kept. What happens next reads like the end — oh, but friends, it is only the beginning! 

The time had come. Jesus had gathered with His disciples in the upper room, and as they broke bread and passed the cup He told them to do so in the future, in remembrance of Him. Jesus gave thanks as He broke the bread, and we give thanks remembering how His body was broken for us. Jesus gave thanks as He poured the wine and passed the cup, and we give thanks remembering how His blood was poured out for us as an everlasting covenant. 

Although the disciples lived and worked and served with Jesus, they still had trouble understanding exactly what was about to happen. Jesus’ greatest act of love and sacrifice was about to change the world. 

Jesus and the disciples went to a place where they could pray, and Jesus asked Peter, James, and John to stay alert with Him while He went to pray. Jesus poured His heart out to God, willing to do everything asked of Him but also overwhelmingly aware of all that was about to happen. He was about to take on the sins of the world, and still He prayed that God’s will — not His own — would be done. 

Who is Jesus? He is the miraculous baby boy, born to the virgin Mary, both Son of God and Son of Man. He is the Messiah, the One sent to die for us so that we could live with God forever. He alone is worthy of our praise, and He alone can save us from our sins. 

You and I, we are sinners. We need Jesus. The sacrifice He made thousands of years ago, His death on the cross and His resurrection – that wasn’t just for His disciples or the people He met during His earthly ministry. Jesus died for you and for me. He loves you so much that, knowing what was about to happen, He gave thanks.

There is a place for you in the family of God. If you have never accepted Jesus as your Savior, it would be an honor to invite you to do that with us today. God loves you, but our sin separates us from Him. Jesus died so that we might have life, taking on the consequence of our sin so that we can spend eternity with God. Death could not hold Jesus, and three days after His death Jesus rose again! He is reunited with God the Father in heaven, preparing a place for all who believe in Him. 

Jesus, I know salvation isn’t about what I can do, but about having faith in what You have already done. I confess that I am a sinner and I ask for Your forgiveness. I trust and believe that You paid the full price for my sin when You died on the cross, and I want to be with You forever. I love You, Lord.

Oh friend – if you prayed that with us today please let us know so that we can celebrate with you! There is a community of women around the world to walk this journey with you, to pray with you, encourage you, and learn more about God through His Word – together.


Week 6 Challenge:

This week, reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for you. Spend extra time in Mark 14:36-38, when Jesus prayed in Gethsemane. How does His death take on new significance for your personal faith when you read about what Jesus was feeling prior to His betrayal?

Reading Plan

Memory Verse




Have you purchased your In the Beginning Bible study journal yet? Not only will you find all of the daily reading passages and SOAP journaling pages, but you’ll have each of the daily devotions in printed form–no need to check the app on your phone while working through your study!

Don’t forget, the Bridge Reading Plan is only available in the printed journals! The Bridge is a two-week long reading plan designed to bridge the gap between two studies. In the In the Beginning journal you’ll find the Bridge Reading Plan along with two weeks of SOAP journaling pages and daily Scripture reading! Don’t miss this! The Bridge reading plans will walk through the entire Book of Psalms during 2021. This plan is found only in the study journals, so grab one today! You don’t want to miss out!

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Order your In the Beginning and In the Beginning for Kids journals here!

Crystal Stine

Crystal Stine

Crystal Stine is the author of Holy Hustle, Quieting the Shout of Should, and the Holy Hustle Planner. She serves as the Communications and Online Director for her church and has a passion for using social media as a mission field to reach as many as possible for Christ. You can connect with Crystal online at crystalstine.me, get a sneak peek of her first books through several YouVersion reading plans, or find her on Instagram @crystalstine. Crystal lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter.

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