When I think of that first Christmas night, it is hard to imagine that while Bethlehem was bursting with people, not one of them knew that in their midst, the Son of God was being born. The Word had become flesh, the Redeemer of the world had entered time. The only pomp and circumstance He received came from the angels singing over a field that night and a few smelly, rugged shepherds became privy to the good news that the Hope of the World had finally arrived.
While His arrival was mostly overlooked, the coming of this Christ-Child had been heralded over and over again all throughout the Old Testament.
It is easy to look at the Old Testament as a choppy collection of stories told to help us understand the history of God’s people. While we do learn a lot about the people of Israel, the Old Testament is primarily about Jesus. It is God meticulously orchestrating all things in such a way that would result in Mary marrying Joseph, the couple going to Bethlehem for the census, and Mary giving birth in a barn to the long awaited Savior, whose path would lead Him to the cross.
God gave promises and signs all along the way. Some of these promises were very subtle like in Genesis 3:15, and sometimes they were like a loud trumpet declaring to all that a Rescuer was on His way (Is. 9:6).
We already saw how God revealed that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), that He would be born of a virgin, and that His name would be Immanuel because He is “God with us” (Is. 7:14). But even in 2 Samuel, in the middle of the story of David, God makes a promise that He is going to establish someone from the line of David on a throne that will last forever. It is a foreshadowing of the ultimate King whose kingdom will never crumble or be overthrown. This child, who was born to humble parents, in humble circumstances, is establishing a glorious kingdom on whose throne He will forever sit.
It is a kingdom that is characterized by peace, safety, justice, love, worship, excitement, tranquility, and provision. The inhabitants of this kingdom will lack nothing and their joy will be made complete as they live with Jesus himself.
We are a part of this kingdom but only because the Son of God took on flesh and dwelt among us. This is one of the many truths we need to celebrate this Christmas season.
Looking to Jesus,
Journal with us (grab your copy on Amazon TODAY!) as we dive into God’s Word together!
I never thought about that fact, that Bethlehem was filled to overflowing with people and no one but the rugged, smelly shepherds, I need to think on this. This is totally the opposite of His next coming, isn’t it? When a trumpet will loudly announce He is coming!! When EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess He is Lord of all. Our God Shepherd was welcomed into this world the first time by shepherds, quietly, jubilantly, but now we await His grand entrance coming on a white horse in all His glory!! Thank You Jesus that Your story doesn’t end with Your death, but begins!! Thank You precious Lord, how I await Your triumphant return!!
You are so right, Deanna! How different was Jesus’s first coming to His second!!
You made me think of something a pastor once said…Yes, Jesus died on the cross. But, PRAISE GOD, He didn’t stay there! 🙂
Jen such a great thought that Bethlehem was filled with people yet no knew of the arrival and presence of the Messiah.
To think He came into the world through humbling circumstances that would show Him as the least yet His kingdom was be established which makes Him the greatest.
Great blog! Lots to ponder here today!
WOW ! WOW ! WOW ! How amazing and cool is it when the LORD comes down and embraces me during my devotions. Back in September , I began praying through the Psalms for our country as we lead up to Election Day. I did not start with Ps. 1 . I started with Ps.97 as Election Day was 97 days away. I have continued praying the Psalms forward for our country. Monday I began with Ps119. I ‘m going through it in sections as I pray for our country and President -elect & VP -elect. The Holy Spirit has been guiding my heart and my hands as I journal these prayers. This morning the reading was Ps.119:25-32 ! The LORD came down and we discussed the rebuilding of the temple–not an architectural building —our bodies as temples of the LORD. Revival of our country needs to begin in hearts and homes . Then it was time to get in to GOD WITH US . Here is 2 Samuel 7:12-13 we learn the LORD is in the construction business. Oh LORD do your work in my . Transform me for Your glory !
Mia, thank you so much for sharing what the Lord has been showing you through your prayer time! God truly is in the construction business, and I am SO SO SO thankful for the cornerstone (Psalm 118:22) He has given us and the solid foundation of His Word (Luke 6:47-48) that we can build our life upon!!!!
You are such a blessing to me, Mia! I’m so thankful for your constant joy and encouragement in our group! I love reading your daily SOAP’s, and hearing how God is working in your life! I am grateful that God led you to our group, my beautiful sister!
Mia, I am also going through the Psalms and praying them each day for our country, for the President-elect and the Vice President-elect. I did start with Psalm 1 and I have gotten up through Ps. 40.
Isn’t so beautiful of how our mighty and powerful God orchestrated everything?, the birth of our Lord and risen Savoir.
such wonders….such miraculous….God is indeed, the Apha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, He already knew everything that is going to happend. Just the scene of the ‘Nativity’ itself, shows the beautiful birth of Jesus….such a humbling scene….a baby who will one day saved the world from sins….Jesus is our HOPE in this dying world. And this baby Jesus will one day return and make things right, a once one Paradise, Jesus will restore. Are you ready for his return? Thank you for this encouraging story and us reflecting and focusing on the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Reading these words this morning brings so much joy to my heart. The reminder of what Christmas is all about. Thank you for sharing. This group is a true blessing.
As I think about the verses today, i saw something else. It wasn’t David to build a Temple for God. It was God, Himself! When the time was right He sent His Son to dwell in our hearts. Christ came to live as we live and to die a martyr on the cross to save us and because He arose on the third day we have everlasting life with Him. Jesus came and He lives in our heart when we are saved. He set His Kingdom in our heart. We are the temple of God. Praise God for loving us so very much!
What a beautiful reminder of God’s provision in preparing the way for Jesus so many years in advance!
By the way, will there be groups for this study?
Alex, if you are interested in joining a group, please send an email to [email protected]