Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve and I am so excited! All around the world people will be gathering together with family or friends. There will be good food, maybe some songs, family traditions of various kinds and hopefully lots of laughter and joy. It is, after all, the biggest Birthday party of the year.

While all of these things are great (and I do hope you have a very Merry Christmas!), there must be something deeper accompanying our festivities.

This child whom we have studied over the last four weeks came to bring His peace to the nations, to save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21), and to call to Himself a great multitude with whom He will share His kingdom.

How should we respond to the fact that God became man, that the One who is infinite became finite and the Creator of all people became like one of His own creations? The truth that God became man is an exceedingly joyful truth. Our Rescuer has come! Are decorations, a clean home, fun movies, and good food enough? Is generosity in our gift giving enough? Is spending time with family enough? All of these things are great, but we could still celebrate the birth of Jesus apart from all of the things listed above. Our response must be something more.

The angels couldn’t contain themselves and burst into song. The shepherds glorified and praised God, telling everyone they saw the good news of Christ’s birth. The Magi fell down on their faces in worship before the God-child. They knew that salvation had been born.

What should our response be?

Ours must be one of worship and thanksgiving. We need to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season and remember whom we are celebrating. I actually love the fact that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. Isn’t going to church, singing songs of praise with our family and friends, and listening to God’s Word being proclaimed a great way to celebrate His birth?!

Our passages for today are a beautiful picture of this kind of worship. A multitude so large no one can count stands before the throne of Jesus worshipping Him because “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Salvation only comes through Jesus and nothing else. He is worthy of all praise and gratitude and love and faithfulness.

All throughout the Old Testament the coming of the Messiah was prophesied and promised. Now this Redeemer stepped into history in the form of a baby. This is amazing and beautiful.

Make sure to take time to ponder, marvel and worship the Son of God who became man because as you look to Him, you are looking at your salvation!

Looking to Jesus,




Join us starting on January 16th as we begin our next study: Walking In Wisdom- a topical study through the book of Proverbs! Available soon on Amazon!


Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn grew up in Germany and then spent her teenage years in Africa, where her parents were missionaries. She moved to the United States for college and attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she met her husband. They have been married for twenty-two years and have four children. Jen lives in the suburbs of Chicago, where her husband is the pastor of Redeemer Fellowship. Jen is passionate about theology and the connection to daily living.

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