Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve and I am so excited! All around the world people will be gathering together with family or friends. There will be good food, maybe some songs, family traditions of various kinds and hopefully lots of laughter and joy. It is, after all, the biggest Birthday party of the year.
While all of these things are great (and I do hope you have a very Merry Christmas!), there must be something deeper accompanying our festivities.
This child whom we have studied over the last four weeks came to bring His peace to the nations, to save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21), and to call to Himself a great multitude with whom He will share His kingdom.
How should we respond to the fact that God became man, that the One who is infinite became finite and the Creator of all people became like one of His own creations? The truth that God became man is an exceedingly joyful truth. Our Rescuer has come! Are decorations, a clean home, fun movies, and good food enough? Is generosity in our gift giving enough? Is spending time with family enough? All of these things are great, but we could still celebrate the birth of Jesus apart from all of the things listed above. Our response must be something more.
The angels couldn’t contain themselves and burst into song. The shepherds glorified and praised God, telling everyone they saw the good news of Christ’s birth. The Magi fell down on their faces in worship before the God-child. They knew that salvation had been born.
What should our response be?
Ours must be one of worship and thanksgiving. We need to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season and remember whom we are celebrating. I actually love the fact that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year. Isn’t going to church, singing songs of praise with our family and friends, and listening to God’s Word being proclaimed a great way to celebrate His birth?!
Our passages for today are a beautiful picture of this kind of worship. A multitude so large no one can count stands before the throne of Jesus worshipping Him because “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Salvation only comes through Jesus and nothing else. He is worthy of all praise and gratitude and love and faithfulness.
All throughout the Old Testament the coming of the Messiah was prophesied and promised. Now this Redeemer stepped into history in the form of a baby. This is amazing and beautiful.
Make sure to take time to ponder, marvel and worship the Son of God who became man because as you look to Him, you are looking at your salvation!
Looking to Jesus,
Join us starting on January 16th as we begin our next study: Walking In Wisdom- a topical study through the book of Proverbs! Available soon on Amazon!
What great steps we have read in these last few weeks on why He came, and the responses of all from lowly shepherds, to pagan Magi to God’s own Army of Angels. My response now is uncontained joy and expectation that pours out of me to others so they too can praise Him and Worship the King who is our salvation.
Such beautiful blog post to end this study of Week 4: God With Us. Thanks for the reminder that Christmas indeed fall on Sunday, what great way to greet, worship and praise the coming of our Savior’s birth. Yes, I am looking forward for this Proverbs study coming up….to all the contributors of this LGG blog, have a Merry Blessed Christmas to you and families.
This was a great read!! Thank you all for taking the time to write messages from scripture every month. Please keep doing it. Y’all are really making a difference in spreading the Truth about Jesus Christ and Who He really is. Our One true God. May Jesus bless you and Merry Christmas!!
OK i am a coravnvstiee republician and i dont even believe in global warmin. Mother nature is doing 98% of global warming and we are doing the other 2% so all those freaks that say that we caused global warming are wrong, i believe that we should do things like recycle but dont go to crazy, and they say that were running out of oil, well we still have enough oil for the next 100,000 years.
Ya learn something new everyday. It’s true I guess!
I think you’ve just captured the answer perfectly
(Camera) The product description for the Canon 100 HS and the 300 HS are very similar and it appears to be mostly just the wide angle and zoom. I compared the two cameras in the store and preferred the look and feel of the grey 100 HS. Only when I was testing the camera did I realize that the 100 HS does not allow you to zoom while shooting video. Another missing feature of the 100 HS is the smart auto scene detection is not active when shooting video. If you don’t care about video, save $50 on the 100 HS otherwise get the 300 HS. I exchanged mine and love the 300 HS.
if you find out what time of…the day your mind and body is as its best and then write on that specific moment. it is sometimes called your “peak hour.” some writers have in themselves conditions before they could get into the “mood” of writing. if you…
Progressives didn’t spend 40 years setting up a vast web of environmental and other land use regulations that make it glacially slow to build anything on either coast in order to hurt progressives. Therefore, environmental laws should _not_ apply to progressives.Humorous, but that argument will be made with straight (well, maybe metrosexual) faces. It’s the intent vs. black letter of the laws. It’ll be fun watching Progressives play the politics of Melos.
bonjour,le lien sur la loi duflot est faux, il ne s’agit pas de la loi duflot sociale dont il est question dans votre article sur saint maur mais de la loi duflot en défiscalisation dont il est question sur sur ce site..ce qui n’est pas du tout la même chose. Vous induisez vos lecteurs en erreur malgré vous.Faîtes une recherche sur google pour trouver un site plus approprié.
Hi Roger, thank you for your lovely reply. You’ve summed the review up perfectly! If you haven’t tried the already, I’d recommend the Rhodia Webbie. They have little show-through and lie flat usually.
Olá Camila, é a primeira vez que escrevo, mas já tem mais de um ano q vejo seu blog todos os dias e recebo as novidades por email, mudei muuuuito depois disso, sério mesmo, fiquei literalmente super vaidosa hehe, gostei muito dessa mudança, pra mim fez toda diferença. Gosto muito de aprender inglês e agora com esses tutoriais em inglês poderei treinar a lÃngua e a make perfeito!! Essa make ficou linda, vou usar no outono com certeza!!! Obrigada pelo aprendizado. BJS[]
Oddly enough, this Gabba fellow seems to have some real pedigree as it comes to diplomacy–his father being a diplomat from the HHHumphrey days. It seems he was "trained up" for a State Department career but veered off when it was clear Reagan wasn't going to smile down upon him.He made a pile of money, one assumes, and when a president who would obviously be impressed by having HHHumphrey for a godfather was elected, Master Rivkin jumped back on the diplomacy train.
The dude and I got into a pretty cordial exchange (all things considered) on twitter. He definitely made that point. But I don’t think criticism in that sense (as opposed from a professor or a peer or a mentor) is supposed to be targeted to the artist. It’s for the benefit of the potential audience.
Jason,They’re totally different bikes. The Anthem is a light XC bike. The LT is a long-travel bike that is intended for some light downhill/freeride and uphill pedalling use. What type of negative reviews? The Anthem is lighter but will be considerably more fragile, have worse specifications but will be cheaper no doubt.
quiero comprar la camara JVC GS-TD1BUS Full HD 3D Camcorder pero dice que graba en 3-d y 2-d, pero yo la usaria mas para 2-d, lo que no me gusta es que en lo videos que observo en youtube u otros se muestrala pantalla dividida en 2, porque tiene dos lentes, bueno pero supongo que para edicion sale normal o no?. alguien que me pudiera decir si en 2-d a la hora de editar se ve normal, graciasVA:F [1.9.20_1166](from 0 votes)
Merci de votre commentaire! C’est vraiment très aimable à vous de souligner le caractère pluridisciplinaire de mon blog! Ce texte demeure cependant une exception, non seulement parce qu’il s’agit d’une traduction du norvégien vers l’allemand puis le français, mais également d’un texte crypté qui je l’espère offre mille ouvertures vers la fiction et le réel. La littérature s’y regarde !
… und man fragt sich: was ist das für eine Urkunde; sportlich aktiv, doch in welche Richtung geht es: “Junior Cup Berlin 200X”? Judo?
Feral! Righton.Maybe McFeeble will chose your man Grandpa Fred if they don’t shove Willard down his throat.I think Thompson makes McBush look not a day over 65?
Assalamualaikum,Sejujurnya, bukan pemandu bas sahaja yang laju… pemandu lori.. pemandu kereta even motosikal… rasanya kerajaan sudah boleh mempraktikkan penggera macam lori minyak.. bila lebih hadlaju penggera berbunyi.. itu lebih afdal.. Jadi sama-samalah kita mengambil iktibar.. jgn tuding sana tuding sini… muhasabah …
"Yup, annoying Virginians keep harping on that subject, to this very day."By comparison to the sheer amount of bulk-packaged history at Château de Vincennes, Virginia history (important as it is) comes in bubble-packaged 2-packs at the checkout line.