The works curse…
She’s a high achiever: competitive in nature, somewhat of a perfectionist, and never does anything half-way. Her hard work has landed her class rankings, sports championships and college scholarships… oh, and a reputation for killer Pinterest-worthy results in most everything she does. She gives to people time and time again, even though she’s burned by relationships frequently and people rarely seem to give back. To the world she looks like the epitome of success, but this girl who lights up rooms and charms crowds lives with the constant pressure that she can never do enough.
She’s working so hard, but it’s never, ever enough.
The pressure to perform is incredible in today’s society. We measure ourselves by test scores, our annual incomes, and the numbers on our scales. We compete with people who document the best of their lives on social media while they hide the hard parts and delete the non-flattering images. We buy into the lie that more and more exhausting self-performance will land us that next piece of the puzzle to success, and then – finally then – we’ll find contentment through painstakingly earning our way to the top.
After all, hard work is rewarded, right?
From the time we’re young, we get stars on sticker charts, trophies for winning, and candy for good behavior. We train our children to become driven, responsible, hard working human beings – because what parent shouldn’t want that for their child? We raise them to succeed and live independent, productive lives because man does it feel good to check those things off the list.
Hard work is appropriate, admirable, and applicable to so very many things in life. And hard work can paralyze our view of the gospel if we’re not careful.
O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? ~ Galatians 3:1-3
Our reading this week takes us to a fired-up Paul who is pleading with the Galatians to not veer from the truth and add to the gospel they first heard. Time has passed since they first accepted salvation as a free gift of grace alone by faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross, and they’ve now let down their guard and are adding works into the mix.
And you know what’s crazy? We say we’d never, but so often little by little we let a works-based faith slowly creep in. After all, the world practically demands this way of life, and Satan knows it.
The longer we are away from truth, the easier it is to fill our minds with legalism and the idea that somehow we have to perform to earn God’s favor. Sure, grace worked well in the beginning when all was fresh and exciting in the honeymoon stage of our relationship with Christ.
But maybe now the cross seems far away…
… or no longer enough.
Or maybe we’ve convinced ourselves that we’re so sinful that grace no longer applies to us…
… because we’ve backslidden and the only way in our minds to tip the scale is to work just a little harder.
Be a little better…
… do our part in the equation, because that’s what hard-working, responsible people are supposed to do.
We feel better if we can just contribute something…
So we go to church and do good stuff and give to the poor and practice ceremonial religion until we’re blue in the face. And while these things can please God, they will never, ever save us.
Works never pick up where the cross leaves off because the cross doesn’t leave off. Works didn’t get me in and works aren’t going to keep me in. Works didn’t please God to begin with – they were dirty rags – and my own self-righteousness doesn’t please Him any more now than it did before I was saved. I can’t get to God by my works, I can’t add to the cross; the cross keeps on moving through history. It stands forever as living proof that men cannot redeem themselves. And so he says to them, “How could you accept the cross and see all that the cross is, and then come in with this system of works?” ~ John MacArthur
Listen, the Bible talks about works, encourages works, and says that we are created for good works. Yes to works!! But our works should be a response to God’s favor, not a way to earn God’s favor.
She’s working so hard, but it’s never, ever enough.
And it will never be enough.
And that is the overwhelming, unmerited, shout-from-the-rooftops beauty of GRACE…
At His feet,
*LET’S TALK: Are you exhausted from working hard to please man or even earn God’s favor? Let us know how we can pray for you in the comments below…
{Week 3} Challenge: Make a list of all of the things you are tempted to do to “perform” for God. Next to each item, identify if your motivation is a response to God’s favor, or if it is an attempt to earn God’s favor. Spend time praying over your list, asking God to help you rest in His great gift of grace.
{Week 3} Video:
{If you can’t see this video, you can view it here.}
{Week 3} Reading Plan:
I was struck by what seemed to be a change in tense in our SOAP verses today…the past and the present. I don’t know if there is anything to that in the original language or not, but it did comfort me somehow to know that receiving the Spirit is not just a one time thing, but ongoing. I guess that means the “believing” is ongoing too! Lord, I want to walk in Your Spirit. I want to live in You, day by day believing and day by day receiving what I need of Your Spirit. I can only face the challenges around me and the fears and worries inside me with Your promises and hope planted deep within. Thank You for the ongoing gift of Your presence…the gift of YOU!
I would just ask prayers for discernment as my family and I try to grow in many areas. Discernment to know whose expectations we are striving for, the Lords or for man. We are trying to be better stewards of time and resources, trying to teach our girls more responsibility and all of us working as a team, being in the word and praying more, memorizing scripture. All good things, right?! I definitely feel the Lord laying these changes on us but I want us to be in the right heart place and mindset as we do them.
I will admit I’m exhausted of trying to always meet the world measurement of “good enough”. I know that I need to rest in Gods promise that what He has already done for us, for me is enough! I am tempted by physical standards which has lead me away from God with the struggles of body image, unhealthy relationships with food, exercise and eating disorders. I know that God sees me as His child and I am highly favored but this is a struggle that doesn’t consume me like it has but the enemy constantly tries to work his way in to mind to drag me away from Gods grace and love. I also am a perfectionist in all I do and I know that I need to focus on what God is doing through me. It will never be enough through me because it is all about what He has done. I pray that I just can rest and know that He has done it and it’s available to me bc of His grace. I can’t ever earn it, it’s a gift. Thank you for your prayers ladies and bless all of you!
Dear sister I hear your struggle. Mine is not with eating but just believing his forgiveness covers my daily sins. Many days I have victory but like you the enemy of our souls drags those sins before me to bring me under condemnation and then trying to earn forgiveness. Thank God through Jesus that he does not leave us there. I’m so glad you are studying his word and pray for your strength to stay in Gods word and fight the good fight.
I feel like I try to earn God’s favor…haven’t really learned how to rest in Him… 🙁
Kimberly, My heart was touched when I read your short little comment. I am praying for you today. Rest will come , my sweet sister as you trust Him. That’s what seems to be our biggest issue. To trust means to have complete confidence in, without worrying about any of the details. Did you ever play as a child, or play with your own children, the game where you turned your back on them and trusted them to catch you? When we were little there was no fear and oh so much trust. God is ever and forever trustworthy. Rest is a byproduct of trust and faith. You will see Him because you are seeking Him. Love in Jesus name!
Today’s lesson has made me examen myself. I would like prayer for God revelation and discernment in my life. I want to please God above all things in everything. I know it’s hard but not impossible. May you all be bless.
This is so on-time for me! This morning, before reading this blog but after reading and SOAPing, I really felt that my 2 application steps are to STOP striving and START listening. If hearing leads to believing, am I striving so much that I am not taking time to listen? Praying for all of you ladies and thankful for this community!
I feel like I do a lot of works to earn mans favor. I don’t feel like I am doing things to earn Gods favor, but maybe I am? Is that the same.? Having my house decorated perfectly, baking something for someone, trying to perfect every craft on Pinterest , etc. I think I need for God to reveal to me the things I need to let go, because I do feel like I am always struggling to have everything look just so. A true struggle of mine.
I’m also a ‘doer’ which is good but not to let doing interfer with ‘being’. I keep referring to the BEattitudes as my Guideline- is my doing interferring with my being a reflection of Jesus-then my motives may need to be checked. The word response was used in the study-which is great- to describe our doing-God saves, we give him thanks by our doing:)
Thank you for this reminder Whitney. My career is performance based-sales-and I’m not the best at it. I often wonder why God keeps me there and it’s for his purpose and by his grace that I am still there. Can you pray with me about my career direction and successes there, not so much for me, but for my family. Thank you.
Praying for you, Charalotte!!
This fall I have stepped back from all the “works” I have taken on to listen and wait. Feeling like I have tried to do things that are not in my gifting and trying to be someone I’m not. This led to failure, frustration and always feeling tired. No joy. God has begun a work in my heart and it is painful. Change is hard and learning to respond differently takes time and only God can work change in me.
Oh Lord I bless what You are doing in my sister! Father You began a good work in her and You will complete it. Father take her and mold her, create in her all that You have purposed for her. Father break off the things that have become just works and lead her to where You desire she be. Open doors of opportunity for her to do what You are calling her to do. Father take this hard time and work it all to her good. Wash away the frustration, pain and discouragement and blow a fresh breathe upon her and awaken new life within her. Fill her Lord with encouragement and stir her up Lord for what You are calling her to do. In Jesus name. Amen. Sheila, LGG Prayer Team
I have tried so hard to savage a relationship with a co worker and I realized after studying today’s lesson that I am doing for all the wrong reasons. I’m trying to please through works and not because of Faith. Trust in Jesus Christ and my faith says that, yes, be nice, but don’t do it thinking that this is the only way to make Him happy. Do it because my faith and my trust says that I believe He will make things better.
I love this!! … “But our works should be a response to God’s favor, not a way to earn God’s favor.” Thank you for this blog and for all the work you ladies do. So blessed to have been led here.
I loved that quote from todays blog too <3 How easily do we forget and get focused on the works and put that before just being a daughter of the King. Sheila, LGG Encourager
Thank you for your beautiful and powerful message today. I was deeply moved. I do believe that I am saved by faith alone, grace alone and Christ alone. I love this study of Galatians.
Janine thank you for sharing! We are so happy to hear you were blessed by Whitney’s blog today. I think her words pierced our hearts 🙂 Sheila, LGG Encourager
Today’s message really hit me, made me think. I am getting married next month and i am trying to do whats right by being the woman of the household…taking care of the house, making sure dishes are washed, clothes are washed and put away for my soon to be husband for the week ahead, groceries are bought in order to have lunch throughout the week, he is taken care of emotionally and financially. At this time he makes less money than i do, and so when he starts to run low or needs help paying the bills I do my best to be there for him. It gets frustrating sometimes because I feel like i am constantly trying to do my best, and then i ask him to do his part. I really have been trying to fight my battles in prayer and put all my faith and trust in God. I dont want to cause any more tension between me and my future husband. i just want us to do our best equally. i have a hard time trusting in general…i have been hurt way too many times in the past by loved ones. i just want my future husband to know that i trust him…its more difficult to show that trust though. i dont want to doubt God… or anyone
Two years ago, God had brought me to a place of sitting and being still. I at first saw it as a lonely time, but now I know that it was a time that He was teaching me to stop striving and just trust Him. I’ll be honest not a lot of my friends and family understand it, but thankfully my husband and I are in agreement with where God has me. I am able to take care of our family, home and whatever He calls me to do in a day. The enemy tries to get me with lies of “why don’t you contribute financially, or you are such a mooch.” I am learning to Rest, Trust and move. When He calls me. Praying for you all, this is a great study!
Jen there is a season for everything and this is an important time of learning for you. This lesson is a hard one for most of us because we come from such a works-based culture. So you are in a precious place with the Lord right now. Just think if this is a time of training then God has something amazing for you to do with that 🙂 Sheila LGG Encourager
I often feel the pressure of performance come into play even among Believers. We all know it’s all about grace, we all know we cannot earn God’s favor, we all know the message of the gospel. Yet we still compete and can view those who “do” more as those who have a stronger faith, or who are somehow more “saintly” than we are. I know it’s silly, but I think this culture of performance, works-based faith comes into play in our very churches! I am guilty- always feeling like I must do something, otherwise I’m somehow not as strong, mature, or healthy of a Christian than others. You’re completely right that Satan knows we are all about performance and is using it against us! So, what is it going to be?? Spirit led, or flesh led? It’s one or the other, and I’m convicted to ask myself this question more often! Thank you for today’s message! 🙂
What when everyone around expect you to do this and that work, whether it’s home or out, when you can’t and strive with managing it, in your own? It seems, at least in my country, and in my family, to be the only real value one have.
It’s the second question asked here, when you meet some new people.
When half of my family turned away from me, and I asked one of the closest ones on that side to explain, and I got to hear; “you’re of no help to anyone here”. I’ve most of my life noticed I’ve had less value there, but that my only value lied in what I did, and when not being able to do those things anymore, one looses the value.
In some way, yet very hurtful, it was also a blessing, since I always had felt locked into a box of how they saw me, or meant what I was good and not to, without really knowing me, I felt free in a sense after awhile, as if it was no one there who could hold me down anymore. It was the time after, with some nudging from my aunt, if I wanted to paint with her a day, I managed to fill a whole (small) canvas, and at least get it 90% done, and saw other things I hadn’t realized before of what I managed, despite not being able to work or do much else.
In some way it has been, and still is a learning process, trying to find the things that gives meaning, and as your post, to realize that it is of faith and not of deeds we are saved. Yet it follows the faith.
I’ve been so hurt over the years, and after a mistake and an serious incident this spring, I thought I had reached it, only to be humiliated again over and over, and recieving piercing words, when already being crushed. I’ve explained over and over, they say they understand it, but show in actions that they don’t at all. The evil keeps attacking me with, now you can see how this and that person has it, and I am stupid enough to respond, do they see how I have it, if I’m to see how everybody else have it on the top of my own struggles?
I’ve managed to read/study the Bible and pray and forgive, then it’s like they jump all over me again, trying to make me angry, despite having forgiven and felt peace, and I blurp out with words in my thoughts, that I don’t mean and that hurt as bad after from falling so low, and struggeling so much with containing myself. In addition to horrible pictures and lies they come with on the top of it that is almost killing me inside.
I haven’t been good at listening to The Holy Spirit before, when He spoke more clearly, yet in His still voice, neither was I good at putting God first, and I’ve been struggeling, then made a decision to put Him first some weeks back, by reading the Bible and attending the online prayer groups before anything else, which helped me. But then they have attacked me more (which isn’t surprising), both in my mind, through some of my closest, and by being isolated, not able to go where I need. I feel lost as I’ve felt so hard and struggeled with forgiving the last days. It doesn’t help that it gets spoken over me either, while I’ve been forgiving people right before having to hear it. I don’t know.
My mom went from speaking blessings over me, to the opposite, as if she took over for another who did the last from I was little. Not measuring up. Now it’s hard to see if Yeshua or God would think any good of me, or if He hears me or have casted me away.
Sorry for the complaints. What you wrote opened my eyes as to focus more on the Holy Spirit and not what’s done of the flesh.
Are you exhausted from working hard to please man or even earn God’s favor? Let us know how we can pray for you in the comments below…
I feel like I put my school work before God. I have was getting behind in this study, but I caught up with my readings. I haven’t completed the questions at the end of the study… I find myself feeling like it’s work, and I don’t want to feel that way. I feel overwhelmed today, because I started a new class, and every time I start a new course, I get nervous, because of my time. I work full time, and I am trying so hard to do good in school. I feel like I don’t have enough time for anything, and I hate feeling this way. When I get behind in my bible study, I feel bad because I feel like God isn’t pleased with me.
Father I lift Miranda to You now! Lord thank you that as she begins her day with You everything else will fall into place. Lord I ask that any where she is feeling frustrated or guilty please replace these feelings with feeling of fulfillment and peace. Lord minister to Miranda’s heart and lead her to perfectly balance her time between school studies and her bible studies and time with You. Reveal to her how to make adjustments to make it all work. Lord You know she has responsibilities so minister to her the best time of day for her to work on her study and have quiet time with You. Lord I speak life over her school work and I declare that she is well able to manage all her responsibilities because she has the wisdom she needs from You. In Jesus name. Amen. Sheila, LLG Prayer Team
I learned a long time ago that works don’t please man. There is nothing one individual can do to please another.
That hasn’t stopped me, at times, from trying to please those closest to me.
I try to remind myself that the only One I have to worry about is God, but as as I’m still human, I do try to gain His approval by the things I do or wonder if what I am doing will gain His approval. I guess the latter is a good thing but certainly not the former!!
Okay, this is a tough one for me to admit. I use works (or I have come to understand through this study – confessions) to judge others. I don’t like someone else’s lifestyle and I want them to confess and work to change their life. I do not accept in others that they just need faith alone. Horrible isn’t it. . .This study is really convicting on my heart to change. Thank you all. Pray for me.
I am not sure if my struggle is a legitimate works based one or not. Our family has been through many difficult times…mom killed by drunk driver, loss of two children in another accident, false allegations with the cost of a trial and loss of friendships, adopted children with special needs that are impacting our lives and the lives of our grandchildren, family difficulties…sometimes it is overwhelming. Although other friends do not see it the same way, one of my close friends has questioned my salvation because at times I have been very discouraged and other times angry. She sees the expression of these emotions as an ongoing sin problem and since I am not an overcomer I may not be saved. It has left me struggling with the issue. Yet, I know the Lord has spoken to me, I have experienced Him as my comforter, my strength, my guide, my provider etc. I love reading His Word and doing studies. I yearn to share the gospel and see people saved. I do not want to deceive myself into thinking I am a child of God. Are we able to have emotional struggles and still be a daughter of the King?
@ Kathleen: we are all human! Read the psalms. Even David, the man of Gods heart, struggled many times in his life.
Kathleen, aren’t you essentially questioning whether you are being “good enough” to be saved, to earn your salvation? Are you being happy enough? Are you being encouraged enough? Can you earn your salvation by being not so angry? No. Even if your negative feelings were “sinful”, as your friend suggests, can you lose your salvation because of them? No. Our works don’t earn – or lose – our salvation. Don’t condemn yourself over them, but do try to give them over to God because since you ARE His child, He wants to take that anger and discouragement from you. He wants you to rest and trust in Him. Hope this makes sense! Praying for you.