Truth be told, the account in Genesis breaks my heart. I see a people so loved by God; I see Rebekah whom God had already told what her sons would become; I see Isaac favoring one son; I see Jacob going along with the deceit, and my heart breaks because they decided to put the One who gave the promise, the only One that can bring it to pass, aside and choose to work things out their way. 

And the result was pain, anger, bitterness, betrayal, and separation from loved ones. Anytime we try to run ahead of God we make the journey long and painful. Isaac and Rebekah lost their sons to anger and revenge because Rebekah wanted to help God along. 

Beloved, there is no injustice in God! You can take that to the bank! But as long as He has said it, He will do it! He will do it! 

There is nothing that God cannot do, no matter what! 

There is nothing you and I can do to force His hand or warrant His mercies and love. He loved us before the foundations of the earth. He had a plan ready for us before we were even born. His mercy is not dependent on who you are or what you have done, not on the color of your skin or hair. Your nationality, tribe, race, or country has no bearing on His everlasting mercy and love. 

What He needs from you is faith!

He asks for a faith that says, “I trust God to bring to pass all He has said about me. I trust God to show me mercy and fulfil His Word.” Say this with me, I trust God! Let’s stop meddling. Let’s leave God to do His thing at His time. None of us know what tomorrow holds, but God knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. He sees the big picture. 

“So then, it does not depend on human desire or exertion, but on God who shows mercy.”Romans 9:16

Refuse the lie of Satan. God does not hate you. He has loved you with an everlasting love. His plans for you are different from His plans for me. They have different times and seasons for manifesting. When it is time, He Himself will see to it that it comes to pass. Jacob favored one son, Rebekah favored another and we saw the end results. God does not have favorites. He loves each of us uniquely and has a beautiful plan for us. We can’t earn it or work for it, it rests purely on His mercy. 

Can you choose to trust Him today? 

I am choosing to trust Him wholeheartedly today, and always. 

Even in our failures, God remains faithful. He turned things around in the story we read today, and He can turn things around for you, too. 

Father, I am sorry for the times I choose to do things my way and run ahead of You. Please forgive me. Today, I take a stand to trust You. No more meddling. I choose to leave You to do Your thing at Your time and pace. I choose to have faith. So help me God, in Jesus name. Amen. 


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Ebos Aifuobhokhan

Ebos Aifuobhokhan

Ebosereme Aifuobhokhan is a Nigerian and lives in Nigeria. She’s an avid reader and a lover of God’s Word. She leads the Hausa translation branch of Love God Greatly, translating all of our Love God Greatly studies into the Hausa language, spoken by over 40 million people worldwide. She also serves on the Encouragement and prayer teams at Love God Greatly. When asked her life purpose, you’ll always hear her say “to point people to Jesus.” She lives with her husband and son in Nigeria, where she is a Medical Radiographer in Delta state State, Nigeria.

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