The Lord said to Paul by a vision in the night, “Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent, because I am with you, and no one will assault you to harm you, because I have many people in this city.” – Acts 18:9-10
The Word of God is incredibly powerful. I can read the same passage of Scripture in different seasons and always learn something new. The Lord also speaks to us in other ways, and more often than not, His delivery method is creative: He will enlist the help of other people to get the job done.
I’m currently in a season of rebuilding.
It’s been said that it takes an average of two years to start feeling normal again, after a divorce. I don’t really know what “normal” is anymore, but I can tell you from the date of writing this post, which is twenty months post-divorce, I am regaining my footing and dreaming again.
I admit I’ve struggled with embracing my new story. It’s not where I ever thought I would be. I don’t believe anyone stands before God on their wedding day thinking their forever marriage will end. But mine did. However, this was not a surprise to God. This is my story now, but God is in it. He is working all things together for good and His glory.
Fear is a real paralyzer: Fear of change, fear of the future, fear of failure, fear of people.
I thought my life was over when my marriage ended. I began to believe I had nothing to contribute and the little voice I had left to encourage others was no longer worthy. Who am I? What do I have to offer?
The Lord sent me help. He sent certain people to me, for such a time as this.
Over the past two years, the Lord has used specific women to encourage and empower me. Some of these women are new relationships that are 100% from the Lord. It doesn’t make sense; I could have never dreamed up or made these relationships possible on my own. It’s truly mind-blowing. Through their obedience to God in reaching out to me – encouraging me, empowering me, and believing in me – they contributed greatly to me in this season as I find my footing again.
God has continually used His Word to minister to me, especially through the words He spoke to Paul in Acts 18:9-10: “Do not be afraid; go and do what I have called you to do, for I have many people in this city.” I have been blessed to have met in person a few of the super special people that the Lord set aside for me, for such a time as this.
I’m a natural connector of people. The unique qualities we see in ourselves and others are a reflection of our Creator because we are made in His image. I know how much I love connecting people who need to be connected, so how much more does God delight in doing the same? My heart explodes as I read in Acts 18:10, “… I am with you, and no one will assault you to harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Come on! The Lord is such a connector and He’s got people in every corner of this world.
When I find myself feeling like I’m living in the middle of nowhere Montana and that no one will ever find me here, the Lord has shown Himself faithful by sending people to remind me I am seen, loved, and have a purpose.
What do I have to be afraid of? What do you have to be afraid of?
We can be scared and still be brave. As we relinquish fear and fully trust the Lord, we prepare a place for Him to do His greatest work. He will bring us through all He calls us to.
He is our defender.
When the road before us causes us anxiety, He tells us not to fear.
We have an enemy who wants to silence us. Our stories are holy ground. Your testimony could be the very thing that begins a revival around those who witness your story of God’s grace in your life.
We all have a unique opportunity to partner with Christ in empowering and lifting others. I have been a recipient of this gift and I want to be the same for others. This can’t be accomplished in silence. Let’s speak up! Let’s be the people God can count on to show up and welcome, love, and empower others.
You could be the person someone is praying would show up in their life today.
Kelli Trontel
Entrepreneur, photographer, writer, worship leader and single mother of two Kelli Trontel has proven that while life can bring grief upon grief, difficult days did not take her out. Her passion is to share how the Lord has been faithful even when life and others aren’t, how worship is our weapon and that the Lord truly fights our battles.
Your story resonates with what I know about traveling through changes in life.
Due to my husband’s job, we moved often. Each move required navigating new locations, mastering new jobs, and building new friendships. After the third move someone told me it takes 3 years to feel at home in a new place. And that has proved to be true in all our moves but also to other major changes that come up in life. Most recently for me was a broken relationship with someone very close to me. In order to justify their choices, they needed to “divorce” themselves from our family and our values. It is a struggle to embrace this new story for my life. The challenge has been in seeking God in my hurt and trusting His working in my self reflection and learning to trust in rebuilding our relationship. As I head into the third year, I see the path behind me and hope in “feeling at home” in this new chapter of my story. God sent encouragement to me in my brokenness through friends and a recovery program that I reminded me I had not failed God but that He and they see me, love me, and are with me as I continue to live out His purpose for me.
Grateful that you decided to share your testimony. Others can see hope in your story.