Have you ever read the Bible and thought, “I have no idea what this means”?

You’re not alone.

Our goal for this series is to learn how to study the Bible in a way that is both effective and easy to duplicate. We hope that at the end of this six-week study you will come away with a tool box of sorts, with all kinds of tools and resources to help you study God’s Word.

Let’s get started!

Inductive Bible study is a method of Bible study that allows Scripture to interpret Scripture, without relying on commentaries or other people to tell you what the passage means. It is a way of studying the Bible carefully through observation of the passage. The SOAP method we use is form of Inductive Bible Study.

Even though it may feel easier to read someone else’s commentary or interpretation of a passage, it doesn’t train us to interpret God’s Word on our own. Those commentaries and books are not the inspired, inerrant words of God, only the Bible is. By learning to study it effectively, those additional tools become even more useful.

Inductive Bible study is important because it:

  1. Encourages us to think for ourselves.
  2. Allows us to evaluate the thoughts of others.
  3. Gives us the joy of personal discovery.
  4. Enables us to fall in love with the Author.

As we study each week, we’ll look at techniques of observation, interpretation, and application. You’ll only need your Bible and a pen! There are a few days where we’ll direct you to some additional resources, but for the most part we’re keeping this simple.

Take your time. Don’t get discouraged. God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3), and that includes His Word. If you are a believer in Christ, the Holy Spirit is living and active in your life. That means the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead is actively working in your life and is willing and able to help you understand the Bible. He wants you to get it! Trust that He will lead you to a correct understanding of His Word.

You know what else? It’s okay to make mistakes! Don’t be afraid, but be teachable and willing to learn. Test what you have learned or concluded with the rest of Scripture. Does it line up? Is it consistent with truth found elsewhere in the Bible? Be willing to change your convictions and conclusions as the Holy Spirit teaches you and grows you in your walk with God.

We’re excited to walk together over the next few weeks as we seek to deepen our relationships with God.

Melissa Fuller

Melissa Fuller

Melissa loves God’s Word and is committed to helping women fall in love with Scripture (and its author!). She has a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary and served as the general editor of the NET Love God Greatly Bible and the managing editor of the CSB She Reads Truth Bible and the CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible. She currently resides in Atlanta, GA, loves running and hiking and is currently pursuing her goal of visiting all the National Parks in the US!

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