Welcome, Friend!
We hope you’re as excited as we are for our first study of 2020. We’ve created this study with the intent of learning methods of studying the Bible that will hopefully lead us to deepen our relationships with God.
We believe the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant Word, given to us so that we may know Him and know how to honor and worship Him. We want to not only read His Word, but we want to be doers of the Word. We want it to change us and shape us to look more like Jesus and teach us how to live.
In order to do that, we need to learn to read it the way it was intended to be read. We need to study it in order to determine what the authors (both the Holy Spirit and the human authors) were writing to the original audiences.
Draw Near is going to look different than many of our other Love God Greatly studies. (Don’t worry, we’ll be back to what we’re all accustomed to in our next study.) The study journal will look the same, giving you space to read Scripture and apply the SOAP method. The daily devotionals will also look the same, providing guiding insights to help encourage you in your daily walk.
What will look different will be our Monday, Wednesday, Friday blog posts. These blog posts will function like a workbook. Our hope is that you’ll use these blog posts during this study to dive deep into Bible study methods – especially the SOAP method. We’ll walk through techniques and tips for effective memorization, observation, interpretation, application, and prayer.
This week, we’ll walk through the importance of studying God’s Word and an overview of the SOAP method. Next week we’ll begin looking at techniques for effective observation.
Your study journal is the perfect place to work through the new techniques and methods we’ll be learning. We’ll be here along the way to encourage you, and, we’re learning right along with you!
Time spent in God’s Word is never wasted.
While Scripture is living and active, it takes discipline and commitment to understand it. As we embark on this journey together, let’s commit to making the intentional study of God’s Word a priority in our lives.
Together, let’s make a commitment and a plan to study His Word with intention and purpose. You won’t be disappointed!
Week 1 Challenge: This week, spend some extended time outside, in nature. Take time to reflect on what God has created and how nature works. What does the current season display about God’s character and His promises?
Reading Plan
Memory Verse
We prayed our hearts out and God used YOU to answer our prayers! THANK YOU for standing in the gap for us, helping us continue the amazing work God has called us to through your monthly support! We prayed for God to raise up 100 women who would give beyond the journal cost and financially support us in 2020 and He used YOU to answer those prayers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! We can’t wait to begin this year with you and share how God is working in and through Love God Greatly here in the United States and around the world! Thank you for partnering with us in this important work…advancing God’s Word around the world!
Looking for our Draw Near journal? Look no further! Did you know when you purchase a Love God Greatly journal you are helping us: 1. Create more ongoing Bible studies. 2. Allow us to generously give God’s Word away around the world, equipping women, small churches and ministries who would otherwise not be able to afford these valuable Bible studies.
THANK YOU for your partnership and support! TOGETHER we are helping to change the world…one Bible study, one translation, one woman at a time! Grab your new journal today in our online store!
Looking for our online Bible study group to join? You can find our Love God Greatly Online Bible Study group here!
Thank you so much. Looking forward to this study! Where are the daily devotionals found?
I am so glad you are joining us. The devotionals are found in our app. Here are the links to download depending on your device.
App Store: [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/love-god-greatly/id1112318135](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/love-god-greatly/id1112318135)
Google Play: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.subsplashconsulting.s_B3BP5J](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.subsplashconsulting.s_B3BP5J)
I hope you get it. God bless you.
You can download the study journal!
I like how Melissa puts it when she says ‘Creation is a wordless witness to the World.’ It makes me wonder if I am being a wordless witness. I know just my creation is a witness but do my actions and behavior and attitude speak Christ. Like Psalms 19:1 says “the Heavens proclaim…and the skies declare”, do my actions proclaim and declare God? I want people to see Christ through me without ever saying a word!
I eany people to see Christ through me too. God is helping us live a Christ centered life in Jesus name.
Welcome to our new study.
I eany people to see Christ through me too. God is helping us live a Christ centered life in Jesus name.
Welcome to our new study
I want people to see Christ through me too. God is helping us live a Christ centered life in Jesus name.
Welcome to our new study
I am trying out the app for this study…I am loving Day 1…I cant help but to think of a few things. My soul is ALWAYS calmer when I am in nature be that at the beach or barefoot in the dirt or laying in the grass or a. on fire or a quiet porch sitting or even in the Scotland reindeer forest. He renews us and paints both an early to rise and setting sun that reminds us of His glory…I so very much. needed remindingnto get in nature, be still and soak it all in.
Awwww this is lovely to know. Enjoy the study beloved and may God transform our lives as we spend time in his word. In Jesus name amen.
God the creator – can not help but putting Himself in all that He creates. Whether it is us mere humans and He breathes life into us.. or the delicate patterns of magnificent color in a sunrise or sunset.. without words His finger prints are everywhere in creations…And By mere words our world and everything in came into existence. And as Paul says (“For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through Him and for Him.”Colossians 1:16 HCSB) and every holds by Him..
Ok, I’m sorta cheating….I’m enjoying nature from my hot tub. It’s only 31 outside tonight I know not terribly cold for January but still too cold for me! But I can see the gorgeous tree above me and the moon and the stars peeking through the naked winter branches. I think God for the four seasons that he wonderfully designed.
What a beautiful picture built with words, Aimee!
As I was reading the versus for tonight, it got me thinking of driving through the mountians in the fall, visiting the springs in the summer and how all of that is possible because of HIM. I often don’t stop and enjoy the creations before me, but when I do I am in awe. As I get into my faith deeper and start relying on Him more (yes, I know He is there, but I have a tendency to think I have it under control) I need to stop more and enjoy.
I used to say that I never felt closer to God than when I was out in nature with him, surrounded by his beautiful and awe-inspiring creation. But I don’t get to the mountains (or anywhere awe-inspiring…) often anymore, with two pre-schoolers… Still, I should be more intentional about getting outside to observe his creation, even if only locally (the moon tonight was bright and beautiful, for example). And I should remember that his “creation” is not only outside, in “nature”… But I can see his handiwork in my daughters’ eyelashes… Or in my cats’ paws… Or in a vase of flowers on my kitchen table…
I love that this first week is about getting out into nature. God has been working on my heart about picking up dreams He gave me years ago that other people had shattered or I had just let go of due to lack of time or resources. The word He gave me for this year is RESTORE. One of my loves/dreams as a youth was photography. Due to the high cost of a quality camera and other things coming up in life, I stopped dreaming about it. This Christmas I was able to purchase my first DSLR camera and 2 lenses (my husband’s gift to me but I picked it out). More than anything I love to take picture of God’s creation and I can not wait to blend this love for photography with my love for writing. So far my children and my dogs have been my subjects, but today I feel God leading to look up and out at the beauty of His creation.
I have sat on the harbour at Penin a tiny place in Scotland but the beauty is breathtaking and the peace I felt was surreal , I appreciated it as a view but not as god’s creation. Like someone remarked early into need to be more aware and see the amazing love God has poured into our surroundings wether at the beach park or just in people close to me. This made me just think .
I’m starting this study in October 2020, in Australia. It has been over 6 months into Covid and we are in lockdown, and only able to go 3 miles around our home. I’ve have been blessed to be able to find little paths and trails to walk, being in God’s creation, seeing the leaves change and spring come out. Because of lockdown, people have been home and tending to their gardens and they are extraordinary! I’ve seen so many beautiful trees and flowers and have often just stopped and stared and given thanks to our amazing Creator. He is wondrous and there are times I feel He delights in me as I delight in His creation.