What an amazing God we have and how gracious He is to us to record testimonies of His faithfulness through the Bible. We read about David’s life and we see the difference between living for God and living for ourselves… and the consequences that result.
For the first part of David’s life, things were going pretty well. Sure, he wasn’t the favorite son of his father, and sure, some of his brothers didn’t treat him all that great. But David knew that God chose him and God was with him, and his confidence rested in God alone. It seemed everything he did was a huge success – so much so that it made King Saul very jealous. So jealous, in fact, that the king wanted to kill David.
That’s when David allowed fear to determine his actions instead of putting his faith in God.
This week we see David’s frailty, his humanity, and the effects of his fear. I don’t blame David for allowing fear to enter his heart. I’ve allowed it to enter my heart for much less. But this is what we know: fear is not from God (2 Timothy 1:7). So when fear entered David’s heart, he took his eyes off of the King of all kings – the very one who equipped him to kill a lion, a bear and a giant – and instead he ran.
David literally ran for his life.
Though God had worked through him powerfully before, we see David’s humanity as he takes his eyes off of God and starts taking matters into his own hands.
Sadly we see David turn to everyone but God.
And like David, I’ve done the same thing many times in my life.
First, David loses his job. He had been this amazing solider in Saul’s army, a position that’s gone in an instant as King Saul tries to take his life (1 Samuel 19:10).
Next, David runs to his wife. Who wouldn’t find comfort in one’s spouse? But again, David has to flee as Michal tells him that it is not safe for him to be with her in their home (1 Samuel 19:11-12).
Loss of job, loss of the comforts of your home, and loss of a loved one… all because some crazy lunatic of a king is jealous of you and how God has been blessing you.
Next, David runs to Samuel (1 Samuel 19:18), the one God had used to anoint David and announce his future ruling as king. Now that very blessing is starting to feel like a curse – a curse that is suddenly bringing a lot of heartache and pain into his life.
David then turns to his best friend, Jonathan, and finds that he must leave that friendship for the time being also (1 Samuel 20:42).
One by one, the titles and relationships David ran to for comfort are gone.
Then we come to our verse today. David is desperate. He feels as though there is no one to turn to, so he enters the land of his enemies to find refuge. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? He had previously killed their tens of thousands and their beloved giant, Goliath, and now he returns to them to find refugee from King Saul.
And I wonder how many of us have done the very same thing?
Past destructive relationships or addictions that we once had the strength to end, we now find ourselves running back to in moments of weakness.
Here we find David, our beloved hero, acting like a madman: saliva running down his face and fearing for his life.
That’s what is chasing David from relationship to relationship and comfort to comfort, instead of stopping and turning to God. He allows fear to chase him, exhaust him, and now lose his dignity in front of the very people he had shown God’s power at work as a young man when he killed their giant (1 Samuel 17:46-47).
And I believe that God, in His love, allowed David to painfully go through this season of his life so that David would learn to fully rely on God for his safety and his provisions.
It’s a hard lesson to learn. It’s much easier to trust in friendships, titles, statuses, and bank accounts for our security and not turn to God. But it’s only in God alone where we can find the safety our hearts and minds are seeking.
Sweet friend, take heart. God can do amazing things in our lives where we can show the world His glory as we slay our own giants. But be encouraged if you’ve taken your eyes off of your Savior and have been running from person to person and thing to thing to find the love or safety you are seeking. You are human, and if a man described as “a man after God’s own heart” can fall into the fear trap, you’re in good company. We all have.
But let’s not stay there.
Confess your sin of turning to others instead of turning to God. Commit to leaning on God and His Word, and find your strength and rest in Him.
Don’t allow anything or anyone to become a substitute for God in your life. And read this truth over and over again until you have it memorized in your mind and etched in your heart: Isaiah 41:10… “Do not fear, for I am with you.”
“Human crutches paralyze the walk of faith.” – Chuck Swindoll
Let’s learn from David and place our complete trust in God.
Let’s talk: What causes you to fear and what do you do to combat it?
Love God Greatly!
Week 3 Challenge: This week when fear grips your heart, recite Isaiah 41:10 and speak God’s Word into your heart and mind!
Week 3 Video:
(Can’t see the video? Click here!)
Week 3 Reading Plan:
Week 3 Memory Verse:

“…Boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, SO THAT the Power of God may rest upon me.”
Wow…God uses humble people!
Ahhh and so thankful God uses people in spite of our weaknesses!!! May our weakness always bring Him glory!:) Thanks for sharing today, Tootsie!
What a great word thismorning to start off the week! It is so true that human crutches weaken our faith. I have been guilty of this many of times whereas I reached out to depend on others for insight or help, going from a friend to a family member instead of seeking God first who always provides the truth in all things. My biggest fear that I battle with is the safety of my children, especially in the world we live in today. I have quickly turn to worry, even though I know we serve a almighty God. I am now learning to turn to God not only for my biggest fear but for all things. The power of prayer along with His word is all the reassurance I need. May we all be blessed and have a great Monday!
Ohhh Barbara, I struggle with worry over my girls too. It’s hard to watch the news and not begin to worry. Yes, so very thankful for the power of prayer and God’s Word!
Fear is about me, me, me. I have to save myself. Succumbing to fear causes me to see things as they are not.
I long to be “grown up” enough to not let fear rip my eyes off my God!
Oh Rachel I believe if it is your heart to mature to this place that He will lead you there. <3 Sheila, LGG Encourager
Ok genius!:) this study is all so good:) I loved the royalty one from Friday:) I’ve never thought of it this way that David lost his closest loved ones but he needed to turn to God! I fear losing people too. I am a ppl pleaser! I fear financial trouble/anxiety too. I am TTC trying to start a family and I fear “what if I get pregnant and then miscarry?” The fear of man is pretty big, I just need to run to God first before relying on people and depending on others!:(
Ohh Christiana! So glad to hear you are enjoying the study!:) And yes, Jen’s post on Friday was SOOO GOOD!
As someone who miscarried my first child, it is hard and heartbreaking….but God held me through it and I know He would do the same for you. Fight those fears back with His Word, talk to Him about them and then lay them at His feet. Praying for you tonight!
This spoke to me this morning. My job and everything about my home life are all shaky right now and it helped me to see i’m in good company with David, of all people. I am calling out to God to give me direction and show me what to do, but in His silence- or my hard heartedness – i’ve started seeking other voices. God, forgive me for not being patient or still or silent.
Stan, I’m so blessed to see your humble response. My brother is in that place with you. I pray for him and for you to run to the “hiding place” that is your refuge in Christ alone. Oh how our God loves us!
Praise God!! I so needed this word/ devotion today! His timing is always right on. A past destructive relationship I tried to pick back up. But thank God; He convicted me of it. Clearly He knows whats right for me. So crazy how we let our guard down and sin enters. For me it was very brief. Not that; that makes it okay. How I was walking so good with the Lord and boom I clearly made a mistake. ( sin ). But our God is a gracious God to forgive. I clearly will not make this mistake again. I have to stick to my life verse. Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Not look to others to please them but run to God to only please Him.
Thank you Lord for always being there. Lord help me to stay focused on the path You have me on. Jesus name Amen!
Ahhh but what a blessing that your eyes were opened to it, Karen! Love when God speaks to us so directly from His Word!:) Praying for you tonight!:)
My fear radar goes up when I think about going to the grocery store by myself with my 2 small children—what if we get kidnapped? What if we get into an accident on the way (I live 30 miles away from a town with grocery and department stores) and it takes a while for anyone to find out? The questions just don’t stop coming…until I remind myself that God is taking care of me and my family, and whatever happens is out of my control. It’s easy to become fearful over the little things in life…if we let our minds worry, they will worry! I have to remind my mind to focus on God and not on the what-ifs. ~ Great blog entry! I’m excited about this week’s reading! Hope you all have a great week. <3
You are not alone, sweet friend! I remember those days all too well! My first two girls are 16 months apart and I remember getting almost panicked when I had to take them grocery shopping! It’s not easy….plus I never ended up having that much room for groceries after I put one in the front of the cart and the other baby in the carrier in the basket of the cart…:) I will say that those days actually go pretty fast and I miss them…most of the time. 🙂 Honestly, I’d memorize Isaiah 41:10 and repeat it over and over again when those fears begin. Combat fear with Scripture!!!
I have been battling a gripping fear of death lately. So much so that it’s beginning to manifest physically. I literally feel like I’m dying. I don’t know how to shake this. I’ve prayed and cried and prayed again. I can’t even function. I KNOW this spirit is not from God, but I can’t seem to get it to go away!!
I’m so so sorry you are going through this! I know it’s not easy and I know you feel alone in this battle. But please realize that you are not alone! Like I shared with Audra in the comment above, we must learn to fight fear with Scripture!
The whole verse of Isaiah 41:10 reads:
10 fear not, for I am with you;
be not dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
I would pray this Scripture and memorize it so that whenever your fears begin you can recite God’s Word and battle it. I’d also reach out to a trusted friend or your pastor and let them know of this struggle so that they can be praying for you and checking in on you. We are not meant to do life alone, it’s okay to let others know how you’re struggle and that you need prayer. 🙂
I’m praying over you tonight!
I am praying for you too Audra! I have also had this fear of death, being on my own with the kiddos and something happening to me for several years now. I have been learning in lots of different places lately the power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit over these places in our lives where the fears and anxieties have begun to manifest physically. It is amazing to see how God’s Word can literally rework and reshape and reform our brains to be healthy and thriving. Praying this for both of us for courage to face it by God’s strength and the power of the Holy Spirit, the words from God’s Word to speak over it and that we may come out on the other side as David did knowing God and trusting God in new ways! Love to you tonight lady and I will be praying for each of us facing these feelings! God’s got this ?
Not sure who will see this…. But I just have to say….i have struggled for the past 3 years with my faith. Between doing what I want, and doing what God wants me to do. This past week my anxiety and stress level have gotten out of control, to the point where I went in to the ER tonight thinking I was having a heart attack….i have never been more terrified & fearful in my life!! I’m only 30, I have 5 young beautiful children between my husband and I, and I am not ready for them to grow up without us there. I know that when it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go, but I really thought, this could be it….i tried praying my way through it, but fear had its ugly grips in me. I’m home resting now and decided to find more devotions to keep my mind off of the anxiety, and I found this one. And wouldn’t you know it, the first one I read is about David & fear…. God really is a patient God who is always there waiting for his children to come back to him, all the while dropping little hints that He is still & always will be, here for us, to help us, guide us, protect us, & love us. Just felt I should share…… Hope everyone has an amazing night. Btw….i made a promise to God & my two youngest tonight that I am done smoking. And I haven’t touched one yet. Please pray with me that I will have the strength to kick this habit, and that I’m not too crabby in the process 😉
Being 30 and not married is really scary for me especially since I find it hard to make friends with christian women its lonely church = lonely to me.