My kingdom is not of this world…
Last week we learned from David’s life that a person’s heart is more important than his appearance (1 Samuel 16:7). God used David to pave the way for Jesus, and Jesus’s kingdom is unlike anything anyone ever expected.
Everyone but God, that is.
Today we see that Jesus came to establish a spiritual kingdom, even though those around him wanted a physical kingdom.
The Jews wanted their long awaited Messiah to come into their world and shake things up. They wanted him to come and save their people, but in the ways and with the force they envisioned. They wanted salvation – not from their own brokenness, sin, and regrets – but rather from their physical enemies and from the oppression they lived under. At the heart of it, they wanted revenge: for how they had been treated, and for those who had hurt them. They wanted their Roman oppressors to pay, both literally and figuratively.
I look at my own heart and life and see that I’m not any different from them. I don’t want spiritual solutions to my physical problems either. But Jesus’s ways are not our ways, so why would we think His kingdom would be like anything we could envision?
Jesus’s kingdom is spiritual.
It has no boundary lines but resides in the hearts of those who love Him. Men, women, young, and old. He does not discriminate. Americans, Mexicans, Hungarians, Russians, Moroccans, Jews, and Samaritans… political lines are erased and walls are broken down as we learn to live for Him and His kingdom rather than for ourselves. Hands are extended and compassion is granted as conversations and new friendships are birthed.
Its weapons are spiritual: prayer, forgiveness, truth, and love.
These weapons are more powerful than any military can fashion. They are weapons that can change the course of our families and nations – our very lives – if we choose to use them.
These weapons are at our disposal and are unlike anything the world has ever seen. But we have a choice. Will we realize that the battle we are really facing no physical weapon can defeat and use the weapons Jesus has so graciously given us? Don’t be tricked. Though our battles may appear to be nation against nation, family against family, neighbor against neighbor… we must choose to open our eyes and look a little closer. The battles we are facing are spiritual and we must fight back with the spiritual weapons Jesus has given us.
We must choose to fight back through the power of prayer instead of with words that tear each other down.
We must choose to fight back with God’s truth instead of our opinions.
We must choose to fight back by choosing love over hate, forgiveness over grudges, and unity over discord.
We must not forget that Jesus’s kingdom has an enemy: sin and Satan.
As women empowered by God’s Word we must constantly be reminded that Jesus’s kingdom is not of this world…and ours shouldn’t be either. Jesus’s kingdom resides in our hearts (Luke 17:21).
Let’s Talk: Knowing this truth, how can you take Jesus’s kingdom into the world?
Love God Greatly!
Did you miss Monday’s post? You can find it here!

We can take Jesus’ Kingdom into this world by being the light in this dark workd. By being his hands and feet. By getting down to the level with people who the world says, “don’t waste your time”—the homeless, addicted, broken, shameful—the ones that Jesus came to save and the ones that He asks us to love!
So true, Areum! Jesus shines through your words and love for all people.
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
This takes me to the Lords prayer: Our Father who is in heaven, Praise your Holy Name – Your kingdom come your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for our daily bread (Your Holy Spirit) Forgive us as we forgive others. Help us in our trespasses! Deliver us from the evil one. For your Kingdom is our power! I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me!
Such powerful words. Thank you for reminding us of them today.
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
Such a powerful post today! Thank you Angela! Yes, we MUST be the light of Jesus now, and do our best to bring the lost to His light. My church has a yearly event called Salt and Light Sunday where we go out in the neighborhood and serve. I actually just wrote a blog post about this year’s event. I try daily to shed some light on someone’s day, even if it’s just a friendly smile. There is power in the name of Jesus, so let’s spread the word!
Thank u Rachelle that was beautiful and I agree with you lets spread the word and serve others.
Rachelle, I can definitely feel the light you share as I read your words today. God bless, you!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
Awesome post!! Thanks Angela! And especially thank You Jesus, for empowering us by the indwelling of Your Holy Spirit!!!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
We can take Jesus kingdom into this world by loving people, for he said, love, faith and hope but the greatest of these is LOVE.
Love is such a great word to focus on and keep our hearts in the right place. Thanks for sharing, Marilyn!
Lindsay, LGG Encourager
We can take Jesus’ kingdom into this world by first being apart of His kingdom ourselves, showing love and compassion to all people even those who don’t show it to us. By living the word not just saying the word. People are looking for realness they are looking for people who will share the truth and not sugarcoat it, even when it hurts them. They are looking for peace and forgiveness, all these things and we who are of the kingdom of Jesus should be living and giving it daily.
Great post Sherrel!! We must be living the Kingdom! ~Sheila LGG Encourager
Thanks , I believe that with my whole heart. I just told my daughter in law that we have to leave be people right where they are. Not where we think they should be or even if we like where they are. Show them the love that Jesus has shown us.
This was so needed. I don’t want earthly things as though I thought. See I do, I guess I just never realized that the size of the earthly things don’t matter. It be a boat or it be just a hug from someone its still of this earthly nature.
It is saddens me knowing that so many of us want God to allow us to to have physical things (not sure how to write what I want without it being taken the wrong way) People want God to hurt those that hurt us. To get even with. That solves nothing.
I want those that have or are causing me some sadness to be fixed. I wish my pains and anguish upon no-one. I want God to give them abundance of his love. I want them to see that the boundaries that this earth talks about is wrong. We need to have boundaries like Jesus! NONE!
thank you so very much for these words of wisdom. These words have lifted me up this morning. When I see words like this I am hopeful that perhaps we may be able to understand Jesus one day. I am enjoying this study on David and gleaning much.
This post challenged me in such a great way…to remember that I am Christ’s ambassador, and everything I step out my door, I’m representing Him and spreading His message to everyone I come into contact with. It’s a great reminder and it really encourages me to show Jesus’ love to others. Also, prayer…it’s so powerful and something I need to do more off!! More intentional prayer time…more time with Jesus. Thanks for the great blog entry!
So true, Audra! The battleground is often on our knees.
Lyli, LGG Encourager
‘I will be stronger for you Lord , All-powerful, you are with me.’ 2Samuel5:10. Thank Lord for the constant reminder that you are there for us in every situation. Thank you for your unconditional love and forever forgiveness. Show me how to live your Words and show me ways to reach Your Kingdom. In Jesus name I pray.
Thank you LGG team for the great study. Like all of them it all falls into place like a great puzzle. I will be going in surgery on Monday to remove a lump from my breast. I have put my life into my a Lords hands. He created me and I belong to him. He will take care of me.
Please pray for me and my family for comfort and guidance during this trying times. Thank you. Gods blessing to you all.
Will pray for you, Angela! With love, Anja
Thank you Anja.
Praying for you and your family, praying for the surgeons and praying peace and comfort in your recovery.
Right now my most important mission is to those in my home. The decisions I make on a daily basis; whether to yell because my husband missed the garbage can (3 times) and didn’t bother to pick up the paper or to just pick up and love him anyway, whether or not to get flabbergasted because I can’t seem to get a single thing caught up on my chore list or to just sit down and cuddle my sweet baby boy while we read from his children’s Bible. I could get frustrated with my momma for calling me to go get her a salad from Wendy’s , in the rain, knowing that it’s Mason nap time because I’ve told her this before or just calmly ask if she realizes what time it is.
The way I respond to the people in my home and extended family, the way I love them and show them Jesus is how I reach the world because then my husband talks to his workers about my patience with him and with our son and momma realizes I could’ve completely lost my mind but didn’t and maybe next time she wants to lose her top, she remembers my response to her and she does the same thing.
While I wholeheartedly agree that we should be showing God’s love and forgiveness to the whole world and that his sacrifice on the cross was for all men of all nations, I do not agree with the statement that the kingdom of God is purely a spiritual kingdom that is dependent on the condition of our hearts! The Kingdom of God as stated in the Lord’s prayer is in heaven and will come to earth. In reading the entirety of Scripture as a contextual whole book and believing that God will do what He says He will do. I believe there will be a Literal Kingdom of God Established on this earth where Christ will reign! I look forward to the day when all of scripture will be fulfilled and we have a perfect government on the shoulders of our perfect King!
Agreed! I’m working my way through “Surprised by Hope ” by N.T. Wright at the moment, and struggled with the spiritual only aspect of the post. Glad I’m not alone.
This post helps me in my life right now more than I can express. Letting the light of Gods love shine and preaching his word over hate is what I need to be reminded of and live by. Satan and sin and the feeling of wanting “revenge” is something I must fight away and pray to our Lord to help me understand his path and his plan and have faith that he knows all.
Thank you for this post.