Today we come to a very interesting part of the story of David. We have seen David’s boldness as he fought Goliath, but David was not fearless. There are many instances in the Psalms where David admits his fears. As a matter of fact, sometimes he is so fearful that it is almost debilitating (Psalm 55:5). But fear is not what characterizes bravery. Boldness in the midst of fear is bravery. And so God uses David’s boldness to grow him into a brave and mighty warrior.
David becomes so successful in his military campaigns that poets are writing songs for him. We see in 1 Samuel 18:7 that the people were having their version of a parade and the women were singing, “Saul has struck down his thousands, and David his ten thousands.”
This ticks Saul off. His mood sours quickly and his jealousy so overtakes him that he tries to kill David with his spear… twice! Isn’t it amazing that David stuck around?
Saul does not want David to be around him anymore so he makes him commander of 1000 men, and God gives David and his men great victory. Once again Saul is upset, but he is also fearful because he has come to know the reason for David’s success. He now knows that God is with David (vs. 12,14).
We read the story of David and we think that he is a pretty great man, but we must focus on the God who made David great. God is greater. David was not a mighty warrior because of his own strength and power, but because of God’s strength and power. So instead of thinking, “Oh, I wish I was bold and brave like David,” we need to be thinking, “Oh, I want to know and trust God the way David knew and trusted God.”
We should desire for God to use us for the advancement of his kingdom in whatever way he sees fit. For some of us it may mean being bold and brave in the midst of persecution. For others of us it may mean being bold and brave in what we may see as mundane. But let me assure you, parenting is not for the faint of heart. Raising little ones who know God’s Word and love Him takes a lot of wisdom and faith, prayer and perseverance. Living a countercultural life takes boldness and bravery.
We see David as a mighty warrior, which he surely was. But there is One who is even mightier, whose power works through the weakest and whose battle cry is one of victory and glory. Look to Him!
Looking To Jesus,
Our challenge for this week is that we need to ask God to make us bold and brave in the midst of difficulty and opposition.

Have really been enjoying studies. Was wondering about verse 10 The next day a harmful spirit from God rushed upon Saul. ?
Does God send harmful things ? Is there any further background to this verse ?
Thanks Susan
I was just wondering the same thing.
I was wondering the same thing. Then one of the other verses said David was scared because he knew God was with Saul.
All the commentaries that I read say that God allowed the harmful Spirit to rush upon Saul.
“they saw that evil as well as good must come from the Almighty, inasmuch as all things are in his hand, and whatever is must be by his permission. The writer of the book has no such scruples; he calls it “an evil spirit from Jehovah,” because it was Jehovah, their own theocratic King, who had dethroned Saul, and withdrawn from him his blessing and protection.”
H. D. M. Spence-Jones, ed., 1 Samuel, The Pulpit Commentary (London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1909), 297.
We see an example of this in God allowing Satan to torment Job, in Exodus (9:12) we see God hardening the heart of Pharaoh, and in Acts we see it written that God gave Jesus over to evil men (Acts 2:23). And yet in all things God does not sin or do anything that is not good.
It shows me how little I know God and how much I need to trust what he has revealed about himself. Some things about God may not make sense or we may not be able to wrap our brains around them and so we cling to what we do know for sure. God is perfect, he does no wrong, he can not sin, God is in control, yet man is responsible. It means we have to trust that God knows what he is doing and that he does not have to answer to man.
I love it! Because it gives me a glimpse of what it means to be all powerful. It also gives me confidence and peace in this world. Anyway, I hope this helps a little.
Well said, thank you for this awesome perspective
Good morning, saying thank you for this encouragement. I have just been through surgery to remove a lump from by breast and I waiting for the result. Through all this I have been praying that God will show me the good in this terrible situation. So reading from you have given me more reason to trust in the Lord, for he is my Mighty Rock. Thank you Lord for your faithfulkness. Amen.
Thank you Jen. Be bless.
Thank you so much for this very helpful, thoughtful answer, I have often thought about the other passages you referenced too. This answer made the writing clear to me .
It is with the knowledge of God that any evil touches our life. Without His knowledge no evil can touch you. God remains with you in every turmoil as His promise that He will not leave us until the end of time.
2nd devotional this morning stating “follow God!” We may implement the same decisions as others as they follow Christ (Paul, David) but ultimately our eyes are to be on Jesus. So privileged to be a part of this study-still pondering the “shepherd” day:) May God be near all of you today!
I confess that I have never read the comments to this blog before! Shame on me!! I’m so glad I did because of verse 10! It is good to see that so many of you also questioned why God would allow an evil spirit to come over Saul….. his ways are definitely not our ways!
I am having problems “hearing” the speakers in the videos. I have my volume up to 100 percent, and I still can’t hear what is being said. I don’t know if maybe the ladies in the video are seated close enough to “their speakers.” I am in my 60’s but I must say, I am probably not the only “senior” having trouble hearing the videos.
Thank you for taking time to check into this. Really appreciate the study of David.
I noticed that as week Arlene! I thought it was only me.
I love your reminder that David was often fearful! And fully admitted it to the Lord, Who he relied on to give him strength. Needed example for me. Also loved “For others of us it may mean being bold and brave in what we may see as mundane. ” My life is not a whirlwind of excitement–it is much routine and living quietly. But even in the seemingly small tasks and assignments He gives me, I am encouraged to be bold and brave because these small matters can have huge results and blessings.
Thank you , I enjoy the short movie. Is the first time that I logged this way.
I do fallow in Italian.