Always and forever – two words that promise so much, yet rarely deliver.
Lovers pledge these words in everything from Hallmark cards to wedding vows. BFFs make friendship pacts with these words and wear matching necklaces to prove it. My seven year old daughter uses these words when she pinky promises me that she’ll never move out of my house. Heh. And if you close your eyes and listen real good, you’ll even hear a good ol’ country song begging for this catchy phrase to be played on repeat.
From the time we’re young, life is full of promises. But live long enough and we soon find that always and forever often ends in sometimes and never. In this world dreams are often put on hold, possessions are often lost, “forever” relationships often end without warning, and hope is often deferred.
This week in our study we’re looking at David the king, whose story will ultimately point us to the promise of a better King. And opposite of everything this world has to offer, through His Son Jesus God has given us a promise that will never, ever fade away.
Ask God to help you find fresh hope in these three themes as you study this week:
God has great purpose for your life.
“…for the Lord, the God of hosts, was with him.” – 2 Samuel 5:10
In today’s verses we read of David’s appointment to king and the fact that God was with him. This was no ordinary set-up. From the very beginning, God had great purpose for David’s life. From a young shepherd boy to anointed king over Israel, God took the unlikely and placed him in the most prominent position of the kingdom – a position that would include the lineage to a Kingdom that would never end. Are you feeling overlooked and stuck in the pasture? Keep planting Kingdom seeds right where God has placed you. God is with you. God is for you. God’s plan for your life exceeds anything this world has to offer, even if it doesn’t quite make sense just yet. Hold on… He knows what He’s doing.
God keeps His promises.
“And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me.
Your throne shall be established forever.” – 2 Samuel 7:16
In 2 Samuel 5 we’re told that David reigned over Israel for forty years, and just two chapters later the Lord is promising that the throne of David will never end. From the whole of Scripture we know that David doesn’t live forever, and that this promise goes far beyond the imperfect kings that were to follow. But when “forever” was in jeopardy, God made a way. A child would be born to a virgin who would fulfill the need for a righteous son of David to take the throne. His name was Jesus, and His would be a Kingdom that would never end.
God has provided a forever inheritance.
“… you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.” – Ephesians 2:19
When was the last time you thought about the fact that as a child of God, you are an heir to the greatest inheritance in the universe?! Whatever we strive to achieve on earth can’t even touch what is ours in Christ: the world and everything that is in it (1 Cor. 3:21-23), and life eternal with Christ as our reward. Lest we get discouraged in the waiting, consider this challenge by John Newton: “Suppose a man was going to New York to take possession of a large estate, and his [carriage] should break down a mile before he got to the city, which obliged him to walk the rest of the way; what a fool we should think him, if we saw him ringing his hands, and blubbering out all the remaining mile, ‘My [carriage] is broken! My [carriage] is broken!'” In this world we will have trouble, but let’s live in great hope today while we wait for that Day!
Through the line of David, a King was born for great purpose: to establish a Kingdom not of this world. This King is for you. This King is mighty to save, and He’s worthy of all of your trust and confidence in the here and now.
Oh Father, would you take our eyes off of the trappings and disappointments of this world and help us to take possession of all that you have offered us through your Son Jesus? God, help us to live – really live – like we’re children of the King.
*Let’s Talk: How can you plant Kingdom seeds where God has placed you today?
At His feet,
Week 2 Challenge: Read Matthew 1 to place David in the lineage of Christ. *Bonus: Write the full list of names recorded in this chapter (from Abraham to Jesus) in your study journal.
Week 2 Video:
Week 2 Reading Plan:
Week 2 Memory Verse:
I’m so glad we are studying on David and Whitnet your video message helps me so much. I’m going through a very bad heart break and it’s draining me and I can’t shake it but I’m STILL HOLDING ON TO GOD’S LOVING HANDS TO SEE ME THROUGH THIS! As hard as it is and probably not big to others it’s big to me and I will over come this!! In Jesus name!!
Amber I want you to know I just prayed for you. God will definitely use this study to build you back up. I went through some very difficult things a few years ago and it didn’t feel like I would ever get back up after being knocked down. But now I am looking back and saw how even on the days I felt along He was surrounding me leading me to the right scriptures to get my heart back on solid ground again. Believing that for you today <3 Sheila, LGG Encourager
Thank you so much need all the prayers and encouragement I can get and the main thing The Lord’s love, peace and comfort.
Thus is an awesome study. I have already been blessed beyond measure and we have only done one week. I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store this wee.
Oh Kelly we LOVE hearing this!! Thank you so much for joining us an stopping in to share 🙂 Sheila, LGG Encourager
This post came with such perfect timing. For months I’ve been feeling like I’m caught in a holding pattern… yes, “overlooked and stuck in the pasture”. There’s a stirring in my soul, like I’m supposed to be doing something… or maybe something is coming in the future. But I don’t know what. There has either been lack of opportunity or closed doors. So I wait… and try to faithfully do today what I know I’m supposed to be doing.
Such a great read and video encouragement for this Monday morning.
Hi, I just saw this study and would like to join. I’m already signed up through email but I can’t find where to download the materials until my book gets here. Every time I hit the download button it says page is unavailable on app and website. Thank you!
Actually seeds are an image God gives me often. Currently I am teaching Kinder in Guadlajara, MX and with three years olds all day every day it’s easy to dread work and what I am called to for the moment….BUT many of them are from India and may have never heard of Jesus had they not landed in my classroom. I pray daily that God will remind my heart that I am planting Jesus seeds in these little souls and that they will grow big and strong to change the world!
This study is great. it has help me these couple of day to stay forces on God. As hard as it can be at times, I need to be still and wait on Him. I know He has a plan for my life. This world has nothing I want.
Our God is an amazing God!! He is always there for us even when we though at times it may seem hes not. He is always working mightily. So thankful for this study. He has shown me already during this short time that He has never left my side. Oh how I love Him. If your at a place where you feel as if He is not there I encourage you to keep seeking Him. Because He is right there always. He may have us go through tough things but its only for our on good. Seek Him in every season. His Love is the best Love.
I am thankful for God’s plan. I know He loves me. 🙂
I am so excited these couple of days I just feel that God is the only one I can trust to lead me. He knows me. He knows what’s good for me. This world is not my home. I want to be still and in Gods will.
I am a little confused by your expression of “planting Kingdom seeds”. Can you give me a scriptural reference please?
Are you talking about this?
Are you referring to this?
I’ve been enjoying this study!! I was blessed last week and encouraged. Can I still download the material? I went to print off week two and the page says it is unavailable. I was planning to print off the pages week by week and i hope I can still do this. Thanks!
Are you talking about this?
I’m so excited to be in week 2! I think I want to take the challenge a bit farther and do the same exercise for Matthew 1 & Luke 3, as those are both the literal and legal bloodlines of Jesus. Talk about God’s provision! Jesus literally descended only through Mary, so Mary had to descend from David. But, the Jews only legally recognized lineage from the father (in this case, Joseph), so Joseph was descended from David, as well!
I have been so blessed by this study already. This study and commentaries have helped me to bless and encourage the hearts of myself and others. I’ve been struggling with where I am and feeling like there is more I should be doing. This word has been confirmation and a guide to stay with it and do not grow weary, for a harvest is on the way IF I faint not.
I am thankful for the opportunities God gives me to plant kingdom seeds. I volunteer mostly with homeless people, addiction, recovery, brokenness and form friendships within this community. Every time I volunteer, I always leave knowing God has placed me in the right spot! So blessed all the time!
Years ago, someone’s Christmas card read…..This and that happened…God has a plan.
It’s encouraging to know that in the midst of chaos (life far from my expectations), that this is My Father’s World, He is in control, He has a plan…a good plan for me and all those who believe in His Name.
“Keep planting Kingdom seeds right where God has placed you. ”
What a timely word for me! For five years my main purpose was to be my mom’s caregiver. Since she passed away in April 2015, I have been feeling purpose-less. I am limited health wise in doing many tasks. What does He purpose for me now? I can definitely plant Kingdom seeds!