“Above all, understand this: In the last days blatant scoffers will come, being propelled by their own evil urges and saying, “Where is his promised return? For ever since our ancestors died, all things have continued as they were from the beginning of creation.” – 2 Peter 3:3–4
I have a terrible memory. I walk into rooms and forget why I’m there. I go to the store and leave without the one thing I needed to remember. If someone asks me to do something later and I don’t immediately email it to myself, I’ll never do it.
Our verses today encourage us to be a people who remembers. How can we face an uncertain future and a world that feels increasingly difficult? We recall what has been said. We bring back to mind the Scriptures we’ve read that tell us who God is, what He has done, and what He will do. We remember what God has commanded and we choose to love Him and love others.
Yes, the scoffers will come to laugh and to try to make us doubt that what the Lord has promised will come to pass. But when we remain rooted in the Word of God, the doubts of the world will have no impact on God’s truth or our faith. In fact, could we rejoice when those scoffers come into our lives? When we remember what the Lord has commanded, that we love our neighbors and our enemies, it should be a joy to live among those who doubt because it means we have an opportunity to share the love, hope, and eternal life we have in Jesus!
The world might try to make us think that Jesus is late, but we will remember that time for God is not the same as the time we experience.
God is not slow: He is good and loving and wants as many as possible to come to Him, to receive the gift of salvation offered through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior. What an honor to live in such a time as this, to be called to be a light to a world of scoffers and doubters who desperately need to hear about Jesus!
The world can scoff as much as it wants, but because we can’t know when the Lord will return, we must recall, remember, and remain alert. We must be ready, living as the holy chosen people of God on mission to help as many as possible come to know and love Jesus, in the time we have remaining.

Let’s study God’s Word together!
This blog post is part of our Come, Lord Jesus, Come series. Learn more about this study and join us!