There isn’t a woman on this earth who doesn’t struggle with fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Yet, through His Word, God lovingly reminds us over and over again not to live our lives in fear. Instead, He commands us to be strong and courageous…maybe even fearless. Why?

Because He is with us.“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9

How can we choose to have courage when our worlds are falling apart? How can we choose brave over our fears? In this six-week study, we will focus our minds on God’s Truth and gain the strength we need to choose to be brave even when we don’t feel like it – even when we are scared.

Brave to fight the good fight.Brave to use our gifts. Brave to trust again.Brave in the midst of loss. Brave in facing our fears. Brave in uncertainty. God desires us not to live in fear but to live in His freedom and boldly step forward in faith, choosing to be brave despite our circumstances, despite the world around us…despite our fears and anxiety.

You are braver than you feel and stronger than you ever thought possible with God by your side and His Words in your heart.

God has called you, my sweet sister, to choose brave. Let’s do this!

Join us on Monday, January 7th and let’s start 2019 choosing to be brave!

Grab your journal in our online store and maybe one for a friend, too! It’s always more fun when you choose to be brave with friends to help support and cheer you on!


Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

Grab a journal, build a community,
change women's lives.

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