“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9



We all like stories of bravery and heroism because in that hero or heroine we see something that we lack but desire. We see someone who is noble or bold, righteous or daring, and we wish we could be like that.

Many, if not all of us, have experienced fear that has kept us from taking an unknown road. We know the kind of weakness that can make us give up or not even try. We also have experienced cowardice that makes us doubt, feel overwhelmed, and turn away from what God would have us do. So, when we read or watch stories of heroism and bravery we cheer and even tear up a bit. When we watch someone have courage in the midst of fear, undaunted in the midst of adversity, and resolute in the midst of weakness we are inspired to be brave ourselves.

But this bravery is usually short-lived because earthly motivation can only take us so far. We need bravery that holds up through even the scariest and most difficult of circumstances. We need the kind of bravery that derives its power from the God who knows no fear, who holds all power and goodness, and who freely gives these things to those who ask in faith.

In Joshua 1:9 God gives Joshua the command to be strong and courageous, to not be afraid or discouraged. Why? Because God promises that He would be with Joshua wherever he went. This is the same promise God made to Abraham (Gen. 26:3), Jacob (Gen. 31:3), Moses (Ex. 3:12), the people of Israel (Is. 41:10), and to you (Matthew 28:20).

Throughout your life you will face many things that require bravery, and, in this study, we will look at a number of these areas and how we can find boldness in God. Some displays of bravery will require small little leaps while others will ask us to scale seemingly gigantic mountains. But we are never asked to muster up bravery out of our own strength.

When you feel like you don’t have the wisdom to make certain decisions remember that you have a God who has all wisdom – you just need to ask. If you feel that you have no strength for the day ahead, remember that you have the strength of your almighty God at your disposal. You just need to cry out to Him. If you feel that you are lacking the courage to take the next step, remember that God is on your side, fighting for and with you, and is willing and able to give you everything you need (2 Peter 1:3).

It takes a lot of courage to live a life of light in a world of darkness, to overcome evil with good, and to live out true faith in front of those who mock and blaspheme God. But God never asks you to take on this life on your own. Be strong and courageous, live boldly and without fear, because the Lord is with you wherever you go.

Looking to Jesus,





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Choose Brave Kids Study Journal

Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn grew up in Germany and then spent her teenage years in Africa, where her parents were missionaries. She moved to the United States for college and attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she met her husband. They have been married for twenty-two years and have four children. Jen lives in the suburbs of Chicago, where her husband is the pastor of Redeemer Fellowship. Jen is passionate about theology and the connection to daily living.

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