“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” – Hebrews 11:1

What are you hoping for in the new year?

The quick, safe answer might be something like…

A less hectic schedule.

To save money.

To eat less.

To exercise more.

To get more organized.

To quit a bad habit.

They’re common resolutions – good goals started with great intentions – and often ones that end in a pretty high failure rate if we’re honest.

But if we could meet for coffee today and muster up enough courage to go a little deeper, I’d phrase the question a bit differently:

What thing are you hoping for – waiting for, longing for – deep down in your heart?

Maybe it’s the reconciliation of a relationship.

Healing for a family member.

For that job to come through.

For the depression to end.

Maybe you’re praying for genuine friendship. For hope. For freedom from past guilt and shame. For real joy to emerge after a long, dry season.

There’s hard behind the smile. While others are jumping into energetic dreams and goals for their year, you’re doing well just to make it through the day.

Oh friend, I wish you knew how seen and loved you are. I’m so sorry that it’s been this hard. While I would never suggest that solutions to what you’re facing can ever be neatly packaged – say – in three easy steps in a blog post, can I gently suggest one resolution to own more than all of the others this year? 

Pray to be brave to walk forward in faith.

“Increase our faith!” is how the disciples put it in Luke 17. And Jesus’s beautiful reply? He knows our limitations. Where we’re weak and how we doubt. How each new year comes with its own joys and sorrows. But He doesn’t turn us away. If little faith is all you’ve got, girl, stop what you’re doing right now and bring it to the feet of Jesus.

He’ll put His power to it.

Multiply it.

Redeem it.

He’ll patiently carry you forward until little by little, your gaze begins to shift and your faith grows stronger.

“We look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” – 2 Corinthians 4:1

One thing is sure: We can’t walk forward in faith if our eyes are fixed on what is seen. In this world…

One trial ends and another begins.

Work and toil will continue with its ups and downs.

Healing may look different than what we had in mind. 

Relationships transition and even grow cold.

Instead of looking outward, look upward… and fix your eyes on the One who can be trusted with your every tomorrow.

Together, let’s make this the year that we walk by faith like never before. That doesn’t happen by sheer luck or grit. It happens one day at a time by rehearsing the character of God, deciding to learn from and then leave what’s behind, and then by moving forward in faith – no matter how small your steps – knowing you’re fully loved and fully held by His grace.

  • Are you hesitant to move forward in faith where God is leading you this year because you’re holding onto things from the past?
  • What might you need to reconcile with God/others so that you can begin to move forward instead of staying “stuck”?
  • In this new year, will you commit to regularly asking God for more faith through prayer? God generously extends His great power to those who believe! “I believe; Lord, help my unbelief!” – Mark 9:24

At His feet,



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