The Value of Godly Relationships

The Value of Godly Relationships

“So are you two sisters?” My friend and I looked at each other from across the tiny exam room and smiled big as her oncologist waited for our answer. You could say that. Definitely sisters. Sisters in Christ for the long haul… We first met as new...
Working Out

Working Out

Working out. Just the phrase makes me feel lazy these days. I’m out of shape and I know it, so the task of working out looms and feels overwhelming. When I say this, I’m daunted thinking about lacing up my running shoes in this chilly fall air. The phrase is obviously...
The Joy of Serving

The Joy of Serving

If it weren’t for people… work would be great. If it weren’t for people… church would be effortless. If it weren’t for people… humble service would be easy. Sacrificial service is something many people admire but may not truly desire to practice. Our culture values...
To Live Is Christ

To Live Is Christ

It could sound to some like Paul is tired of this life and is looking forward to death. Life certainly wasn’t easy for him. He was persecuted, shipwrecked, beaten, at times poor, and was imprisoned. But Paul is not looking to escape this life. He is happy to live...
Our Confidence in Suffering

Our Confidence in Suffering

Have you ever had days… months… maybe even years in your life when it seemed like you were in a “prison” of suffering that you couldn’t escape? Maybe you’ve grieved the death of a loved one, the halt of a dream, or you’ve been...

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