It could sound to some like Paul is tired of this life and is looking forward to death. Life certainly wasn’t easy for him. He was persecuted, shipwrecked, beaten, at times poor, and was imprisoned. But Paul is not looking to escape this life. He is happy to live because he doesn’t live alone and he doesn’t live without reason. But he is also not afraid of death. Death will bring an end to his suffering and he will be face to face with the One for whom he suffered.

To Live Is Christ

As Christians, our lives are all wrapped up in Jesus. Our every breath comes from Him (Acts 17:25), our salvation is found in Him, all grace and power to overcome sin and temptation lies in Him. His Word is the rule and guide of our lives and His Kingdom is our inheritance. True joy is found in Him. Confidence and comfort are available to us because of Him. He freely gives wisdom to those who ask, and He listens to every request we bring before Him.

To live is Christ.

So we need to ask ourselves… Do I live in a manner that is worthy of this gospel news? (Phil. 1:27) Am I thankful and joyful? Am I eager to spend time with this wonderful Savior who withholds no good thing from His children? (Ps.84:11) Do I stand firm during hard days because of Who holds my life? Am I living a Christ centered life?

To Die Is Gain

If your life is Christ then your death will mean gain.

You can’t lose. To live means you get to see God at work in your life, restoring His image in you, fitting you for His eternal Kingdom. As long as we live we get to be a part of God’s redemptive story. But life is hard.

Death means the end of all our misery, sorrow, hardships, and pain and marks the beginning of unending joy, indescribable worship, perfected relationships, and life before the face of Christ.

Death is the curse of God for sin, but because Jesus became a curse for us on the cross, death becomes a doorway through which we enter into the welcoming arms of our God. By becoming a curse Jesus proved Himself to be the cure. And just as death could not hold Jesus, it cannot destroy us.

To live is Christ and to die is gain should be the truth that brings contentment to our days and peace to our nights.

Looking To Jesus,





We are kicking off Week 1 of our 4 week Philippians study! Grab the women’s and corresponding kids’ journals on Amazon and help us provide these Bible studies to women around the world in over 18 languages through our translations!

NEW DESIGN: Our journals have been beautifully redesigned and now include a recipe to try with your friends from one of the countries we are reaching with God’s Word!

Women’s journal
Kids’ journal

Read the Philippians study intro here.





Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn

Jen Thorn grew up in Germany and then spent her teenage years in Africa, where her parents were missionaries. She moved to the United States for college and attended Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where she met her husband. They have been married for twenty-two years and have four children. Jen lives in the suburbs of Chicago, where her husband is the pastor of Redeemer Fellowship. Jen is passionate about theology and the connection to daily living.

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