She had been caught red-handed.

Exposed front and center.

What she had attempted to get away with in secret had now been brought to the light.

And now she was pressed on every side by angry critics who condemned her and called for her to pay the ultimate price. 

Her sin was adultery, and her penalty according to Mosaic law was death. Try as she might, there was no going back and changing the decisions of her past now. Her sin had marked her in society, and as she waited for the final verdict she must have felt sure that her life was over.

Enter Jesus…

His ministry was countercultural to everything the people had known before. He was a threat to the most powerful leaders; an unexpected answer to those who had anticipated a different Messiah’s coming. And in eleven short verses in John 8, we find His opposite-world theology summarized as we gaze deeply into the heart of the Son of Man who came to seek and save the lost.

What exactly was Jesus’ message?

Grace Over the Law

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 

It’s hard to hear that no one measures up to the law – especially when you’re a self-righteous religious leader – but that’s exactly the hypocrisy that Jesus exposed as the Pharisees crowded in to condemn the woman. And today we’re no different. We create our own measuring stick to judge the severity of each other’s sin, yet fail to recognize that we are no different than the adulterous woman. All have sinned. The good news: Jesus came to take the punishment for our sin. He provides a way out for all who call on His name – not through an expectation of perfection or works… because we’d never, ever be good enough. He rescued us with His great grace.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God…” – Ephesians 2:8

Freedom Over Condemnation

“Neither do I condemn you…” 

The thing about grace is that it doesn’t just cover part of our sin. It isn’t temporary, and it isn’t dependent on us. God’s grace covers all. These five words – Neither do I condemn you – should make us fall to our knees in awe-struck wonder and worship for our Savior, and should saturate our souls with a supernatural peace and freedom that changes everything. “The war is over. The alienation and divine displeasure toward us because of our sin have been removed. We are no longer objects of wrath. We have peace with God whether we realize it or not. However, to the extent that we understand and believe the truth regarding justification, we will experience a subjective peace – that is, a sense of peace within our souls. We will know that we have been bought from a state of condemnation and the prospect of eternal judgment into a state of forgiveness and favor with God.” – Jerry Bridges

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…” – Romans 8:1

New Life Over Sin

“… go, and from now on sin no more.”

She had been caught red-handed.

Exposed front and center.

What she had attempted to get away with in secret had now been brought to the light.

But Jesus – full of mercy and grace and everything countercultural to this world – stepped in and transformed her life in an instant. Everything would be different from now on… because when you’ve truly experienced repentance and the depth of God’s grace, you’re empowered to live in a whole new way.

For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace. – Romans 6:14

 Girl, you’re loved. You’re free. Now go and live like it.

At His feet,




*Let’s talk: Which of the three points listed above do you struggle with the most and why?

Week 5 Video:

If you’re unable to see this video, you can view it here.

Week 5 Challenge: Take time to search your heart and determine if you most identify with the adulterous woman or the Pharisees. Confess any wrong thinking that is hindering you from either extending to others or receiving for yourself God’s grace, forgiveness, and freedom. 

Week 5 Reading Plan:

Week 5 Memory Verse:



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