Sweet sister,

Your redemption is here. The ultimate price for your life has been paid. You no longer have to live as a slave to your sins, your addictions or your temptations but rather embrace your redemption. Run, rejoice and be free to live your life now in gratitude to the freedom found in Jesus’ redemption.

My prayer for you and for me is that the weight of our chains of regret, shame, and pain no longer weigh us down.

My prayer has been that week after week, you saw through Scripture how God redeemed the past mistakes, the heartache, the very lives of Naomi, Moses, Sarah, Paul, and the Adulterous Woman.

What God did in their lives, He is willing to do in yours, too.

You are redeemed, you are free.

Lift up your head, sweet sister; you are a freed woman.

Our Savior, our Redeemer, He left His position in heaven to come and be near. He came to take the form of a servant and serve He did, all the way to Golgotha.

God in the flesh, laid Himself down for you…for me out of His great love for us.

How can we ever question our worth? The God of the universe. The One who made the planets and set them into orbit. The One who spoke the world into existence came to us. He lived a sinless life and chose to die in our place…in my place.

It is finished, sweet friend.

The work has been done. The price has been paid. No longer do you have to go through someone else or sacrifice something to gain God’s approval. You now have direct access to God because of Jesus.

The debt has been paid in full.

It truly is finished.

You can’t be perfect enough to earn this salvation. You can’t be good enough, nice enough, pretty enough or smart enough. Only Jesus could pay this ultimate price, and He did.

So what should our response be to this amazing redemption? Live in gratitude. Embrace what Jesus did for us, be thankful for it and allow His redemption to change us from the inside out.

Allow His redemption to cover the hurt of betrayal from family and friends. Allow His redemption to heal the wounds of the past that feel as close as yesterday. Allow His redemption it to cover the mistakes and fill in the regrets. His redemption is enough.

Jesus said on the cross over two thousand years ago “It is finished….” and that truth still stands today.

Be a living, breathing, walking testimony of the amazing work of God’s redemptive work in your life. Help others see that through Christ, they can finally find the redemption and freedom they have been seeking.

How do you thank Jesus for taking your place on the cross? By living a life marked by His redemption and covered in gratitude.

Let’s Talk: How has Jesus’ redemption changed your life?



Love God Greatly!





Friends join us on May 1st as we begin our 4-week study in the book of Ruth!

If you’ve ever experienced loss, loneliness, or seasons of great change or difficulty, then you can immediately identify with the events and people in the book of Ruth. While Ruth begins as a story of heartache, it doesn’t stop there. Mourning turns to dancing as themes of loyalty, kindness, boldness, acceptance, love, and redemption are uncovered. But ultimately, Ruth is a book about the providence of God. We should never underestimate the seemingly small events in our lives. Whether it is caring for family, getting married, working, showing kindness to our neighbors, or raising children… all of it is being used by God for the good of those who love Him, for His glory, and for the salvation of others. The book of Ruth reminds us that no event or person is insignificant in the plan of God.

You can get your copy of Ruth on Amazon here.

We also have a corresponding kid’s journal available also on Amazon here. 




Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt

Angela Perritt is the founder and director of LoveGodGreatly.com, a nonprofit online Bible study ministry reaching thousands of women in over two hundred countries around the world with God’s Word through their translated Bible studies. She and her husband live in Dallas, Texas with their three daughters. Angela is passionate about God’s Word and believes one woman in God’s Word can change a family, community and ultimately a nation. Her greatest joy is to encourage her children and others to love God greatly with their lives one day at a time. You can connect with her on Instagram.

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