One of the reasons I love the Bible is its profound use of words. The way the Bible uses words might look random to the untrained eye, but it is so profound and awe inspiring to students of the Bible. Let us look at the first sentence of verse 9.
“…if so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from their trials,…”
From verse 1, we see God’s judgment on those who refuse to be obedient and live according to His way. As we look around at our society today, we see people living in disobedience and far from God all around us, even in church. These are people whose lips say one thing and their actions another. It can be hard to live in the midst of this type of culture. But Peter offers encouragement to both his audience and in extension to us today. No matter what we see happening outside, our Father knows how to rescue the GODLY from their trials.
Notice a key word in this verse: GODLY. It is important to know what this word means. Those who are Godly are the one who are surrendered to Jesus. They are the one who say no to pursuing the things of the world and yes to chasing after Christ, no matter the cost.
This doesn’t mean that if you are in Christ, then everything in life will be easy, and you won’t have to endure hardship for long if at all. No! It means that we can be confident that the Holy Spirit will faithfully walk with us through trials.
He will remind us what is true about our Heavenly Father and help us to persevere.
We also know that one day we will be fully rescued when Jesus returns and makes all things new. Knowing these things, we can be confident that no matter what is happening today, the mention of wars and actual wars, persecution, and trials more than you can count, THE LORD KNOWS HOW TO RESCUE THE GODLY FROM THEIR TRIALS.
No matter how hot the fire will become, or how vile our world is getting, hold on to God. Shine as light wherever you are.
We are not meant to figure out trials on our own. He is purifying us until we come out as gold, until that which is truly His remains and sin and the trappings of this world burns away. No trial or persecution is wasted. God has a purpose for them all. The persecution of the Apostles led to the spread of the gospel to the whole world. If they weren’t persecuted, they would have all remained in Jerusalem. But when persecution arose, the message of Jesus spread to the whole world. What may seem pointless or confusing in your life, God is using to accomplish His grand purposes.
Be steadfast in His protection. God can be trusted. He knows what He is doing, and He will won’t fail.
Look at what 1 Corinthians 10:13 says,
No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.
Even in trials, we should not desert the Word of God, prayer, and fellowship with the brethren. These have a way of encouraging and reminding us of the promises and faithfulness of God. Be steadfast in His protection. God can be trusted. He knows what He is doing, and He won’t fail.
The peace of the Lord continue to rest in and upon you.
Week 6 Challenge:
Choose one area in your life where you’re impatient for change or answers. Surrender it to God, acknowledging His perfect timing. Each time you feel impatience rising, remind yourself of 2 Peter 3:9 and say a short prayer, entrusting it to Him.
Week 6 Reading Plan:
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