SOAP our new study, Triumph Over Trials, with us today!

What is truth? 

This question was uttered by Pilate, the Roman governor who gave Jesus over to be crucified. Jesus had just claimed that the reason he came into the world was to testify to the truth (John 18:37). This is a very important statement. In this statement, Jesus revealed Himself to Pilate, whether he knew it or not. Still today, as we read this text, Jesus is revealing Himself to us. 

The concept of truth is far-reaching. At times, you may find yourself asking the same question as Pilate: what is truth? A plethora of different beliefs, opinions, theories, statements, and ideologies exist. What can we place our faith in? Is there something we can be sure of, without a doubt? It is important to discuss this subject because truth sets us free (John 8:32). If we do not know the truth about things, we are left to exist in a state of constant confusion and fear – a state that represents less than what we were made for. 

Take a moment to think of how you would answer this question: what is truth? We live in a world that is full of deception.

At times, the deception around us is so normalized that we do not even know we are being deceived.

Deception could present itself on the news, on social media, or even in church. Deception is everywhere because we live in a world that is ruled by the enemy (1 John 5:19). He is the father of lies, and he never speaks the truth (John 8:44). He seeks to steal, kill, and destroy us (John 10:10). This is why we need to know the truth. 

To know the truth, we must have an authority to build our lives upon – something that empowers us to discern what lies look like and sound like. This authority is the Word of God, which is the foundation of all truth (John 17:17). The Word has been given to us by God. It is breathed out by Him (2 Tim. 3:16). The Word is a mighty weapon that overcomes the strategies, words, and tactics of the enemy (Ephesians 6:17). The Word reveals to us who God is in Christ Jesus. The Word is Christ Himself (John 1:1). Therefore, if we know God, we know truth. In John 14:6, Jesus declares that He is the truth. All words must be held up to His. 

Peter, through the power of the Spirit, sums up our victory strategy in his second letter. Simply put, it is this: we must know Jesus (2 Peter 2:20). We must know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to overcome the lies of the world, the enemy, and the flesh.

We must know Jesus.

Knowing Jesus means spending time with Him. Jesus is the Word. Therefore, we must spend time in the Word. We must write it on the tablet of our heart and mind. 

We also need to be still before God and allow Him to work in us for His glory. As believers, we have full access to God through Christ (Eph. 3:12). We are called and commanded to commune with Him in prayer without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). I find encouragement in the biblical example of Daniel. Daniel 6:10 tells us that it was his custom and habit to pray and give thanks to God on his knees three times a day. We see that such discipline in God’s presence increased his wisdom and faith. What if we were disciplined in the same way? What could God do with a willing and surrendered heart? Anything. 

While it is difficult to stand up for truth in a world that is running away from God, Jesus’ words strengthen us. In John 16:33, Jesus tells us He is our peace. Even though we are guaranteed to face trials on earth, Jesus has already conquered the world for us. He has already defeated sin and death on our behalf (Col. 2:13-15). We have the hope of heaven to live for and the grace of God to live in. Let this be the truth you stand on. You are more than a conqueror because of Christ and in Christ (Romans 8:37). Freedom is yours because Truth came into the world to save you, and His name is Jesus.


Grace Ann Oglesby

Grace Ann Oglesby

Grace Ann loves Jesus and her husband, Christopher Mark. She has discovered the beautiful purpose of walking with Christ while loving and serving her family. Writing about the Word of God is a passion of hers, as she finds it a special way to grow deeper in knowledge of God’s character and love for His heart. She wants you to know that you are always loved by God, who is able to redeem all things (1 Peter 5:10).

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