Something I really love is the light of early morning. Whether I’ve just had a good night’s sleep or tossed and turned all night, that first light shining in my bedroom signals: it’s go-time. Now, sometimes “go-time” means I have to get up and get ready for work. Depending on the day, that doesn’t always spark joy. BUT there are a lot of days where that first light reminds me of the gratefulness to have been woken up and that I now get to walk out into the gift of that day.

Walking in the Dark Valley

One of my favorite passages in Scripture is Zechariah’s song, specifically Luke 1:78-79. It is underlined with a heart next to it in my Bible from when it first struck a chord with me. Around 5 years ago, I went through a long and difficult season of doubting my faith. I felt like my life was the epitome of Psalm 23:4 when David wrote, “Even when I must walk through the darkest valley…” My life felt so dark. I was in a deep valley covered in a dark shadow, and my biggest prayer and desire during that season was to get to the mountaintop where the light would shine on my face again. There were days when I couldn’t even imagine experiencing the light again. 

But, in God’s loving kindness and grace, He traversed with me through that dark valley. After I learned a lot of hard but good lessons, God gently guided me out of it. I’ll never forget when I got to the top of the mountain, and the light hit my face and filled my soul. It refreshed me, strengthened me, and gave me hope to keep pressing on. It was the hardest season of my life, but it renewed my faith in a way I could’ve only ever dreamt of. 

The Breaking of Light

God is gracious to walk with us through any valley we are brought to. He truly never leaves us or forsakes us, even when it feels like He has. The fact that I am on the other side of that season writing this is a testament to how much God cares about and loves every one of us. Keep pressing on if you’re ever in a season of darkness. Tell your closest friends and family. Ask them to put their hands on you and pray over you. Don’t let the enemy keep you in the darkness!

When Zechariah said, “Because of our God’s tender mercy, the dawn will break upon us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79), he was saying to God’s people that the 400 year valley of silence from God they had been walking in was finally ending and that the morning light, Jesus, was beginning to shine. I can imagine that some of the Israelites might have been doubting their own faith during those 400 years of silence–just like I was 2,000 years later. But God never stopped pursuing them, and He never stopped being faithful. What seemed impossible to them then was all a part of His plan.

The Shining Light

Jesus became the dawn that broke upon a waiting and hopeful people and filled their lives with light. He was and forever is the morning light that has graciously brought us forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life for all those who believe in Him. The day he was born of a virgin and laid in manger was the day the rest of creation shouted, “It’s go-time.” 

May we turn our faces towards the Light during this Advent season and walk forward in joy, knowing that dawn has broken on the world that was once walking in darkness.

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Haley Crabtree

Haley Crabtree

Haley is passionate about student ministry & mentorship, advocating for the marginalized, traveling the world, and she always looks forward to slow mornings filled with coffee and Jesus.

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