His Name Is… [English]


When it comes to God, one name just isn’t adequate enough to tell of His great character and mighty power. One name simply cannot contain our Savior. For four weeks leading up to Christmas, join the Love God Greatly community as we look at four names that reveal to us the greatness of Jesus. His name is… The Alpha and Omega. The Bright Morning Star. The Good Shepherd. The Prince of Peace.


“Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name…” – Philippians 2:9 When it comes to God, one name just isn’t adequate enough to tell of His great character and mighty power. One name simply cannot contain our Savior. For four weeks leading up to Christmas, join the Love God Greatly community as we look at four names that reveal to us the greatness of Jesus. His name is… The Alpha and Omega The Bright Morning Star The Good Shepherd The Prince of Peace Through studying the names of God, we get to know our Savior more fully and spend time adoring Him for who He is. God shows Himself to us through His names because of His great love for us. We, in turn, have the privilege of loving, worshiping, and resting in Him on an even deeper level during this reflective time of year.

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